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Armenian Church Canadian Diocese Newsonline 15/10/2004

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  • Armenian Church Canadian Diocese Newsonline 15/10/2004

    Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
    Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
    615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
    Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
    Email; [email protected]
    October 15, 2004


    On Sunday October 10, Bishop Bagrat Galstanian presided over the Holy
    Badarak held in St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral of Montreal on
    the occasion of the feast of Holy Translators, which is also designated
    by the Primate as Day of Blessing of Cultural Workers. This year's
    category of cultural workers consisted of authors of books.

    At the termination of the Divine Liturgy Rev. Fr. Vazgen Boyadjyan,
    Pastor, invited 15 authors of books to advance before the Altar,
    where Primate Galstanian addressed them in the spirit of the Holy
    Translators, who built up the Armenian Golden Age in the 5th century
    and left the most enduring legacy of the Armenian identity. After the
    authors read the Oath of Cultural Workers, the traditional ceremony
    of blessing was conducted, as the Primate touched the head of each
    author by his Cross.

    Following the ceremonies, the congregation gathered in the Marie
    Manoogian Hall, where a program dedicated to the Holy Translators
    was organized by the editorial board of Pourastan, the church's
    periodical. MC. Dr. H. Arzoumanian talked briefly about the profound
    changes in the Armenian people's spiritual life that started with
    St. Gregory the Illuminator in 301, embedded by St. Mesrob Mashdots
    (the inventor of the Armenian alphabet) in 404, and peaked by the
    Translators (5th Century), who laid the foundations of the Armenian
    spiritual and cultural identity for the following thousands of years.

    The first speaker was Ms. Armine Keushgerian, a scholar and author,
    who reminded that October has been designated as the month of culture,
    and talked about the foremost translator Yeznig of Goghpa. The
    translators, she said, were not merely transferring a text from
    the Greek original into Armenian, but they were also scholars,
    theologians and educators. The second speaker, Mr. Nourhan Ouzounian,
    a noted intellectual, spoke about different translations of the Bible,
    quoting international experts who designate the Armenian translation
    as "The Queen of Translations". The speaker then deliberated on the
    first printing of the Armenian Bible in Amsterdam by Vosgan Yerevantsi
    in 1666, shortly after Gutenberg's invention of the print. A short
    program of three songs were rendered by the church's children's
    choir directed by Mr. Varoujan Markarian. Fr. Vazgen thanked the
    participants and Bishop Galstanian gave his blessing. A reception by
    the Parish Council followed.

    * * *


    Long time members and sponsors of Canadian Diocese and Holy Trinity
    Armenian Apostolic Church of Toronto Mr. & Mrs. Kerim and Louisa Kerim
    have donated artwork posters to the Diocese of the Armenian Church. The
    posters are prints of limited editions of Mr. Kerim Kerim's artwork
    called Revival of the Decorative Art of Armenian Monumental Khatchkars.

    It is Mr. Kerim's wish to give the donated posters as gifts to Sunday
    School students and to the junior choir members for their regular
    attendance and special achievements.

    On behalf of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian we thank Mr. and
    Mrs. Kerims and pray the Almighty God to grant them good health and
    abundant blessings.

    * * *


    Upon the directive and instructions of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
    Galstanian, Primate the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada,
    for the first time ever, an Armenian Cultural Festival has been
    organized on the occasion of the Feast of Holy Translators. The
    planned celebrations extend through this weekend.

    On Friday night, the opening ceremony will be held at Marie Manoogian
    hall of St Gregory the Illuminator cathedral. Mayor of the City of
    Montreal. His Worship Gerald Tremblay as well as the President of
    the Borough of Outremont Mr. Stephan Harbour will be the honorary
    guests. Books about Armenian history, culture and art will be on
    exhibition and for sale. The next day, Saturday, October 16, a
    piano concert will be held at St Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral
    in Montreal (starting 19:30) performed by Souren Barry with the
    participation of "Gomidas" Church Choir directed by Varoujan Margaryan.

    * * *


    His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian met with the Ladies' Auxiliary
    Committee for Social Services together with the pastor of St. Gregory
    the Illuminator Armenian Church Rev. Fr Vazgen Boyajyan.

