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The Caucasus Boomerang

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  • The Caucasus Boomerang

    Agency WPS
    What the Papers Say. Part B (Russia)
    October 14, 2004, Thursday


    SOURCE: Nezavisimaya Gazeta-Dipkurier, No. 12 (75), October 2004, pp.
    1, 11

    Anatoly Gordienko, Roman Ukolov

    It's a trend: waves of retaliatory violence sweep Russia in the
    wake of every major terrorist act. There is another trend as well:
    this anger is usually directed against people from the Caucasus. The
    atrocity in St. Petersburg, where skinheads murdered a Tajik girl, is
    probably the only exception. Usually, however, it is people from the
    Caucasus who become the target. In the wake of the February bombing
    in the Moscow metro, skinheads smashed up several stores belonging
    to people from the Caucasus and battered a dozen newcomers. There
    were many more attacks like that after the Rizhskaya explosion and
    the tragedy in Beslan. Just about everyone - Armenians, Azerbaijanis,
    Georgians - were attacked. Dzhamshid Amirov of Azerbaijan, a lawyer
    with Mosyurtsentr, was murdered in Moscow. Forensic experts say
    that Amirov was repeatedly stabbed. Moreover, Russian provinces are
    following in the wake of Moscow skinheads and bigots. Several cafes
    owned by Armenians and Azerbaijanis were smashed up in Yekaterinburg.
    One was killed, two hospitalized. A teenage gang assaulted and
    battered an Azerbaijan in Surgut on September 23. Shortly before
    that, local skinheads attacked six people from the Caucasus. Three
    died in the fight, and three were injured. Blood is usually shed
    in such incidents, but not necessarily. Three summer cafes burned
    down at Ostankino Park in Moscow not long ago. Specialists say it
    was arson. The owners of the cafes, who are from Azerbaijan, deny
    that the underworld was involved. Witnesses saw groups of aggressive
    youths in the vicinity shortly before the incident.

    Similar incidents took place in Uglich, Krasnoarmeisk, and some other
    Russian cities and towns where existence of skinheads had never
    even been suspected. The incident in Moscow metro in September is
    particularly revealing. Youths aged 16 to 20 entered a train carriage
    and assaulted a Tajik, an Azerbaijan, and an Armenian - screaming
    "This is for the terrorist attacks!" Some of the assailants were
    detained, criminal charges were laid. How many similar incidents have
    never made it to public awareness is anyone's guess.

    According to official data, crime police divisions of the Interior
    Ministry throughout Russia have recorded 398 extremist groups,
    totalling about 19,500 members. One hundred and nineteen of them
    call themselves skinheads. Ethnic-related crimes are something law
    enforcement agencies prefer to avoid. In fact, even the existence of
    skinhead gangs was denied until recently. Off the record, however,
    police admit the gravity of the problem.

    An officer of the criminal police division of the Moscow Municipal
    Directorate of Internal Affairs said, "An extremist or any other
    organization exists when it has the boss, structure, charter, tasks,
    and objectives. An organization like that may be outlawed, and its
    leaders may find themselves facing charges. Otherwise, an organization
    like that is referred to as "men from District 3" and looking for
    leaders and ideologists there is a waste of time - there are only
    implementators. Whenever there is no organization, there are but
    "individuals" who express their protest against something in so ugly
    a manner. Why they choose this particular form of protest is not a
    question to us. The Criminal Code doesn't say a word about shaven
    heads. We cannot jail a person for shaving his head, can we?"

    Invocation of Article 282 of the Criminal Code (incitement of
    ethnic hatred) is another problem. More often than not skinheads or
    whatever they call themselves are tried under articles pertaining
    to hooliganism.

    Vladimir Pribylovsky, president of the Panorama Information and
    Surveys Center, says that ethnic groups as such do not fight one
    another - only extremist gangs do. "Unfortunately, these gangs are
    growing. According to various estimates, 40-50% of Russian citizens
    are affected by xenophobia to some degree," Pribylovsky said. Its
    forms also vary. For example, the children of Moscow-based Chechens
    graduate from universities and colleges but cannot find employment.
    Some companies and organizations even request candidates to indicate
    their ethnic origin in their job applications.

    An opinion poll conducted in 128 Russian cities and towns, even before
    the Rizhskaya bombing, shows that 46% of respondents support the idea
    of tough restrictions on people from the Caucasus. In the wake of the
    tragedy in Beslan, Yuri Popov, a member of the Moscow legislature,
    proposed closing the city to people from "certain regions." In fact,
    statistics show that only 51% of crimes in Moscow are committed by
    native Muscovites.

    Raids against "foreigners" (particularly people from the Caucasus)
    have become commonplace, something expected after every event related
    - even remotely - to the Caucasus. Unfortunately, this intolerance
    may backfire and generate aggression against the Russians in the
    Caucasus. Raids under the slogan "Russia for Russians" breed extremism
    in national republics and sovereign countries.

    Eldar Kuliyev, adviser to the president of the Congress of Russian
    Azerbaijanis, says there are about 200,000 ethnic Russians living
    in Azerbaijan. "They are not bothered," Kuliyev said. "Azerbaijan
    cherishes the Russian language. Not a single Russian school was
    closed there when Azerbaijan became a sovereign state. What is
    happening here, in Russia, is unfortunately a sword that cuts two
    ways. In every country there are people who don't care about who
    is truly to blame - people who act emotionally, on the spur of the
    moment. Appropriate responses cannot be ruled out, particularly if
    these processes continue in Russia gaining in scale."

    Translated by A. Ignatkin