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Moscow attempting to resume smuggling across S. Ossetia - Georgia

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  • Moscow attempting to resume smuggling across S. Ossetia - Georgia

    Moscow attempting to resume smuggling across S. Ossetia - Georgia

    Interfax, Russia
    Oct 15 2004

    Tbilisi. (Interfax) - The Georgian president's envoy in Shida Kartli
    area Mikheil Kareli believes that Russia is attempting to channel
    cargo and passengers from Russia to Armenia via South Ossetia in an
    effort to reestablish a smuggling route and allow Ossetian separatist
    to obtain funds.

    Georgian authorities will not allow transport links between Armenia
    and Russia across South Ossetia, he said.

    Cargo may also be channeled across South Ossetia so as to set Georgia
    and Armenia against each other, Kareli said on Thursday.

    For the third day in a row, the Georgian police have not allowed a
    bus carrying 36 passengers en route from Moscow to Yerevan to pass
    through a checkpoint in the village of Ergneti because the carrier
    has not cleared the transit with the Georgian authorities, an official
    in the Georgian Interior Ministry told Interfax.