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Armenians Review Post-Independence Achievements

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  • Armenians Review Post-Independence Achievements

    University Of British Colombia
    Center for Public Opinion and Democrcy
    October 14, 2004

    Armenians Review Post-Independence Achievements

    (CPOD) Oct. 14, 2004 - Armenians are divided over their country's
    accomplishments since independence, according to a poll by the Armenian
    Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS). 28.8 per cent
    say the establishment of the army is the country's main achievement,
    while 17.9 per cent mention the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabagh
    region from Azerbaijan.

    The Republic of Armenia declared it independence at the end of World
    War I, but was incorporated into the Soviet Union in the 1920s.

    Armenia regained its independence in 1991 after the collapse of
    the Soviet Union. On that same year, the country went to war with
    neighbouring Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabagh region. A bilateral
    ceasefire was reached in 1994.

    Polling Data

    What is the main achievement of Armenia since its independence?

    Establishment of the army 28.8%

    Liberation of Nagorno-Karabagh 17.9%

    Strengthening of ties with Diaspora 8.9%

    Formation of people's free thinking 6.2%

    Formation of market economy 6.0%

    Return to national and religious roots 3.7%

    Development through democracy 3.5%

    Confidence in our abilities 2.6%

    Shaping and clarification of national policy (domestic and foreign)

    Shaping of national institutions 1.9%

    National unity and solidarity 1.4%

    Formation of national mindset 0.9%

    None 11.7%

    Difficult to answer 4.2%

    Other 0.3

    Source: Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS)

    Methodology: Interviews with 1,956 Armenian adults, conducted in
    September 2004. No margin of error was provided.

    Other poll highlights: Negative phenomena since independence; Comparing
    losses and gains since independence; Standard of living and national
    institutions in Armenia; International organizations and Armenia.