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WAC Steadily Achieving Its Goals

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  • WAC Steadily Achieving Its Goals


    15 Oct 04

    Ara Abrahamian at Yerevan Economic Forum

    The World Armenian Congress (WAC) after its creation in October 2003
    passes complex process of organizational formation.

    However, despite the huge complexities on the way of consolidations of
    efforts of the Armenian communities and individuals, our organization
    step by step re alizes the purposes put by the Constituent Assembly
    of WAC. In May of the current year WAC organized a conference with
    participation of leading scientists from all over the world with the
    purpose of creation a Commission of Experts on Genocide at WAC, called
    to develop uniform pan-Armenian position on all questions connected
    with normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. First of all the
    Commission should define the period of time within which the Armenian
    Genocide was carried out and define the size of indemnifications for
    the caused damage and territorial claims to Turkish Republic.

    The staff of the Commission experts was confirmed at the Conference
    and the work began. It is coordinated by the Armenian Institute of
    International Law and Political Science in Moscow under the direction
    of professors Barsegov.

    However, as we emphasized the Constituent Assembly will fall short
    achieving serious successes in the issue of Genocide recognition
    and normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, to achieve a fair
    solution for Karabakh unless Armenians unite all efforts to support
    social and economic progress of Armenia. On the one hand, it requires
    involvement of Diaspora businessmen in economy of Armenia. On the
    other hand, Armenian economy and businessmen should urgently flow
    together with international business structures. Armenian economy and
    business should find its place in the international economic community.

    For achievement these two seemingly different purposes the WAC
    has undertaken steps both for establishing ties between Armenian
    businessmen in Diaspora itself and Diaspora with Armenia, and for
    creation of an international association for establishing direct
    business ties between leading companies worldwide. We opened
    the Pan-Russia Association for Foreign Economic Relations with the
    support of Russian authorities and with participation of Commercial and
    Industrial Chamber, together with Russian Union of Industrialists and
    Businessmen. Russian-Argentinean, Russian-South Korean Associations
    were organized around Pan-Russian. The Associations Russian- French,
    Russian-Brazilian, Russian-Italian are undergoing the process
    registration. Creation of Russian-Georgian, Russianâ^À^Ó Kazakh
    Associations is envisaged.

    Thus, WACâ^À^Ùs aim is not only to promote structural registration
    and consolidation of efforts of the Armenian businessmen in Diaspora
    but also to try to lift the Armenian business on a new qualitative
    level of foreign economic relations more appropriate to the present
    stage of globalization. Therefore at the forthcoming forum we shall
    discuss all issues concerning creation of Russian-Armenian Association
    as one of the links of global structure, covering the key figures of
    the international business community who are already involved in the
    International Association of Foreign Economic Relations.

    This Association does not replace but supplements existing functional
    mechanisms and successfully working institutes responsible
    for adjustment of business ties between businessmen of various
    countries. As a matter of fact, the given mechanism allows adjusting
    direct contacts between 50 leading companies representing each of
    the countries.

    Armenian businessmen and public figures of Armenia and Diaspora
    as well as members of governments and heads of associations of the
    businessmen of number of participating states take part in creation
    the global business structure at the Forum.

    I want to note, that the key purpose, which the World Armenian
    Congress puts before itself by holding the Forum, is developing and
    realizing concrete business projects assisting the social and economic
    development of Armenia as well as effective use of available political
    and economic potential of Diaspora and of international financial
    and economic structures.

    The Forum anticipates:

    1. Information from the Armenian government and local and international
    organizations on the current condition and prospects of development
    of Armenian economy, on investmentsâ^À^Ù rate and key sectors of
    economy that are most attractive for overseas investors.

    2. Discussion and formation of a new concept of Armeniaâ^À^Ùs
    participation in the system of the international economic relations and
    inclusion of Armenia in the global system foreign economic relations.

    3. Explanation of the concept, basic tasks and intermediate term
    programs of new structures of the World Armenian Congress: he Center
    of Strategic Researches and Investmentsâ^À^Ù Fund of Support of
    Small and Average Business.

    4. Search of the long-term partners for formulation and realization
    of the tasks and joint realization of a number of projects.

    Would like to look at the abovementioned tasks a bit closer.

    a. Participation of Armenia in the system of foreign economic
    relations. Transport communications problem and difficult geopolitical
    position of the region are the first stumbling blocks on the way of
    Armeniaâ^À^Ùs development. It is necessary to compensate these
    natural restrictions by more active participation of Armenia in the
    system of foreign economic relations. The Pan-Russia Association
    of Foreign Economic Relations, which is also the organizer of
    todayâ^À^Ùs Forum, can play an extremely important role in
    opening transport corridors for Armenia. The Association is called to
    systematize and to activate direct contacts in the system of economic
    relations between businessmen of various states.

    We assume to involve Georgia in the structure of the Association as
    well. In my report made recently at the economic forum in Tbilisi the
    issue of Yerevan-Moscow railway opening was lifted. I am sure that
    this issue can be settled if the interested sides make necessary
    efforts in this direction. The issue of railway opening should top
    the agenda of the countries bearing loss from the closed railway,
    i.e. Armenia, Georgia, Russia.

    b. Work of the Center of Strategic Researches of the WAC and
    Investmentsâ^À^Ù Fund of Support of Small and Average Business. The
    basic task of the Center of Strategic Researches will be defining key
    problems of development of Armeniaâ^À^Ùs and Diasporaâ^À^Ùs
    political, economic, social and cultural spheres, researches into
    these spheres and elaborating of programs and projects for improving
    the spheres.

    The Investment Fund of Support of Small and Average Business is the
    second major institute, which will promote realization of both programs
    developed by the Center and separate business projects. Some business
    projects will be presented to the Forum to get done by 2005. WAC
    hopes to find partners among Armenian and foreign businessmen to
    reach this goal.

    This Forum is our first step on the way of uniting all efforts
    of Armenian businessmen and international financial and economic
    structures with the perspective of realization both average and
    wide-range economic projects that brace economy of our fatherland. I
    am sure that we will not stop here.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress