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ENI: Spitting triggers Jewish-Christian tension in Jerusalem

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  • ENI: Spitting triggers Jewish-Christian tension in Jerusalem

    Ecumenical News International
    Daily News Service
    14 October 2004

    Spitting triggers Jewish-Christian tension in Jerusalem's Old City

    By Michele Green

    Jerusalem, 14 October (ENI)--Tensions in Jerusalem's Old City
    have flared following an incident in which a Jewish seminary
    student spat at an archbishop during a procession from the city's
    Armenian Quarter to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a site
    commemorating Jesus' crucifixion and burial.

    Israeli police arrested the seminary student, but Christian
    clerics living in the walled Old City say such assaults by
    ultra-Orthodox Jews is a frequent occurrence.

    "It happens maybe once a week," Armenian Bishop Aris Shirvanian
    told Ecumenical News International. "As soon as they notice a
    Christian clergyman they spit. Those who are 'respectful' turn
    their backs to us or the large cross that we may carry but the
    ones that are daring either spit on the ground or on the person
    without any provocation on our part."

    In the incident on Sunday, a cross was ripped from the
    archbishop's neck when a scuffle broke out after the Jewish
    seminary student spat at the cleric. The seminary student later
    told police he had done it because he saw the religious
    procession as idolatry. Police said the man had been temporarily
    banned from visiting the Old City and that he had been placed on
    bail pending an indictment.

    Bishop Shirvanian said spitting against Christian clergyman had
    been going on for years and that the assailants were religious
    Jews, sometimes men but also women, teenagers and even children.
    "This shows that it is a phenomenon that is prevailing in their
    religious education and it should be corrected," he said.

    Daniel Rossing, director of the Jerusalem Center for
    Jewish-Christian relations, said his organization was collating
    accounts of spitting incidents so they could approach rabbis and
    demand they teach their congregants to stop such attacks.

    "All people are created in the image of God and to spit on
    another person is to spit on the image of God," Rossing said. He
    said that usually the assailants were ultra-Orthodox Jews and the
    victims were "people wearing liturgical vestments or are wearing
    a manifest Christian symbol such as a cross". Rossing said he
    believed the attacks were carried out due to intolerance towards
    Christians by ultra-Orthodox Jews as well as to anger from
    religious persecution in past centuries.

    Israeli police spokesman Gil Kleiman said few Christians file
    complaints with police about such assaults and unless they did it
    was impossible to arrest and prosecute the assailants.

    "We can only act when we have been informed by a complainant.
    When we do know about it we act immediately to arrest the person
    who did it and bring them to justice," Kleiman said.

    The Israeli newspaper Haaretz said in a 12 October editorial: "It
    is intolerable that Christian citizens of Jerusalem suffer from
    the shameful spitting at or near a crucifix. Similar behaviour
    toward Jews anywhere in the world would immediately prompt
    vehement responses." [482 words]

    All articles (c) Ecumenical News International
    Reproduction permitted only by media subscribers and
    provided ENI is acknowledged as the source.

    Ecumenical News International
    PO Box 2100
    CH - 1211 Geneva 2

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress