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French Parliament Divided on Turkey's EU Accession

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  • French Parliament Divided on Turkey's EU Accession

    French Parliament Divided on Turkey's EU Accession

    10.15.2004 Friday

    The French parliament convened yesterday to discuss Turkey's accession
    to the European Union (EU), but reactions were split. Although Prime
    Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin gave his support to Turkish accession,
    differences of opinions within the parties were as numerous as those
    among and between them.

    Along with Raffarin, Foreign Minister Michael Barnier and the Green
    Party supported Turkey, but some deputies of the Union for a Popular
    Movement Party (UMP), the French Democracy Union (UDF), and some
    Socialist Party deputies stood against Turkey's membership.

    Raffarin tried to calm down the parties opposed to Turkey with a
    speech in which he said Turkey is connected to Europe with historical
    and geographical ties and its desire to take place among EU members
    is "legitimate". When the time comes, this will come to life, added
    Raffarin. A modern, democratic and stable Turkey will add new horizons
    to Europe and France is ready to take Turkey's side during the reform
    process, underlined the French Prime Minister.

    "Turkey shouldn't be left in the arms of those who want a clash of
    civilizations and an Islam-West clash," said the French Prime Minister
    as he stressed that Turkey is undergoing big change and should be
    given time to fulfill the membership conditions. He also said that
    if Turkey fails to meet the requisites, its membership will not take
    place. In that case, he said, the process may end with a "privileged
    membership". "History will decide on Turkey's EU membership," he said.

    Meanwhile, Barnier said EU should start membership negotiations for
    Turkey and that a country that has met the Copenhagen Criteria needs
    to be given the opportunity to prove itself. The Union will have the
    control and, if needed, negotiations can be suspended.

    When asked whether or not recognition of the alleged Armenian genocide
    could be a pre-condition, Barnier said that the subject is not among
    the Copenhagen Criteria.

    Speaking on behalf of the Green Party, Noel Mamere said that the
    Greens support Turkey's accession to the Union. While enumerating the
    reasons for their support, Mamere said, "For the EU's multicultural
    development, to show it is not a Christian club, and to prevent a
    clash of civilizations, we support the start of membership negotiations
    for Turkey."

    The Communist Party's parliamentary group president, Alain Bocquet,
    took the floor and argued that the EU Constitution should be approved
    before saying "yes" to negotiations with Turkey. Bocquet accused
    the power of neglecting the issue of Constitution discussions
    to address the Turkey issue. The president of the Parliamentary
    Foreign Affairs Commission, Edouard Balladur, said the EU's priority
    is to approve the Constitution and pointed out the importance of
    achieving integration with the new members before taking another step
    toward another enlargement. Balladur went on to say that starting
    membership negotiations with Turkey jeopardizes approval of the EU
    Constitution. He supported a "privileged partnership" instead of
    full membership. Meanwhile, there was division within the Socialist
    party. Some socialist deputies demanded recognition of the alleged
    Armenian genocide as a pre-condition while some of the party's members
    supported Turkey's bid.

    Ali Ihsan Aydin