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Arafat condemns Israeli settlers' attack on Armenian archbishop

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  • Arafat condemns Israeli settlers' attack on Armenian archbishop

    Arafat condemns Israeli settlers' attack on Armenian archbishop

    Palestinian news agency Wafa web site, Gaza
    10 Oct 04

    to inquire about his health following an attack on him by Israeli
    settlers" published by Palestinian news agency Wafa web site

    Ramallah, 10 October: Yasir Arafat, PLO Executive Committee chairman
    and Palestinian National Authority president, this evening held
    a telephone conversation with Deputy Armenian Patriarch Archbishop
    Nurhan to inquire about his health following a sinful attack on him by
    a group of Israeli settlers this morning. The archbishop was assailed
    as he was leading the religious procession of the Orthodox Armenians.

    During the telephone conversation, the president stressed his
    condemnation of this act, which is in violation of all traditions
    and conventions and is a serious infringement upon the freedom of
    worship and a continuation of the Israeli policy of encroaching upon
    the freedom of worship and the Christian and Islamic shrines.

    A group of settlers assailed the religious procession of the Orthodox
    Armenians this morning. The procession set off from the Armenian
    Patriarchate and passed through Hebron Gate and Suwayqiyat Allun to
    reach the Christian neighbourhood where a mass was to be held at the
    Church of Holy Sepulchre in the holy city of Jerusalem. They ripped
    the cross off the archbishop's chest, slapped him and threw his mitre
    on the ground in an extremely aggressive way that showed disrespect
    for men of religion.