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BAHRAIN: Israel's total disregard for religions

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  • BAHRAIN: Israel's total disregard for religions

    Israel's total disregard for religions

    Bahrain Tribune
    Oct 15 2004

    Israel said on Wednesday it would severely limit the access of Muslim
    worshippers to Jerusalem's holiest site, Al Aqsa Mosque compound,
    during the holy month of Ramadhan, claiming it could collapse. Angry
    Muslims dismissed Israel's claims, saying Arab engineers assured
    them Al Aqsa Mosque compound was stable. They accused Israel of
    exaggerating the danger in hopes of increasing its control over the
    site, which is administered by the Islamic Trust.

    The sacred hilltop is one of the most sensitive spots in the
    Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's
    visit to the holy complex led to the Intifada in 2000 which escalated
    into the current round of fighting. Egyptian and Jordanian engineers
    who inspected the walls said that there is no real danger. In another
    recent case, a Jewish seminary student attacked an Armenian archbishop
    carrying a cross in a procession. He spat on the Archbishop and broke
    the cross. Christian clergymen frequently complain about harassment
    by Jews but no action is taken. Even the Israeli government harasses
    the churches by holding up visa requests for clergymen.

    Any fair observer will undoubtedly deduct from these acts that Israel
    has no respect for Muslim or Christian faiths. The Muslim world at
    least has the guts to make noises by complaining to anyone who is
    willing to listen about Israel's actions against non-Jewish holy
    places and religious men, but the so-called Christian world always
    remains silent even when Israel and Israelis abuse their clergy or
    the cross - the symbol of their faith.

    Adding insult to injury we hear the leaders of America's Christian
    Evangelists giving their unshakable support to Israel. One cannot
    help but ask these people: do they believe in the same Christ that the
    rest of the Christian world believes? Is the cross the symbol of their
    Christianity or they have another symbol - the Star of David maybe?

    If the West is reluctant to stand with the Muslim world in safeguarding
    the Islamic holy places, shouldn't they at least try to protect their
    own holy places and give support to their clergymen by taking Israel
    to task?

    Israel's complete disregard of the two monotheistic religions has been
    exposed time and time again. Never in the history of Arab Islamic
    rule of the holy city has there ever been such abuse of the holy
    places or the clergymen. On the contrary, The Jerusalem Christians
    have only seen respect and protection from their Islamic rulers.

    Israel is refusing to return the holy city to its rightful owner,
    the Palestinians, and the world is tacitly complying with the Israeli
    consent although they are not open about it, undoubtedly hoping that
    during a final status agreement with the Palestinians Israel will
    manage to hold on to the holy city.

    Will the world, specifically the Christian world, be happy to see
    its holy places in the hands of a country like Israel which abuses
    all non-Jewish holy places and clergymen without a blink on an eye?