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Meeting With AAA Delegation

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  • Meeting With AAA Delegation


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    22 Oct 04

    On October 19 NKR president Arkady Ghukassian met with the delegation
    of the Armenian Assembly of America headed by the vice chair of the
    board of directors of the organization Annie Totah. The regional
    director of the AAA offices in Armenia and Nagorni Karabakh Arpy
    Vardanian was also included in the delegation. The already traditional
    visits of the AAA delegations to Nagorni Karabakh aim to get
    acquainted with the programs launched by their direct assistance, as
    well as to observe the prospects of further assistance to the
    settlement of social, economic, educational and other programs that
    the government of the republic faces. During the meeting with the
    president the members of the delegation, most of them in Karabakh for
    the first time, shared impressions from their first visit. Besides
    Stepanakert they went to several villages of the republic and observed
    significant progress in all the spheres of life in Nagorni Karabakh
    and appreciated the efforts of the government directed at removing the
    consequences of the war and restoring the ruined economy and
    infrastructures. At the same time the members of the Assembly
    mentioned that if practically there are no more traces of war in
    Stepanakert, in the regions of the republic there are still a lot of
    problems to be solved. In this reference they expressed readiness to
    use the potential of their organization for further development of
    Artsakh. The members of the delegation touched upon the problem of
    restoration of the town of Shushi as well. Arkady Ghukassian mentioned
    that the government has taken certain steps in this direction,
    programs are worked out to re-create the town as an educational,
    cultural and resort center. However, according to the president of
    NKR, Nagorni Karabakh is not able to solve the problem alone, and it
    is necessary to bring together the efforts of the entire Armenian
    Diaspora. The president of NKR spoke about the current situation in
    the process of settlement of the Karabakh conflict and the prospects
    and pointed out the necessity of restoring the real negotiation format
    within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, where Nagorni Karabakh
    will be an equal party. According to the president, only in this case
    will it be possible to achieve a constructive solution of the
    problem. At the end of the meeting the NKR president thanked the
    members of the Armenian Assembly of America for their active lobbing
    owing to which the government of the USA provides humanitarian aid to
    Nagorni Karabakh. According to Arkady Ghukassian, the USA is the only
    country which officially aids Karabakh, and the programs funded by
    this country help to improve the quality of life of the population of
    the republic. Emphasizing the importance of implementing different
    humanitarian programs in Artsakh by the AAA, the president of the
    republic appealed to the representatives of the Assembly to establish
    mutually profitable cooperation in Artsakh, especially that recently
    considerable potential has been accumulated in this sphere in Nagorni
