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Russia retreats into repression

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  • Russia retreats into repression

    Russia retreats into repression
    By Ignacio Ramonet

    Le Monde diplomatique
    October 2004

    The hostage stand-off in Beslan, North Ossetia, was called Russia's
    9/11 and the comparison is valid in an important way: Russia can now
    see the world in terms of pre-Beslan and post-Beslan, just as the
    United States divides time into pre-and post-9/11, 2001. The mass
    hostage-taking on 3 September became a nightmare with at least 370
    people dead, some 160 of them children. The world looked on mortified
    as this slaughter of the innocents happened before its eyes; it was
    also horrified by the Russian special forces' brutal and blundering

    Beslan marks a turning point in the continuing wars of the Caucasus
    (see The Caucasian melting-pot heats up). The hostage takers had a
    frightening capacity for violence, but the security services' failure
    to prevent the tragedy was equally shocking. Beslan is the biggest
    crisis Vladimir Putin has faced since becoming Russia's president. It
    is not clear that he fully understands why this is so. "We must
    admit that we had not grasped the complexity and the severity of the
    processes under way in our own country and elsewhere in the world,"
    said Putin the day after the siege ended in disaster. This statement
    was meant to reinforce the idea that Russia shares an adversary in
    common with other nations - international terrorism, a euphemism for
    radical Islam, or what some call the worldwide Islamic jihad.

    This is the same tragic mistake that President George Bush made when he
    decided to attack Iraq in March 2003 as a way to combat al-Qaida. Like
    the Bush administration, Russia's government is now declaring a war
    and talking about the need for a strong state. This means sweeping
    and largely anti-democratic changes to Russia's political system
    (1), increased resources for the armed forces and increased powers
    to deploy them in pre-emptive strikes. "We will take all measures to
    liquidate terrorist bases in any region of the world," said Colonel
    General Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the military's general staff (2).

    What Putin and his government refuse to admit is that the rise of
    terrorism and radical Islam in Russia's territories in the Caucasus
    are both the symptoms of discontent and means of expression for
    primarily nationalist concerns. And history shows that nationalism is
    an exceptionally resilient and powerful source of political energy,
    as the Palestinians have demonstrated.

    Nationalism is probably the single most important force in modern
    history: colonialism, imperialism and totalitarianism failed to
    stamp it out. Nationalism makes any alliances necessary to further
    its cause. We are seeing this now in Afghanistan and Iraq, where
    nationalism and radical Islam are coming together in national
    liberation struggles that have created horrible forms of terrorism.

    The same thing is happening in Chechnya. From the start the Chechens
    were the strongest fighters against Russia's conquest of the
    Caucasus. They bravely resisted Russian occupation as early as 1918
    and then declared independence in 1991 as soon as the Soviet Union
    disintegrated. This led to the first Russo-Chechen war, which ended
    in August 1996 with the Chechens victorious - but Chechnya had been
    all but destroyed by the years of conflict.

    The Russian army invaded Chechnya again in 1999 after a wave
    of terrorist attacks. This second war completed the destruction
    interrupted in 1996. Russia then held local elections in Chechnya,
    making sure that all key positions were filled by people who would
    obey the Moscow line. But the Chechen resistance did not disarm. It
    continued to attack and the Russians continued their policy of violent
    repression (3).

    In the geopolitical context there are no easy solutions to the Chechen
    problem. The Russian authorities are less than pleased about the new
    economic and military ties between the US and Georgia and Azerbaijan,
    two independent countries just south of Chechnya. Moscow is beginning
    to feel like a superpower under siege, given Bush's recent decision
    to move German-based US forces closer to Russia - into Bulgaria,
    Romania, Poland and Hungary.

    Putin's response has been to maintain the Russian bases in Georgia
    and Azerbaijan, despite the opposition of their governments, and to
    reinforce Russia's alliance with Armenia, which is still illegally
    occupying part of Azerbaijan. He is also supporting separatist
    movements in the Georgian provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    Unable to defeat the Chechen resistance on the ground, the Russians
    intend to prove their continuing power in the greater Caucasus. They
    are haunted by their humiliation in Afghanistan, but losing to
    Chechnya's radical Islamists would be even more humiliating, since
    the total Chechen population is less than a million. Moreover it
    could easily trigger a chain reaction across the region, leading to
    further territorial losses for Russia. This is why Moscow so bluntly
    refuses to negotiate or to recognise a right to self-rule. But the
    brutal repression that goes with this policy is creating terrorist
    monsters prepared to commit terrible crimes.


    (1) Putin has announced that the 89 regional governors of the
    Russian federation will no longer be elected by universal suffrage,
    but chosen by local parliaments from candidates put forward by the
    federal presidency.

    (2) International Herald Tribune, Paris, 9 September 2004.

    (3) See Anna Politkovskaya, A Small Corner of Hell: dispatches from
    Chechnya, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2003.

    Translated by Gulliver Cragg