    The meeting was held upon the request of the Ladies' Auxiliary on
    Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at the Diocesan headquarters. The committee
    members asked the Primate's views and visions regarding the mission of
    the Ladies' Auxiliary. Serpazan talked extensively on the importance
    of their mission, made several suggestions to further consolidate
    their services and encouraged them to keep on serving our people. They
    agreed to meet on a monthly basis in order to review the progress of
    the reform plan.

    * * *


    In August 2004 the Press Office of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church
    Canadian Diocese requested the faithful to pray for the health of
    Maritsa Rina Laleyan- Yemenidjian.

    Mrs. Laleyan was in deep coma at Sacre Coeur Hospital in Montreal. The
    family, friends and many other fellow Christians sent prayer notes
    and caring thoughts to the Yemenidjian family.

    Today, we inform you with deep spiritual joy that Mrs Yemenidjian's
    health has started to improve. We ask once again for your prayers
    for her full recovery.

    The power of prayer will bring miracles to Maritsa Rina
    Laleyan-Yemenidjian. She is in need of our support through this
    prayer request.

    * * *


    On October 15, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and
    Catholicos of All Armenians, during a meeting with the Brotherhood
    of Holy Etchmiadzin, announced that he was departing for the Russian
    Federation to join the Armenian community of Moscow as they celebrate
    the 75th Anniversary of the birth of His Holiness Alexey II, Patriarch
    of Moscow and All Russia, head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
    During his two-day visit to Moscow, the Catholicos of All Armenians
    will also offer the service of Blessing the Foundation of the new Holy
    Cross Armenian Cathedral and Diocesan Headquarters for the Armenian
    Diocese of New Nakhijevan and Russia.

    In the course of the meeting, His Holiness reflected on the recent news
    that the "Jehovah's Witnesses" religious organization has received
    official registration by the state authorities of the Republic of
    Armenia, and expressed his concern at the registration of yet another
    totalitarian cult. His Holiness stated that attempts to justify the
    registration of this destructive group are unacceptable, and regards
    as disingenuous and unfair the accusations that the Armenian Church
    and her clergy are weak and incomplete in their pastoral ministry.
    "The Holy Armenian Apostolic Church has a mission to serve, and
    notwithstanding all difficulties and challenges, will bring all of
    her efforts to realizing that sacred mission in the lives of our
    people", stated His Holiness. The Pontiff of All Armenians expressed
    his appreciation to all faithful sons and daughters of the Armenian
    Church who have displayed concern and devotion regarding this issue.

    Accompanying His Holiness during his visit to the Russian Federation
    are His Grace Bishop Navasard Kjoyan, Vicar General of the Araratian
    Pontifical Di ocese; His Grace Bishop Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor
    of the Mother See; and Rev. Fr. Mushegh Babayan, Staff-bearer of
    His Holiness.

    * * *


    Sunday, October 10, was a joyous day in the life of the Armenian
    Church. During the celebration of Divine Liturgy, the vast St. Gregory
    the Illuminator Mother Cathedral of Yerevan was filled with faithful,
    family and friends, as nineteen deacons of the Armenian Church
    were anointed and ordained into the Holy Order of Priesthood by
    His Grace Bishop Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See
    of Holy Etchmiadzin. His Holiness, Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch
    and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided during this unprecedented
    historic event. This marked the first occasion in memory that so many
    faithful sons of the Armenian Church were ordained to the priesthood
    at one time. In order to accommodate this large number of ordinates,
    the ordination service was moved from the Mother Cathedral of Holy
    Etchmiadzin to St. Gregory. Six of the deacons are graduates of the
    Gevorkian Theological Seminary, one is a graduate of the St. James
    Theological Seminary of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and
    twelve are the first graduates from the Accelerated Academic Course
    for the Priesthood, under the auspices of the Mother See of Holy

    The Accelerated Academic Course for the Priesthood was a new program
    in stituted by His Holiness more than two years ago to select
    individuals with higher educations who wished to bring their service
    to the Armenian Church and Nation as priests. The Course had strict
    and difficult entrance requirements: The candidates must have the
    recommendation of their Diocesan Primates, a minimum of a bachelors
    degree from an institution of higher learning, and passed the entrance
    and subsequent exams, maintaining exemplary grades throughout the
    two and a half year program. The main target of the program was to
    reach out to the rural villages and settlements that are in dire need
    of priests. The first twelve graduates who became priests were among
    the most highly educated of the students. Among them are an architect,
    a physicist, a composer, a psychologist, an accountant, a historian,
    scientists and instructors.

