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Yeshiva student apologizes to archbishop for spitting

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  • Yeshiva student apologizes to archbishop for spitting

    Yeshiva student apologizes to archbishop for spitting
    By Amiram Barkat, Haaretz Correspondent

    17/10/2004 23:34

    A yeshiva student who spat at the Armenian archbishop in Israel and
    at a 17th-century cross during last week's procession marking the
    Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem's Old City has met with
    heads of the Armenian community and apologized for his actions,
    police said Sunday.

    The student, Natan Zvi Rosenthal, explained that he was raised
    to see Christianity as idol worship, which is forbidden by the
    Torah. Rosenthal's rabbis from the Har Hamor Yeshiva in Jerusalem -
    who, along with his father, were present at the meeting - said they
    regretted the incident, and that they educate their students to be
    courteous to others. The rabbis said Rosenthal was the first of their
    students to be involved in such an incident.

    Har Hamor is considered an elite yeshiva, one highly esteemed among
    the nationalist ultra-Orthodox population.

    The Armenian archbishop, Nourhan Manougian, said he and his
    coreligionists accept the apology and that their religion commands
    them to forgive Rosenthal.

    The police spokesman said the apology will not affect its decision
    on whether Rosenthal should be indicted for spitting at the procession.

    The meeting took place last Thursday at the police station in the Old
    City, but police did not publicize it until Sunday, when the police
    commander in charge of holy sites, Chief Superintendent Shlomo Ra'anan,
    reported it to the Knesset Interior and Environment Committee.

    The committee was holding an emergency meeting to discuss the
    harassment of Christian clergymen in Jerusalem. which had been reported
    in Haaretz.

    Participants in the meeting, including Christian clergymen and
    representatives from ministries and the Jerusalem Municipality,
    confirmed that the problem was widespread and that incidents of
    harassment were not generally reported to the police.

    Ra'anan said police have received only three complaints in the last
    few years on the issue, saying "no one expects us to have a police
    officer protecting every priest."

    But the harassment continues: A few days ago, Stars of David were
    spray-painted on the entrance to the Monastery of the Cross, not
    far from the Knesset. The Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral,
    located near the Jerusalem police headquarters in the Russian Compound,
    has suffered similar vandalism.

    In addition, officials at a church located near several yeshivas
    complained that yeshiva students were watching them through binoculars
    and making offensive gestures when they passed by. Churches located
    near Jewish areas in Mount Zion, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City
    and in Mea She'arim complained that neighbors had thrown garbage into
    their yards.

    Interior and Environment Committee chairman MK Yuri Stern (National
    Union) said these incidents are unacceptable and stem from ignorance
    and stupidity. Stern, who heads the Knesset lobby for advancement of
    relations with Christian communities, said the content and the tone of
    the way in which Christianity is mentioned in schools must be changed.

    The committee decided to turn to Education Minister Limor Livnat to
    establish a forum for Jewish and Christian clergymen, and called on
    police to intensify their watch on Christian sites.