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U.N. World Food Program cuts aid to refugees in Azerbaijan

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  • U.N. World Food Program cuts aid to refugees in Azerbaijan

    U.N. World Food Program cuts aid to refugees in Azerbaijan

    AP Worldstream
    Oct 12, 2004

    The United Nations said Tuesday it was cutting its food aid program for
    tens of thousands of Azerbaijanis displaced by the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, a move government officials and rights groups warned would
    worsen the plight of refugees.

    Due to scarce funding, the U.N. World Food Program is forced to halve
    the ration of wheat flour it is providing to nearly 145,000 people
    displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, it said in a news release.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an enclave in Azerbaijan that has been under
    ethnic Armenian control since 1994, when a cease-fire ended a six-year
    war that killed some 30,000 people and drove a million from their
    homes. No permanent settlement has been reached in the conflict.

    "This harsh measure is unavoidable and could have serious implications,
    especially with winter coming, when food aid rations are most needed,"
    the U.N. statement said.

    Officials in Baku expressed concern over the decision.

    "Cutting the U.N. food program will have a pernicious effect on
    Azerbaijani refugees," a government official told The Associated
    Press on condition of anonymity.

    "We believe that until people return to their native lands, this
    U.N. program should continue running in full," the official said.

    Shargiya Dadasheva, head of Azerbaijan's Society for Helping Refugees
    and Internally Displaced People, lamented the move.

    "This will make the lives of refugees and internally displaced people
    even harder, since many of them, having no job and owning no land,
    are forced to live only on that aid," Dadasheva said.