    On the evening prior to the ordination, a public examination of the
    candidates' profession of faith was conducted in the Mother Cathedral
    of Yerevan. The sponsoring priests testified for the spiritual and
    religious training and virtues of the candidates. The candidates
    unanimously rejected and anathematized the heretics and schismatics
    and vowed to follow the true faith of Jesus Christ, the Apostles and
    the Armenian Patriarchs. As a sign of their orthodox faith, they
    recited the dogmatic creed of the Armenian Church, written by St.
    Gregory of Datev, and vowed to remain faithful to the hierarchy of
    the Armenian Church and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

    The following morning, during the Divine Liturgy, the candidates
    ascended to the Holy Altar of the Cathedral with the recitation
    of psalms. Rev. Fr. Vardan Navasardian, assistant to the Grand
    Sacristan of the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, had organized
    a team of deacons to assist their brothers in their vesting. After
    removing their stoles from each individual deacon, they were placed
    back around the ordinates necks, and turning westward to the faithful,
    they raised their hands as a sign of their renunciation from secular
    life and devotion to a spiritual one. The ordaining bishop anointed
    the foreheads and palms of both hands of each new priest with Holy
    Chrism (Muron) and gave them new names. The faithful present awaited
    each new name in hushed yet eager anticipation.

    Deacon Artur Hovhanissian became Father Aristakes;
    Deacon Hovhannes Baghalian became Father Vrtanes;
    Deacon Ararat Nurijanian became Father Husik;
    Deacon Arman Shahnazarian became Father Nerses;
    Deacon Mher Ghahramanian became Father Gyut;
    Deacon Arman Simonian became Father Norayr;
    Deacon Husik Hayrapetian became Father Babken;
    Deacon Hovhannes Vahanian became Father Moushé;
    Deacon Gagik Babayan became Father Mashtots;
    Deacon Haik Petrosian became Father Ghazar;
    Deacon Artur Sargisian became Father Smbat;
    Deacon Artur Dravants became Father Matteos;
    Deacon Arayik Mkrtchian became Father Manuel;
    Deacon Vahan Andreasian became Father Tovmas;
    Deacon Karlen Ghazarian became Father Arakel;
    Deacon Vladimir Galsdian became Father Yeznik;
    Deacon Garnik Arakelian became Father Simeon;
    Deacon Hovhannes Sargisian became Father Pavstos;
    Deacon Vachagan Babayan became Father Anania;

    Following their anointing, His Grace Bishop Arshak presented the
    chalice used to prepare Holy Communion to the newly ordained priests,
    transferring to them the power and right to celebrate the Divine
    Liturgy and distribute the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to
    the faithful. While the kiss of peace was joyfully being distributed
    among the thousands of faithful, His Holiness Karekin II led the
    procession of bishops, members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin,
    and visiting clergy from a number of dioceses, as they ascended
    the bema and conveyed their congratulations by kissing the anointed
    foreheads and hands of the new priests. In attendance for the service
    were Their Eminences Archbishop Datev Sarkissian and Archbishop David
    Sahakian of the Mother See; Archbishop Grigoris Buniatian, Primate
    of the Armenian Diocese of the Ukraine; Archbishop Mesrob Krikorian,
    Pontifical Legate to Central Europe; His Grace Bishop Arakel Karamian,
    Primate of the Diocese of Kotayk; Very Rev. Fr. Derenik Davitian, Locum
    Tenens of the Diocese of Gegharkunik; Rev. Fr. Archpriest Yeghishé
    Sargisian, Dean of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary; Rev. Fr.
    Mkrtich Proshian, Dean of the Vaskenian Seminary of Lake Sevan;
    members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin; visiting Armenian
    priests from the United States and Europe; visiting clergymen from
    sister Churches and denominations; deacons and seminarians.

    Also in attendance for this special occasion were benefactors of the
    Mother See, Mr. and Mrs. Haroutiun Arslanian, from Beirut, Lebanon,
    as well as the "Holy Etchmiadzin Ladies Society" of Beirut, Lebanon.

    * * *