Trial against extremist group to be continued
By Yuliaya Andreyeva
ITAR-TASS News Agency
October 14, 2004 Thursday 2:40 AM Eastern Time
ST. PETERSBURG, October 14 -- The Leninsky federal court of
St. Petersburg will continue to consider the case against members
of the extremist youth group Schulz-88 whose the city prosecutor's
office charges with national and racial strife, public calls to the
forcible change of the constitutional order of Russia and involvement
of minors in criminal activities.
According to the version of the investigation, members of this group
committed several extremist actions in the city.
The court will consider the results of the psychiatric examination of
the main defendant and leader of the group Dmitry Bobrov, after that
pleadings in court will begin before handing down the verdict. The
court is held behind closed doors over the minority of some defendants.
Criminal proceedings were instituted after an attack on an Armenian
young man that was estimated as hooliganism at first but the motive
of national intolerance was exposed during the investigation.
According to the version of the investigation, the group was formed
several years ago and renovated completely for several times. During
the investigation videocassettes and extremist literature were
confiscated from the defendants.
By Yuliaya Andreyeva
ITAR-TASS News Agency
October 14, 2004 Thursday 2:40 AM Eastern Time
ST. PETERSBURG, October 14 -- The Leninsky federal court of
St. Petersburg will continue to consider the case against members
of the extremist youth group Schulz-88 whose the city prosecutor's
office charges with national and racial strife, public calls to the
forcible change of the constitutional order of Russia and involvement
of minors in criminal activities.
According to the version of the investigation, members of this group
committed several extremist actions in the city.
The court will consider the results of the psychiatric examination of
the main defendant and leader of the group Dmitry Bobrov, after that
pleadings in court will begin before handing down the verdict. The
court is held behind closed doors over the minority of some defendants.
Criminal proceedings were instituted after an attack on an Armenian
young man that was estimated as hooliganism at first but the motive
of national intolerance was exposed during the investigation.
According to the version of the investigation, the group was formed
several years ago and renovated completely for several times. During
the investigation videocassettes and extremist literature were
confiscated from the defendants.