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Armenia: Internal Instability Ahead

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  • Armenia: Internal Instability Ahead

    Armenia: Internal Instability Ahead
    Europe Report N°158
    18 October 2004

    Armenia, which regained its independence in 1991 and won its 1992-1994
    war with Azerbaijan, is at peace and rebuilding its economy but its
    stability is fragile. Nagorno-Karabakh remains an unsettled problem
    that easily could reignite, and the regional economic isolation that
    the war over it produced could become permanent if there is no
    resolution soon. Corruption and violations of democratic procedure
    have disillusioned a population half of which still lives below the
    poverty line. Armenia's friends in the West and in Russia need to work
    together to help it overcome old enmities with Azerbaijan and
    Turkey. Donors should do more to press for democratic reforms and good

    The past two decades have been turbulent. In 1988 a disastrous
    earthquake rocked the north of the country, killing at least 25,000
    and affecting one third of the population. The collapse of the Soviet
    Union destroyed traditional economic ties and social texture and was
    followed immediately by the war over Nagorno-Karabakh. Ten years later
    the country is at peace and busy rebuilding its economy, though the
    legacy of the conflict and significant sources of insecurity remain.

    The May 1994 ceasefire that ended the war marked a military victory
    for Armenian forces, but there is no real peace. There are no
    mechanisms on the ground to prevent the conflict from restarting, and
    the negotiation process is stalled. Now that Azerbaijan is drawing
    significant dividends from its oil industry and developing military
    partnerships with, among others, the U.S., Turkey and Pakistan, there
    is a temptation among certain forces in Baku to consider trying to
    retake the enclave. Such a conflict would have disastrous consequences
    for the entire Caucasus, perhaps even spilling-over to affect
    simmering disputes in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Until Armenia and
    Azerbaijan solve the Nagorno-Karabakh problem peacefully (an issue to
    be addressed in a subsequent ICG report), it is unrealistic to talk
    about long-term stability and full economic cooperation in the region.

    The March 2003 Presidential elections were a missed opportunity for
    the state to demonstrate in practice its commitment to democracy and
    the rule of law. An uneasy political stalemate has set in, with the
    opposition boycotting the Parliament and the government refusing to
    implement the Constitutional Court's recommendation to organise a
    popular referendum on the legitimacy of the 2003
    elections. Opportunities to express political grievances freely --
    through fair elections, an active parliament, and open media -- remain
    limited. Consequently many choose to disengage from politics or to
    migrate, while a handful resorts to street demonstrations or in some
    instances violence.

    Internal stability was most recently shaken during several weeks of
    opposition protest in April 2004, which revealed the intensity of a
    segment of the population's dissatisfaction with the regime and its
    policies. Yet, the numbers that turned out were relatively small and
    did not represent the totality of those unhappy with existing economic
    inequalities, high unemployment, worsening access to social services,
    and corruption. While the present opposition -- divided and seen by
    many as more interested in regaining power than truly fixing the
    system -- does not have wide popular resonance, the situation could
    become much more explosive if a charismatic leader emerged.

    Armenia has benefited from substantial macroeconomic growth in the
    past ten years. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, currently over 10
    per cent annually, is driven by the construction, manufacturing, food
    processing, diamond cutting, and tourism sectors. A large and
    committed diaspora and remittances from Armenians working abroad have
    guaranteed a steady influx of money. However, the fruits of
    development have been felt by only the relative few. Per capita
    monthly income remains under $80.

    Armenia has difficult relations with its immediate neighbours,
    Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia, while cultivating good ties with its
    larger partners, especially Russia, Iran, and the U.S. The Southern
    Caucasus badly needs economic integration to sustain its nascent
    growth but this is impeded by the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. Yerevan is
    excluded from participation in all major regional trade and East-West
    pipeline projects, mostly as a consequence of the unresolved
    conflict. There is a growing feeling in Armenia that as Turkey,
    Azerbaijan and Georgia link up, Armenia is being purposely
    isolated. Increased integration would not only help Armenia address
    economic inequalities within its borders but also promote regional
    confidence building and increase the chances of peaceful negotiations
    with Azerbaijan.

    To guarantee its stability, Armenia needs to supplement economic
    success with robust democratisation and strengthened rule of law. By
    using force to stop street protests in April 2004, President Kocharian
    and his advisors showed they are unlikely to welcome calls to make
    Armenia a more tolerant, democratic and less corrupt state. Yet, as
    Western European institutions and the U.S. increase their engagement,
    they should condition additional support and funding on reform. Even
    as its co-operation with Russia and Iran increases, Armenia is aware
    that it cannot exclude potential partners and that it must extend its
    ties to avoid isolation. Ultimately this is most likely to occur when
    it sits down with Azerbaijan and finds the durable solution to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that is in both countries' fundamental


    To the Leadership of Armenia:

    1. Make appointment of members to electoral boards, including the
    Central Election Commission, transparent and bring to account those
    responsible for election fraud and violations.

    2. Conduct a credible and public investigation into the behaviour of
    law enforcement agencies during the April 2004 demonstrations, reform
    laws and law enforcement agencies so as to end administrative
    detention and severe physical ill-treatment in pre-trial detention,
    and improve the judiciary by training and appointing new and
    additional judges, and by increasing the Justice Ministry budget so it
    can provide better working conditions for judges.

    3. Guarantee full freedom of media, require the Broadcasting
    Commission to meet and allocate new frequencies yearly, investigate
    cases of harassment of journalists, and allow ownership of independent
    electronic media outlets by persons not affiliated with government

    4. Implement the recommendations of the international community for a
    truly independent and permanent anti-corruption commission with a
    mandate to conduct transparent investigations and prosecutions.

    5. Implement the recommendations of the Council of Europe's Venice
    Commission on proposed constitutional changes.

    6. Develop economic and legislative incentives to encourage small and
    medium-sized business, such as tax breaks, better access to small
    loans, and protection from administrative harassment.

    To the Opposition:

    7. Counter the perception that the opposition is only interested in
    regime change by developing issue-based platforms on key political and
    economic topics, including anti-corruption strategy and youth and
    rural-oriented programs.

    To the United States and the European Union (EU):

    8. Condition development aid to progress on democratic reforms,
    including rule of law and independent media.

    To the Council of Europe (COE):

    9. Continue to press Armenia to respect its commitments as a COE
    member to hold free and fair elections, to investigate allegations of
    election fraud without delay, and to uphold the rule of law, including
    by abolishing administrative detention and severe physical
    ill-treatment during pre-trial detention.

    To Russia:

    10. Protect Armenian migrants working in Russia from harassment and
    abuse and guarantee their security from extremist groups.

    To Turkey:

    11. Agree with Armenia on the technical modalities involved and open
    the border.

    Yerevan/Brussels, 18 October 2004