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Kocharian urges Georgian counterpart to open railway via Abkhazia

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  • Kocharian urges Georgian counterpart to open railway via Abkhazia

    Armenian leader urges Georgian counterpart to open railway via Abkhazia

    Mediamax news agency
    22 Oct 04


    Armenian President Robert Kocharyan and Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili discussed in Tbilisi today a whole range of problems
    concerning the resumption of the railway communication in the South
    Caucasus. A special correspondent of Mediamax agency reports from
    Tbilisi that Armenian President Robert Kocharyan told this at today's
    press conference after his meeting with Saakashvili and negotiations
    of the Armenian and Georgian delegations.

    "We have certain ideas, however, they are somehow 'raw', and it is
    premature to go into details. I can only say that it is about all the
    railways in the South Caucasus, and it cannot be ruled out that those
    ideas could acquire definite shapes," Robert Kocharyan said.

    As for the resumption of the railway communication between Armenia and
    Russia via Abkhazia, Robert Kocharyan said he sensed the delicacy of
    this issue for the Georgian leadership. "At the same time, bearing in
    mind that the railway from Russia to Abkhazia is operating, the lack
    of a through line benefits neither Armenia nor Georgia," the Armenian
    president said and expressed his hope that Georgia will approach the
    issue with a greater deal of pragmatism.

    In March this year, Georgian President Saakashvili said in Yerevan
    that he would discuss with the Turkish leadership prospects of
    restoring the Kars-Gyumri-Tbilisi railway link. Asked by our special
    correspondent today about the outcome of his discussions, Saakashvili
    said that "Georgia does not welcome any restrictions and is in favour
    of having more transport communications in the region".

    The Georgian president said that the Turkish leadership is fully
    determined to integrate into the European Union, and this can play a
    role in ironing out the existing problems. Saakashvili said that
    Georgia will in future defend Armenia's interests, including in the
    transport sphere, both at the bilateral level and at international