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Azerbaijan: World Food Program Slashes Food Rations To Refugees Due

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  • Azerbaijan: World Food Program Slashes Food Rations To Refugees Due

    Azerbaijan: World Food Program Slashes Food Rations To Refugees Due To Funding Woes
    By Jean-Christophe Peuch

    Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
    Oct 15 2004

    The United Nations World Food Program says it has been forced to cut
    its aid to displaced Azerbaijanis due to scarce funding. The agency's
    decision is likely to make life much harder for the tens of thousands
    of civilians in the country who depend heavily on such foreign aid.
    But the WFP's assistance to displaced persons in the country is just
    one aspect of the problem. Thousands of others -- refugees from recent
    wars in the Caucasus and elsewhere -- are also living in Azerbaijan,
    and in even worse conditions.

    Prague, 15 October 2004 (RFE/RL) -- The United Nations World Food
    Program (WFP) has decided to reduce food rations for tens of thousands
    of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Azerbaijan.

    The agency says it is still looking for almost half of the money it
    needs to finance a three-year operation that started in January 2003.

    Donations collected so far from the United States, Japan, Luxembourg,
    Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland amount to
    only $11 million.

    Rahman Chowdhury, who is the WFP's country director in Azerbaijan, told
    RFE/RL that both financial constraints and a shortage of food supplies
    are responsible for the decision to cut assistance to Azerbaijan's
    IDPs. "We have not received enough food during the last couple of
    months, and our in-country stocks of food commodities are such that
    we cannot provide rations to all the IDPs that we are assisting now,"
    he said. "So we decided that we would halve the rations of wheat flour
    and that rations for other commodities -- such as sugar and oil --
    would remain as [they are]."

    WFP food rations will be decreased to only 3 kilograms per person
    per month.

    There has been no official reaction from Baku. In private, however,
    government officials lament the WFP's decision, saying the UN program
    should continue running in full until all IDPs are able to return home.

    Azerbaijan witnessed the largest forced migrations that accompanied
    the breakup of the Soviet Union.

    First came thousands of Azeri refugees from Armenia, as tensions
    between Yerevan and Baku flared up in the late 1980s. Later, after
    Armenian separatists took control of Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh
    enclave, tens of thousands of Azeris were forced to move into areas
    controlled by Baku.

    Joined by tens of thousands more Azeris, Kurds, and others, they
    were later forced farther into exile as Armenian troops pushed east,
    progressively occupying Azerbaijani territories bordering Karabakh.

    As the Russian Army gradually broadened its operations to reassert
    Moscow's control over Chechnya, thousands more civilians fled the
    breakaway republic through Daghestan and sought refuge in Azerbaijan.

    Baku-based nongovernmental organizations believe the Karabakh war has
    driven an estimated 800,000 people into exile -- roughly one-10th of
    Azerbaijan's current population. In addition, they say some 70,000
    refugees from Chechnya, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq
    have found shelter in the country in recent years.

    The Karabakh conflict was suspended in 1994. Yet Azerbaijan's IDPs
    cannot return to Armenian-occupied territories and have been living in
    the same wretched conditions for the past 10 years. The $10 monthly
    stipend they receive from the government does little to improve
    their situation.

    In the makeshift camps that surround the central towns of Saatli
    and Sabirabad, families are crammed into one-room, mud-brick huts.
    Elsewhere, people live in abandoned railway wagons and dugouts. About
    one-third of children of IDPs reportedly suffer from malnutrition.

    Chowdhury said the WFP's decision to halve food rations may have
    serious implications. "The consequences are quite tough because
    the winter is coming and that will aggravate their hardships in
    the coming months," he said. "We are aware of this, but because we
    don't have enough food commodities and because we didn't get enough
    contributions from our donor countries in the last three months,
    we had to resort to this [measure]."

    The UN food agency is only assisting 145,000 IDPs it considers most
    in need, and is not dealing with Azerbaijan's refugees.

    Vusal Rajabli is president of Hayat (Life), a Baku-based NGO that
    provides humanitarian aid to refugees and IDPs across Azerbaijan. He
    said refugees are much more vulnerable than IDPs because, unlike the
    latter, they depend almost exclusively on foreign aid.

    "Unfortunately, the assistance the government offers refugees is
    scarce -- I would even say it is extremely small. It covers only 5
    to 10 percent of their needs. The government says it has just enough
    resources to take care of its internal refugees. Therefore, all
    the government can afford goes to IDPs. This makes the situation of
    refugees much, much worse. Refugees are taken care of by the Office
    of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and our organization in
    partnership. The UNHCR offers them financial support, giving each
    family that meets its criteria between $60 and $80 per month. But
    [those families] represent only 30 percent of all refugees,"
    Rajabli said.

    Most refugees live in appalling conditions, squatting in deserted
    buildings or -- for those who get financial help from the UNHCR --
    spending their meager subsidies on rooms or small apartments that
    have neither heat nor running water.

    To add to their hardship, Rajabli said most immigrants live in
    administrative limbo and are scarcely protected by the temporary
    refugee status offered by the UNHCR. "Most refugees live how they can
    and where they can because the government does not help them find a
    roof," he said. "It must be said in its defense, though, that there
    is not a single free public building, not a single free dormitory
    left because the IDPs have occupied all of them. Yet the government
    does not allocate any funds to build temporary refugee camps."

    Another problem facing refugees who arrived after the breakup of the
    Soviet Union is the reluctance of Azerbaijani officials to consider
    their applications for citizenship. "I haven't heard of many cases
    when those refugees managed to obtain citizenship," Rajabli said. "I
    would say they are 10 or 15 at most. But even these estimates are