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BAKU: Milli Majlis congratulates Aliyev

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  • BAKU: Milli Majlis congratulates Aliyev

    [October 16, 2004, 12:17:54]

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
    Oct 16 2004

    Dear and highly esteemed President!

    On behalf of deputies of Milli Majlis and on my personal behalf, I
    cordially congratulate You on the anniversary of acting as the
    President of the Azerbaijan Republic and on the occasion of 13th
    anniversary of our state independence, I wish you new successes in
    the grandiose work done by you in the name of further strengthening
    and development of the independent Azerbaijan state which was left to
    us by our national leader Heydar Aliyev.

    Marking 13th anniversary of independence, we once again look back to
    the way passed by our people for construction of a free, independent,
    sovereign state, difficulties that it faced on this way, to the
    successes achieved by it. The whole period of the newest history of
    Azerbaijan is connected to the name of our national leader Heydar
    Aliyev. Thanks to his ingenious administrative abilities and intense
    work in 1969-1982, during his first management of the Republic, our
    country experienced progress in all spheres of life - in economy,
    science, culture, education. For the short period of time, Azerbaijan
    has passed the way of development equal to century. The favorable
    conditions created by our national leader have started potential
    force of society, and therefore, in consciousness of our people there
    was a true awakening national advantage. During this period, due to
    foresight and wisdom of Heydar Aliyev, there was laid strong base for
    the future state independence of Azerbaijan.

    At the end of XX century, when our people regained independence, it
    could keep this sacred gift only due to the genius and will of Heydar
    Aliyev. In terrible June days 1993, when the destiny of our
    statehood, when our freedom and independence have faced monstrous
    danger, our national leader on call of the insisting people has come
    back to power in the country, and it has rescued the Azerbaijan
    Republic which was on the edge of war and destruction. Due to Heydar
    Aliyev's saving mission, our state got rid of threat to be erased
    with the political map of world, has avoided of the destiny the
    Azerbaijan Democratic Republic faced in the beginning of XX century,
    has shown to all world that can keep the statehood.

    The policy whom our national leader with great foresight and wisdom
    carried out after the historical returning to authority, has caused
    eternity, irreversibility and indestructibility of independence of
    Azerbaijan. In our country, large-scale reforms are carried out, and
    the democratic, legal, secular state is being constructed. Principles
    of civil society and market economy have been established, and
    supremacy of law, protection of human rights and citizen, freedom of
    speech, views, and political pluralism provided.

    New oil strategy and strategy of economic development has been
    prepared, and signed more than 20 contracts on development of power
    resources in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian. There was a
    transition from economic recession to consecutive development. Our
    country became the initiator and the participant of huge economic
    projects, has turned to leading force of projects of restoration of
    the historical Silk Road, laying of the main export pipeline
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and gas pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum.

    Negotiations on peace settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict have begun on the basis of norms and principles of
    international law, in particular, the major among them is the
    principle of inviolability of borders and territorial integrity of
    the states. For achievement of support of the fair cause of our
    people necessary measures on global scale have been undertaken, our
    country has taken a worthy place in the international community. The
    Azerbaijan Republic became an equal member of many authoritative
    international organizations, including the United Nations, OSCE, the
    Council of Europe, and the Organization of the Black Sea Economic
    Cooperation, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the
    Commonwealths of Independent States, the Organizations of Economic
    Cooperation, the initiator and the active participant of regional
    structure GUUAM.

    Meeting today the 13th anniversary of the state independence of the
    Azerbaijan Republic, our people once again with feeling of gratitude
    recollects invaluable merits of Heydar Aliyev who has devoted all
    life to protection, strengthening and development of the Azerbaijan
    state, and who is among the greatest persons of our history. His
    six-ten years' grandiose activity including in political treasury of
    the world, has played an exclusive role in realization of dream of
    independent statehood, which by centuries was desired by Azerbaijan

    Dear Mr. President!

    One of the most significant events, which have occurred these days in
    the political life of our country, is the anniversary of your
    activity in the post of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic. On
    October 15 last year, our people has voted at presidential elections
    for You, having acted thus for continuation of the political course
    of Heydar Aliyev leading Azerbaijan to the happy future. This
    historical event, which has put in pawn the beginning of a new stage
    in democratic development of Azerbaijan, being logical continuation
    of our way of development, has provided political continuity
    representing at the present stage vital value for our state.

    In spite of the fact that a year passed after presidential elections,
    is very short term for history, scale and the importance of the work
    done in our country under your management, allow to speak with full
    confidence that in the near future the Azerbaijan Republic which has
    reached progress on strong and indestructible basis, created by our
    national leader Heydar Aliyev, will turn in the most powerful state
    of region. The projects, which are carried out by you in the post of
    the head of the state, allow continuing successfully reforms in
    political, economic, social and cultural life of our country. It is
    undertaken measures directed on social and economic development of
    our regions, huge transnational economic projects in which our
    country participates, including the project of laying the BTC MEP.
    The big attention is given to industry, agriculture, and other
    branches of economy. It is perceived with great approval rise of well
    being of Azerbaijan people, opening of new workplaces, increase of
    wages, allowances and pensions, care of science, literature, art,
    sports are perceived.

    Your foreign visits, fruitful negotiations held with heads of the
    states, politicians promote further strengthening of positions of
    Azerbaijan on global scale, guarantee support of our just cause,
    peace settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh

    Dear Mr. President,

    The work done by you in the name of continuation of the political
    line of our national leader Heydar Aliyev, development of his ideas,
    has brought to you national love. Our people love you and have
    closely rallied around of you. We trust, that due to inherent in you
    to political experience, hardness and resoluteness you and henceforth
    will continue successfully a rate of our national leader Heydar
    Aliyev, will achieve the decision of all problems facing to our
    independent state.

    Dear President,

    On behalf of deputies of the Milli Majlis and on my personal behalf
    once again I congratulate You on the anniversary of presidential
    activity and on the occasion of 13th anniversary of the state
    independence of the Azerbaijan Republic, I wish you robust health,
    new successes in grandiose activity in the name of happy future of
    our state and people.

    With deep respect,

    On behalf of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Republic,

    Murtuz Alaskarov,

    Chairman of Milli Majlis

    (The Congratulation was adopted at session of Milli Majlis of the
    Azerbaijan Republic, October 15, 2004).