STEPANAKERT, October 11 (Noyan Tapan). On October 8, in Stepanakert,
NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian and Chairman of the republic's
National Assembly Oleg Yessayan met with the delegation of the
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). The delegation comprised
over a hundred of people who had arrived in Nagorno Karabakh from 24
countries of the world. According to the Information and Analytical
Depertment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the NKR, Noting in
his speech that the conflict with Azerbaijan was still going on in the
economic, cultural and political spheres, A. Ghoukassian stressed,
"We won the war with Azerbaijan, as Armenia and the Diaspora were
standing for us, and I consider the continuation of the cooperation
very important. If a recognized state has only one ambassador to every
country, the unrecognized ones, including Karabakh, have thousands of
them. I appoint you Karabakh Ambassadors to your countries". Touching
upon the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict settlement, the NKR President
noted the significance of the Diaspora's lobbying activity for the
problem resolution.
STEPANAKERT, October 11 (Noyan Tapan). On October 8, in Stepanakert,
NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian and Chairman of the republic's
National Assembly Oleg Yessayan met with the delegation of the
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). The delegation comprised
over a hundred of people who had arrived in Nagorno Karabakh from 24
countries of the world. According to the Information and Analytical
Depertment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the NKR, Noting in
his speech that the conflict with Azerbaijan was still going on in the
economic, cultural and political spheres, A. Ghoukassian stressed,
"We won the war with Azerbaijan, as Armenia and the Diaspora were
standing for us, and I consider the continuation of the cooperation
very important. If a recognized state has only one ambassador to every
country, the unrecognized ones, including Karabakh, have thousands of
them. I appoint you Karabakh Ambassadors to your countries". Touching
upon the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict settlement, the NKR President
noted the significance of the Diaspora's lobbying activity for the
problem resolution.