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President Putin meets religious leaders to counter terrorism

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  • President Putin meets religious leaders to counter terrorism

    Pravda Ru

    President Putin meets religious leaders to counter terrorism
    10/20/2004 12:56

    Nine religious leaders, including Pastor Vasily Stolyar, Seventh-day
    Adventist Church president for West Russia, were part of a September 29
    summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in which the state
    leader called on pastors to help stop terrorist activities by promoting
    tolerance and understanding.

    The meeting, held in the Kremlin's famed "Catherine's Hall," was the first
    involving religious leaders with President Putin in three years, Pastor
    Stolyar noted.

    "Your words and actions are extremely important in the current situation,
    when the criminals are trying to direct anger at the people of another faith
    and ethnicity," Putin told the delegates. "I would like to stress that a
    major aim of the unprecedented series of terrorist attacks ... was to drive
    a wedge between the Muslim world and representatives of other faiths," the
    president added.

    President Putin "expressed the desire to cooperate with religious leaders
    and he sincerely hopes they can help in the consolidation of civil society.
    He said he considers spiritual mentorship and preaching of the high moral
    guidelines very important, and that the best economic reforms and the best
    political aims could not be reached without education in spirituality,"
    Stolyar said.

    Stolyar also noted that Russian Orthodox Church leader, Patriarch Alexey II,
    said "the main confessions of Russia were represented" in the meting, which
    offers a tacit recognition of the Protestant churches as well.

    Other church leaders attending included Metropolitan Andrian of the Orthodox
    Old Believers Church; Pandito Hambo Lama, the 25th, Damba Ayusheyev of the
    Buddhist community; Bishop Ezras of the Armenian Apostolic Church; Ravil
    Gainutdin of the Islamic Council of Mufti; Metropolit Archbishop Tadeusz
    Kondrusiewicz, head of the Roman Catholic Church in Russia; Rabbi Berl
    Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia; and Bishop Sergei Ryakhovsky, Chairman of the
    Russian Pentecostal Union.
