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Brit Parl. Members Strongly Impressed by Their Visit to Armenia & NK

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  • Brit Parl. Members Strongly Impressed by Their Visit to Armenia & NK


    YEREVAN, October 23 (Noyan Tapan). "We saw here a small land that has
    a big heart, great culture and great expectations for the future, a
    land whose history has been very long and cultural traditions have
    been very great." This is the impression made by Armenia on the
    delegation of the British group of the Interparliamentary Union. The
    delegation is headed by Gordon Marsden, member of House of Commons of
    the UK and representative of the Labor Party. The delegation's mission
    is to provide their collegues with inf]ormation about today's Armenia
    after returning to Great Britain. Summarizing the results of a
    one-week visit to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh at the October 22 press
    conference, the members of the delegation comprised of representatives
    of the two Houses of the British parliament noted that during this
    cognitive visit they had numerous meeting with representatives of both
    the executive and legislative authorities, as well as NGOs and arrived
    at the conclusion that no efforts are spared to overcome many problems
    which have arisen after the collapse of the Soviet Union, such as
    difficulties in building the civil society, in the social, cultural
    and other spheres. However, according to G.Marsden, besides these
    problems there are others: the problems related to the history of the
    Armenian nation, in particular complicated relations with Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. The delegation members pointed out that their aim is not
    to make judgements and give political opinions, however, they cannot
    but respond to the optimism about overcoming the existing problems
    that different sections of Armenia's and Nagorno Karabakh's population
    have. The members of the British parliament are also convinced that
    Armenia's involvement in the EU neighborhood policy will allow to
    strengthen the country's links with the EU and to expect some
    assistance in a number of spheres. After paying a short visit to
    Nagorno Karabakh the delegation was especially impressed by how
    quickly - only in 15 years the ruinous consequences of the Soviet
    Union collapse and the war have been eliminated. The British MPs
    pointed out that they had visited Artsakh in order to become
    acquainted with the situation on the spot and not to discuss the
    status of Karabakh. They stressed that the British government's
    opinion of the Nagorno Karabakh issue has not changed. The progress
    and development taking place in Nagorno Karabakh surprised not only
    those delegation members who visited it for the first time but also
    member of the UK House of Lords baroness Caroline Cox, for whom "it
    was an honor to be with Karabakh during those dark and difficult
    years." Reluctant to discuss quite delicate issues from political
    point of view, the baroness nevertheless mentioned that during the
    talks with them the Nagorno Karabakh authorities considered as most
    undesirable the political solution of the problem, whose "result would
    be Nakhichevan." As for the displeasure in Baku caused by the
    delegation's visit, the delegation members considered the protest
    staged at the British embassy as regrettable. According to them, if
    the Azeris also wanted to make their views heard, the delegation
    "would equally be glad to listen to them too." According to the
    delegation head, Karabakh was visited through Armenia's territory
    because "at present Azerbaijan cannot provide the opportunity to reach
    Nagorno Karabakh."