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Yerevan comes out of the shadow (different)

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  • Yerevan comes out of the shadow (different)

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    October 4, 2004, Monday


    SOURCE: Krasnaya Zvezda, October 1, 2004, p. 4

    by Roman Streshnev

    In his interview last Wednesday Armenia's Defense Minister Serzhik
    Sarkisyan shed light on some aspects of military policy.

    Considerable attention was paid to Armenia's relations with Russia.
    In opinion of Sarkisyan, Russia has always been and is Armenia's
    major strategic ally. At the same time Serzhik Sarkisyan stressed
    that all rumors saying Armenia is breaking with Russia and wants to
    join NATO don't comply with reality and labeled them as "political
    agitation." "I've never, nor do I now want Armenia to join NATO," he
    noted. It would only be possible to say that Yerevan's priorities
    have altered in case Armenia announced its intention to pull out from
    the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and enter NATO.
    "Thanks to our involvement in the CSTO, many questions which must
    remain undisclosed are being discussed and solved positively," he

    Nevertheless, Armenia has been more active at joining various
    NATO-led projects. In opinion of Sarkisyan, "activation of
    Armenia-NATO relations now is only a wider use of the opportunities
    available." In his words, Armenia's intention to become a
    full-fledged member of the European family is the main goal of
    spurring up cooperation with NATO. "We continue deepening our
    cooperation with NATO and regard this cooperation as a component of
    Armenia's national security," Sarkisyan noted.

    Serzhik Sarkisyan's statement that Armenia is obliged to send its
    servicemen to Iraq matched the spirit of developing cooperation with
    Armenia's Western partners. "By its minor involvement Armenia must
    contribute to the cause of establishing stability in Iraq," he noted.
    The republican parliament must solve this issue. As is planned,
    Armenia will send to Iraq more than 30 military drivers, 10 field
    engineers, 6 technicians and 3 doctors.

    Similar approaches of the Armenian military leaders comply with the
    principle of complementariness in foreign policy. Its goal is
    extremely simple: enlist the support of Russia, the US and Europe in
    all directions significant for Yerevan, the Karabakh problem as well.

    The sides involved in the conflict are often announcing their
    belligerent statements of late. At the same time Sarkisyan said that
    Armenia does not want to resume military actions against Azerbaijan.
    In his words, neither is Yerevan interested in ceasing Azerbaijan's
    involvement in NATO-led Partnership for Peace program, which places
    some restricting commitments on Baku.