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Georgia Grants Entry to Armenians Stuck in South Ossetia

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  • Georgia Grants Entry to Armenians Stuck in South Ossetia

    Baku Today, Azerbaijan
    Oct 22 2004

    Georgia Grants Entry to Armenians Stuck in South Ossetia

    22/10/2004 11:22

    Georgian authorities gave entry to the dozens of the Armenian
    citizens, who have been trapped in breakaway South Ossetia en-route
    to Armenia for more than a week already.

    A convoy of busses and trucks belonging to the Armenian citizens were
    moving from Russia to Armenia via Georgia's breakaway region of South
    Ossetia, as the border checkpoint in Larsi remains closed by the
    Russian authorities since early September. The Larsi checkpoint is
    the only land border linking Georgia with Russia that is controlled
    by the official Tbilisi.
    The Georgian authorities blocked the convoy near the village of
    Ergneti in the South Ossetian conflict zone and refused to give the
    Armenian citizens an entry, as they crossed the border with Georgia
    at the Roki Pass, which is out of the Georgia's control.

    Georgian officials say that Tbilisi showed `its good will' by giving
    the Armenian citizens an entry.