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Successful Spiritual Art Exhibit Organized by Canada Prelacy

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  • Successful Spiritual Art Exhibit Organized by Canada Prelacy

    Contact: Dania Ohanian
    Armenian Prelacy of Canada
    3401 Olivar Asselin
    Montreal, QC, H4J 1L5
    Tel: (514) 856-1200
    Fax: (514) 856-1805
    Email: [email protected]

    Successful Spiritual Art Exhibit Organized by Armenian Prelacy of Canada

    The spiritual art exhibit presenting the works of Vatche Arakelian and
    Vartan Jiftjian was a complete success. It brought forth a new and unique
    type of medium within Armenian art, as well as a more traditional kind of
    time-honored Armenian workmanship.

    Organized by the Armenian Prelacy of Canada, under the Auspices of His
    Eminence, Archbishop Khajag Hagopian, Prelate, the exhibition's distinct
    genre set a new light on a deeply cherished and valued part of Armenian
    culture and identity through art.

    Arakelian's medium of choice is a new introduction to Armenian art and
    features Armenian religious icons and designs on stained glass, the first of
    its kind to be exhibited in Montreal and elsewhere.

    Although Arakelian has been using this technique since childhood, he noted
    that the paints used for glass staining were not available in Armenia until

    A Montrealer, Arakelian uses religion as his inspiration, expressing that,
    "It relaxes me. When I sit down and begin working, I leave this world behind
    and become part of that one."

    Jiftjian's work on the other hand, rekindles a long-lost part of Armenian
    heritage through silver work, which entails sculpting and designing historic
    religious artifacts out of silver, ornate with precious gems and
    occasionally other precious metals.

    The event's success can be tallied not only in terms of sales (more than 75%
    of the pieces were sold), but also in terms of attendance. More than 400
    people visited the exhibit during its run on the weekend of October 15th
