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ANCA: Congressional Candidates Continue to Speak Out on Armenian Iss

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  • ANCA: Congressional Candidates Continue to Speak Out on Armenian Iss

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]


    October 14, 2004
    Contact: Serouj Aprahamian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Incumbents and Challengers Reach out to Armenian American
    Voters through the ANCA Candidate Questionnaire

    "I will continue to support a strong
    U.S.-Armenian relationship. Our nations
    stand together, determined to create a
    future of peace, prosperity, and freedom
    for the citizens of both countries,
    regions, and the world."
    ­ Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ-5)

    WASHINGTON, DC - In the final weeks before the November 2nd
    elections, Congressional candidates from around the nation continue
    to submit Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Candidate
    Questionnaires outlining their views on Armenian American issues.

    The ANCA questionnaires were sent to over 1,000 Congressional
    candidates throughout the country as part of this election cycle's
    ANCA voter education drive. Copies of both the Congressional and
    Presidential questionnaires can be downloaded by visiting the ANCA
    website at Also provided on this website are sample
    cover letters and instructions for forwarding the questionnaires to

    The ANCA's election year voter education campaign helps inform
    Armenian Americans about the policy issues impacting Armenia,
    Nagorno Karabagh, and the Armenian American community. The
    campaign also provides timely and reliable information on the
    records and views of the candidates seeking Armenian American
    votes, while encouraging increased civic participation in local,
    state, and national elections.

    The Questionnaire features nine questions about recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide; U.S. support for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh;
    U.S.-Armenia economic relations; Self-determination for Nagorno
    Karabagh; Conditions on U.S. aid to Azerbaijan; the Turkish
    blockade of Armenia, and; the U.S. subsidy of the Baku-Ceyhan
    pipeline bypass of Armenia.

    Provided below are several recent responses from Congressional
    candidates throughout United States.

    Question 1: The Armenian Genocide

    Do you support Congressional initiatives and resolutions to
    commemorate the Armenian Genocide?

    Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA-53): We must recognize and condemn all acts
    of genocide against all races. I have supported resolutions in
    Congress doing so. The international community must also address
    ways to prevent future genocides and work to stop current

    Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL-19): Congress plays an important role in
    insuring that the Armenian Genocide is not overlooked or forgotten.
    I am proud to play my role and will do all I can to help remember
    the 1.5 million Armenians who were massacred.

    Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI-5): The fate of one and a half
    million Armenians at the hands of Young Turks in the early part of
    the 20th Century remains one of the darkest moments in the history
    of the world. I have long recognized the genocide inflicted upon
    the Armenian people. This is why as Chairman of the House
    Judiciary committee, I cosponsored and expeditiously voted out of
    my committee, legislation affirming America's support of the
    Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987. Although we cannot
    do anything about the people who were murdered, we can remember the
    events that transpired, and honor the citizens of Armenia by
    commemorating the Armenian Genocide.

    Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN-4): The atrocities committed against the
    Armenian people between 1915 and 1923 must be recognized for what
    they were: genocide. I believe that the truth about the Armenian
    Genocide should be understood by all and officially acknowledged by
    the United States government, as well as the Turkish government.
    If we continue to react with silence regarding these events and are
    unwilling to stand up and publicly condemn these atrocities, we
    effectively give our approval to abuses of power such as the
    Armenian Genocide.

    Question 2: U.S. Support for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh

    Do you support U.S. aid and other bilateral programs to strengthen
    Armenia's independence?

    Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ-9): As a Member of the Foreign Operations
    Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, I will continue
    to work to ensure that Armenia receives the assistance it needs to
    become a flourishing and self-sufficient country.

    House Candidate Bill Federer (R-MO-3): Yes. Armenia has a long
    and noble history as its own nation!

    Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI-6): I am a proud member of the Armenian
    Issues Caucus and support US aid to Armenia.

    Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-18): I fully support maintaining a
    high level of economic assistance, along with the necessary
    military and humanitarian assistance to Armenia, both to help the
    country overcome the dual blockade which continues to impede
    Armenia's economic well-being, as well as to continue the shift in
    U.S. assistance programs, away from humanitarian goals to longer
    term development ones.

    Question 3: U.S. Support for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh

    Do you support continued U.S. developmental and humanitarian
    assistance to Nagorno Karabagh?

    Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI-Senate): Yes, Nagorno-Karabagh needs
    continued developmental and humanitarian assistance from the U.S.,
    especially due to the damaging blockades of trade and assistance
    imposed by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    Rep. Thaddeus McCottter (R-MI-11): Definitely. The NK region
    needs our help to not only grow, but to combat the economic
    consequences of the blockades.

    Question 4: U.S. – Armenia Economic Relations

    Do you support expanding the U.S.-Armenia economic relations,
    including extending permanent normal trade relations for Armenia
    and negotiating a Social Security Agreement and Tax Treaty?

    Senate Candidate Inez Tenenbaum (D-SC-Senate): I will support the
    right of Armenians everywhere to live in a peaceful, democratic,
    and secure society.

    Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA-7): The ascension of Armenia to the World
    Trade Organization will begin to stabilize trade relations with the
    United States. It is a step in the right direction because free
    trade with Armenia will have a positive effect on not only the
    economy of that country but that of the United States as well. All
    free trade promotes job creation and economic growth throughout the
    world; by helping Armenia we are helping the American economy

    Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL-19): I support extending permanent normal
    trade relations between the United States and Armenia as a means of
    strengthening the bonds and the commitment between our nations.

    Question 5: Self-Determination for Nagorno Karabagh

    Do you support Nagorno Karabagh's right to self-determination
    within secure borders?

    House Candidate Robert M. Neeld (D-FL-14): Yes. Security would
    help stabilize the region and allow a return of local culture.

    Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC-2): I believe Azerbaijan should stop the
    economic blockade of Armenia and believe Armenians should have the
    right to live within secure borders in a democratic society.

    House Candidate Joe Driscoll (D-PA-15): The Congress, in the
    fiscal year 2003 foreign aid bill, should encourage the
    Administration to deliver previously appropriated aid to Nagorno
    Karabagh in a timely manner, and to allocate no less than $10
    million specifically for reconstruction and economic development
    activities to help the people of Nagorno Karabagh recover.

    Question 6: Conditions on U.S. Aid to Azerbaijan

    Do you support maintaining Section 907 as a statement of U.S.
    opposition to Azerbaijan's blockades?

    Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA-13): I support maintaining Section 907 until
    Azerbaijan removes the threat of any blockades against Armenia and

    Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI-11): Yes. Azerbaijan must be held
    accountable for their actions­economic injustice must not be
    rewarded. I signed a letter to President Bush asking for parity in
    foreign military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan, maintaining the
    intent and the language of the Section 907.

    Question 7: The Turkish Blockade of Armenia

    Do you support legislative and other means to encourage Turkey to
    end its blockade of Armenia?

    Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40): Yes. Turkey's blockade has inflated
    Armenia's transportation costs by 30-35%, stifling its trade and
    economy. I have written to the President asking that he reiterate
    his Administration's position to the Turkish government that the
    blockade be lifted.

    Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI-11): Turkey, too, must be held
    accountable, both for the Genocide of the past, and their blockades
    of today. The world must never forget what they did and what they
    still try to do today.

    Question 8: The Turkish Blockade of Armenia

    Do you support linking U.S. arms sales/transfers to Turkey to its
    blockade of Armenia, occupation of Cyprus, mistreatment of Kurds,
    restrictions on Christian communities, and human rights record?


    House Candidate Joe Driscoll (D-PA-15): Congress should carefully
    scrutinize proposed sales and transfers of U.S. military hardware
    to Turkey, and ensure strict enforcement of Code of Conduct
    legislation limiting arms sales to regimes, including Turkey, that
    violate human rights or engage in aggression against neighboring

    Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI-8): I support conditions on U.S. arms sales
    to any nation that is in violation of international law and
    disregards human rights.

    Question 9: U.S. Subsidy of Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline Bypass

    Do you oppose U.S. taxpayer subsidies for a Baku-Ceyhan pipeline
    route that avoids Armenia?

    Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN-4): The United States should not
    subsidize any oil or gas pipeline in the South Caucasus that is
    against the interests of U.S. taxpayers and fails to advance the
    U.S. goal of helping Armenia advance toward a more prosperous
    economic future.

    Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA-43): I believe Armenia is a safe site for the
    pipeline and it would be a boom to economic development.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress