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ANKARA: Turkish Associations In United States React To Kerry

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  • ANKARA: Turkish Associations In United States React To Kerry

    Anadolu Agency
    Oct 17 2004

    Turkish Associations In United States React To Kerry

    NEW YORK - Turkish associations in the United States sent a letter to
    Democratic presidential candidate Senator John F. Kerry who confirmed
    his support to recognition of so-called Armenian genocide through his
    spokesman, to express their reaction and disappointment.

    The letter signed by Federation of Turkish-American Associations
    (TADF), Turkish-American Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TACCI), and
    Association of Turkish American Architects, Engineers & Scientists
    (MIM USA), expressed Turkish people's disappointment with statements
    of Kerry over the so-called Armenian genocide.

    Stressing that Turkey and the United States had been friends and
    allies for years, the letter underlined that the two countries had
    been cooperating with each other for peace and security of the world.

    ''Turkey, a powerful and stable partner of the United States in one
    of the most unstable regions of the world, is one of the most
    reliable allies of the United States in its fight against terrorism.
    We, as American citizens of Turkish origin, have been expending
    efforts to further improve the percent relations between our
    countries. We are determined to support the presidential candidate
    who is aware of importance of the bilateral relations between Turkey
    and the United States, in the upcoming elections,'' it said.

    The letter noted, ''we want to express our disappointment with Mr.
    Kerry's statements for recognition of Armenian allegations saying
    that the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against Armenians during
    the World War I. These allegations are totally baseless and wrongful.
    Any attempt distorting historical facts, will have a negative impact
    on the bilateral relations between Turkey and the United States. We
    call on Mr. Kerry to review his intention for recognition of such