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BAKU: Oskanyan distorts Karabakh- related facts

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  • BAKU: Oskanyan distorts Karabakh- related facts

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Oct 15 2004

    [October 14, 2004, 20:23:54]

    Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan
    released a statement on October 14 to comment on the interview
    concerning Nagorno-Karabakh settlement given by Armenian Foreign
    Minister Vardan Oskanyan in his usual manner to the county's Public

    The statement in particular says it was the Armenian Minister's one
    more attempt to mystify the Key West talks by citing to a certain
    " the only way" allegedly agreed by both sides, and implying that
    Karabakh will not be a part of Azerbaijan.

    "The Azerbaijani side stated more than once, and today we once again
    suggest Mt. Oskayan to find better application of his persistence and
    stop playing Key West games; we hereby reaffirm that no agreements
    were reached on the issues discussed in Key West, the statement says.

    It is Armenia that demonstrates its "unique abilities" to violate
    scot-free the agreements reached, the statement says, recalling the
    dismissal of former Armenian President Ter-Petrosyan who had then
    accepted the OSCE Co-chairs' plan of step-by-step settlement of
    the conflict, which implied in the first stage a withdrawal of the
    Armenian armed forces form the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
    "The Azerbaijani side also remember other phase of the peace process
    when President Kocharyan okayed in principle the transfer of a part
    of Armenia's territory to Azerbaijan that resulted in fusillade in
    the Armenian parliament," the statement says.

    It also stresses that the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh cannot a
    subject of compromise, it is an integral part of the Azerbaijan
    Republic, and that compromises are possible only in relation to the
    status of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Azerbaijan does not put forward any innovations; there is a rich
    and useful European experience of self-government. A different
    approach provokes dangerous tendencies, and the multinational South
    Caucasus region is not the only one that can face their unpredictable
    consequences, the statement concludes.