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BAKU: Norwegian minister hails Azerbaijan's stance on Europeancommit

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  • BAKU: Norwegian minister hails Azerbaijan's stance on Europeancommit

    Norwegian minister hails Azerbaijan's stance on European commitments

    Trend news agency
    14 Oct 04

    Baku, 13 October: Azerbaijan is honouring its commitments to the
    Council of Europe, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev told the visiting
    Norwegian foreign minister and the chairman of the Council of Europe
    Committee of Ministers, Jan Petersen, on 13 October, Trend reports.

    "We are doing it not only because we have assumed the commitments
    to your organization. This first of all confirms the policy towards
    democratizing our society," Aliyev said.

    Speaking about Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan, Aliyev
    repeated that Azerbaijan's position on the issue is in keeping with
    international legal norms and principles. Touching on the discussion
    of the issue by the Council of Europe, including by the Parliamentary
    Assembly, the president said Azerbaijan had always supported any
    discussions on the issue because it's position was fair.

    "When our country initiated the appointment of a Parliamentary Assembly
    of the Council of Europe [PACE] rapporteur for the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    Nagornyy-Karabakh conflict, as always Armenia opposed that, which
    clearly shows that it is not interested in informing the international
    community of the essence of the conflict," he added.

    Jan Petersen said that while in Baku he had held very productive
    meetings and added that the visit was of great importance from the
    standpoint of cooperati on between both Azerbaijan and Norway and
    between Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe.

    Pointing to the successful development of Azerbaijani-Norwegian
    relations, Petersen said it was particularly commendable in the
    economic sphere. Giving a positive assessment of the work of the
    Norwegian company Statoil in Azerbaijan, the minister expressed
    confidence that bilateral economic cooperation would expand not only
    in the oil and gas but in other sectors as well.

    Touching on Azerbaijan's relations with the Council of Europe,
    Petersen said Azerbaijan was treating its commitments to the Council
    of Europe not only as obligations but also as a way of furthering the
    country's democratic development. The visitor praised Azerbaijan for
    such an attitude and added that the development of such cooperation
    was equally important to Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe.