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BAKU: Visit of FM of Azerbaijan to Italy

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  • BAKU: Visit of FM of Azerbaijan to Italy

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    Oct 9 2004

    [October 09, 2004, 13:12:03]

    On 6-8 October, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar
    Mammadyarov on the invitation of senator of the Veneto region Mr.
    Juseppe Gaburro has been with an official visit to Italy.

    As was informed to AzerTAj from the press center of the ministry, the
    purpose of visit to Veneto consisted in carrying out of meetings with
    business circles of region, giving information on economic
    opportunities of Azerbaijan and carrying out discussions in the field
    of attraction of the local companies to Azerbaijan.

    At the city of Abano Terme, province of Padova, there started a
    conference on presentation of Azerbaijan. President of the province,
    heads of local law-enforcement bodies, Mayor of Abano city, rector of
    the Padova University, other officials attended the meeting held at
    the business center with participation of 100 companies. The Chamber
    of Commerce of Padova and the Azerbaijan-Italy Chamber of Commerce
    just functioning in Italy organized the event.

    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov in his remarks at the conference informed
    about important geo-politic and economic situation of Azerbaijan, its
    rich natural resources, the successes achieved at macroeconomic
    level, large power projects carried out in the country. Having noted,
    that development of non-oil sector is a priority question with a view
    of branching of economy in Azerbaijan, the Minister has stopped on
    the ample opportunities available in the field of agriculture,
    manufacture of chemical, textile-knitted wear, food production, in
    spheres of tourism, processing of leather, etc. He has emphasized
    wide experience of the small and medium companies of Italy in these
    spheres, has invited them to Azerbaijan. Then, the Minister has
    answered questions of participants of action.

    Elmar Mammadyarov has met in Venice Minister of Foreign Affairs of
    the Veneto region Ms. Marialuisa Coppola. At the meeting, discussed
    were the question of establishment of direct communications between
    Azerbaijan and Veneto, value of economic experience of Veneto.

    At the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of
    Vatican Juseppe Loyano, on 7 October, were held discussions on
    prospects of development of links, opportunities of opening in Baku
    of diplomatic representatives of the State of Vatican, the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh problem, and also exchange of
    vies on the international questions, in particular, position in Iraq
    and Afghanistan.

    The same day, Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov has met Minister of Foreign
    Affairs of Italy Franco Frattini. The sides have emphasized high
    level of relations between Azerbaijan and Italy in political,
    economic, humanitarian spheres, value of the further development of
    cooperation in the field of economy, in particular, in non-oil
    sector. Discussions also concerned meetings and actions, which will
    be carried out within the framework of the program of official visit
    of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Italy forthcoming in
    the first quarter 2005. At the meeting, the sides had exchange of
    views concerning peace settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict on the basis of norms and principles of
    international law, and also the general position on the Caucasus.

    At the meeting with chairman of the commission of foreign relations
    of the Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of Italy Gustavo Selva and
    Chairman of the Italian Senate Marcello Pero, discussed were issues
    of present state of relations between two countries and
    inter-parliamentary ties, the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh
    conflict, global political problems.