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Antelias: HH Aram I, HH Shenouda III, HH Zakka I sign common decl.

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  • Antelias: HH Aram I, HH Shenouda III, HH Zakka I sign common decl.

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
    Fax: (04) 419724
    E- mail: [email protected]

    PO Box 70 317


    Antelias, Lebanon - The seventh meeting of the Heads of the Oriental
    Orthodox Churches in the Middle East, the Coptic Church, the Syrian Church
    and the Armenian Church, took place in Cairo, Egypt on 21 Oct 2004. The
    meeting of the standing committee representing the three churches preceded
    the meeting of the Heads of the Churches.

    In a Common Declaration His Holiness Pope Shnouda III, His Holiness Mar
    Ignatius Zakka I, and His Holiness Aram I gave thanks to God for the unity
    that their churches have witnessed for many centuries and their common
    commitment to the mission of the church of God. Bilateral theological
    dialogues were given an important place in the Common Declaration. They
    stressed the need to resume the Theological Dialogue between the Oriental
    Orthodox and the Eastern Orthodox churches. As for the Dialogue with the
    Roman Catholic church, which started last year, they expressed their deep
    concern for the use of the word "Catholicosate" used by the Armenian
    Catholic Patriarchate, and they decided to raise this matter this time
    formally through their representatives with the Vatican authorities with the
    a clear understanding that "if this problem is not solved, our churches will
    not participate in the official theological dialogue with the Catholic
    church". Referring to the Dialogue with the Anglican World communion that
    was suspended by these churches, due to the ordination of an Anglican gay
    bishop in the USA, the Heads of the churches reiterated their concern and
    the position of their churches that "all practice and behavior related to
    marriage and sexual orientation must be in accord with the biblical and
    moral teachings of our Churches. We hope that in the near future the
    Anglican Communion will solve this matter which will enable us to resume our
    theological dialogue with the Anglican Communion".

    In the context of intra-Oriental family collaboration, the Spiritual Leaders
    emphasized the need for a greater collaboration among the churches of the
    Family in different eras of church life. They expressed deep concern in
    respect to the "manipulating activities" of sects "against the Orthodox
    Christian faith, supported by huge financial resources coming from the West,
    with suspected Zionist support". The Common Declaration also highlighted
    various aspects of ecumenical collaboration. In this context they singled
    out the importance of the World Council of Churches and the Middle East
    Council of Churches. The growing collaboration with the United Bible
    Societies was welcomed considering this partnership important for the
    witness of their churches.

    The Heads of the Churches renewed "the commitment of their churches to peace
    with justice". They condemned "All forms and expression of violence and
    urged all to engage in processes and actions aimed at conflict resolution
    through mutual love, respect and trust". Speaking about the situation in the
    Middle East they said: "The escalation of violence and confusion in Iraq
    worries us, in this situation, this country is losing its people either by
    killing or immigration. We urge all the citizens of Iraq of all religions
    and cultures to feel their responsibility towards their country and one
    another. We call on all nations to help the people of Iraq to restore their
    country to its independence and sovereignty with the full participation of
    all Muslim and Christian communities in Iraq. We renew our call to return to
    the peace process with a particular focus on the establishment of a
    Palestinian state and the right to return for the Palestinians. True and
    lasting peace will only be realized when justice and dignity is upheld and
    maintained and when Israel according to U.N. Security Council Resolutions
    withdraw from Arab and Palestinian territories".


    View printable pictures here:


    The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
    the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
    activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
    the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
    administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.