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ASBAREZ ONLINE [10-25-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ ONLINE [10-25-2004]


    1) Javakhk Armenians Deliver Strong Message to Council of Europe
    2) Turkey Must Recognize Cyprus before Joining EU, Says British Minister
    3) Presidents Discuss Economic and Political Cooperation; Weapons Scare at
    Local Music Hall
    4) Heads of Oriental Orthodox Churches Sign Common Declaration in Cairo
    5) Zoo Cries Foul after Armenia Bound Elephant Dies

    1) Javakhk Armenians Deliver Strong Message to Council of Europe

    Just as the Council of Europe's Monitoring Committee was to convene on October
    24 to review Georgia's fulfillment of obligations and commitments before the
    European body, Javakhk's Council of Armenian Non-Governmental Organizations
    submitted a powerful memorandum to that committee outlining commitments that
    Georgia, on becoming a Council of Europe member in April 1999, has failed to
    fulfill--namely those dealing with national minorities, local self governance,
    and autonomy.
    Pointing to the resulting social and economic decay, they ask that Javakhk be
    fully integrated into the social, political, socioeconomic, and cultural lives
    of the country. The stress, however, that integration is not synonymous with
    assimilation, and that autonomy is a must for the struggling region.

    The following is the full text of that Memorandum titled, "The Situation in
    The Samtskhe-Javakheti Region in Georgia And Georgia's Obligations And
    Commitments before The Council of Europe."

    As you prepare to hold your next meeting in Georgia, we, the leaders of the
    Armenian nongovernmental organizations of the Samtskhe-Javakheti territory in
    Georgia, attaching great importance to the sovereignty and territorial
    integrity of our country, wish to bring to your attention the critical
    situation in Samtskhe-Javakheti, which if left unresolved, could have dire
    consequences for the population of the territory and for Georgia as a whole.
    When joining the Council of Europe in 1999, the following were among the
    obligations and commitments Georgia undertook:

    a) to sign and ratify, within a year after its accession, the Framework
    Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter
    for Regional or Minority Languages; b) to sign and ratify, within three years
    after its accession, the European Charter of Local Self-Government, [...] and
    in the meantime to apply the fundamental principles of [this] instrument;
    c) to
    enact, within two years after its accession, a legal framework determining the
    status of the autonomous territories and guaranteeing them broad autonomy, the
    exact terms of which are to be negotiated with the representatives of the
    territories concerned; d) to amend, within three years after its accession,
    law on autonomy and local government to enable all the heads of councils to be
    elected instead of being appointed; e) to adopt, within two years after its
    accession, a law on minorities based on the principles of Assembly
    Recommendation 1201 (1993).

    Five years after accession, Georgia has yet to take steps towards fulfilling
    the above mentioned commitments and obligations. In fact, the process of
    fulfilling these commitments before the Council of Europe has failed, and,
    inter alia, has made the situation in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region critical.
    The 1995 Georgian constitution does not define the administrative
    structure of
    the country and in practice the district-level self-government does not match
    democratic standards. In the Samtskhe-Javakheti region, discriminatory laws
    practices have left the Armenian population far less represented in the
    district administration. There are no elective bodies on the regional level
    there is no legislative base for the institution of state commissioners
    appointed by presidential decrees. The present administrative structure and
    method of governance do not take into account the specifics of the region and
    do not correspond to the needs of the population.
    The system has long demonstrated that it is bankrupt and unfruitful. The
    Samtskhe-Javakheti region has actually been pushed out of the governing
    processes of the country.
    The administrative governance of the region has been frustrated. At the local
    level, flagrant discrimination is practiced against the local Armenian
    population; in contrast to the rest of the country, in the Armenian populated
    areas of Samtskhe-Javakheti most sakrebulos (locally elected bodies)
    incorporate several villages, whereas each Georgian populated village has a
    separate sakrebulo, thus artificially increasing the Georgian presence on the
    district level.
    These measures, policies and practices are in direct contradiction to the
    European Charter of Local Self-Government, which Georgia had undertaken to
    and ratify within three years after its accession and in the meantime to apply
    the fundamental principles of this instrument.
    No short or long-term socio-economic programs to serve the interests of the
    population are implemented. The poverty and desperation have reached
    threatening levels. Educational and cultural conditions are unsatisfactory.
    In the last ten months, we have conveyed our concerns and recommendations to
    the highest authorities in Georgia and to the (now former) Secretary
    General of
    the Council of Europe, but to no avail. All of them have failed to even
    acknowledge receipt of our written communications.
    It is crucial to have the Samtskhe-Javakheti region fully integrated in the
    state, political, socioeconomic and cultural lives of the country. But
    integration is not synonymous to assimilation, neither is autonomy to
    secession. In a democratic society, integration can only be achieved through
    participation. Policies and practices pursuing assimilation or artificial and
    forceful change of demographic realities can only result in the opposite.
    Integration requires that both the majority and the minority have the desire
    for it and the willingness to take mutual steps towards each other.
    Under the guise of integration, the Georgian authorities have enacted laws
    which are contrary to the spirit and letter of the Framework Convention for
    Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or
    Minority Languages, which Georgia had undertaken to sign and ratify within a
    year after its accession, but has failed to do so after over five years
    following its accession. Furthermore, and in direct contradiction of the
    above-mentioned Framework Convention and European Charter, the Georgian
    authorities have recently introduced a draft law on education, which, if
    enacted, would effectively prevent Georgia's national minorities, including
    Armenians, from education at all levels in their relevant regional or minority
    There is no broad social-political consensus in the country on political
    issues connected with ethnic diversity of Georgia and its internal political
    and administrative systems. The reported Armenian ancestry of politicians and
    public figures is often regarded to be derogatory. Whereas the existence of a
    large number of Armenian cultural and religious monuments, as well as
    historical records speak of the fact that in Southern Georgia, including in
    Samtskhe-Javakheti region, the Armenians are natives, Georgian society regards
    the Armenians in those regions as newcomers. There is recorded evidence of
    attempts to "Georgianize" these monuments. The Georgian authorities are
    contradictory messages on how national minorities can protect and promote
    linguistic and cultural rights: whereas, on the one hand, the Georgian
    authorities are undermining the linguistic and cultural rights of the
    law-abiding national minorities, on the other hand, in order to appease those
    who have declared their independence from Georgia, the same authorities
    them to protect and promote their language and culture in return for restoring
    Georgian sovereignty on those territories.
    We are convinced that if Georgia completely and sincerely honors its
    obligations and
    commitments, especially those mentioned at the beginning of this
    Memorandum, it
    would greatly help alleviate the serious situation in Samtskhe-Javakheti.
    Hence we appeal to you, the Committee on the Honoring of Obligations and
    Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe, to ensure that Georgia
    honors its commitments entered into on its accession to the Council of Europe.
    We are at the disposal of your Committee for further elaboration and

    Council of Armenian Non-Governmental Organizations of the Samtskhe-Javakheti
    Region in Georgia

    October 21, 2004

    The Council attaches its December 30, 2003 appeal to then acting President of
    Nino Burjanadze; appeal to President Saakashvili to grant autonomy to Javakhk;
    and letter to Secretary General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer

    2) Turkey Must Recognize Cyprus before Joining EU, Says British Minister

    NICOSIA (Combined Sources)--The United Kingdom's minister to Europe Denis
    MacShane appeared to raise the bar for Turkish membership to the European
    Union, saying, "It is not possible for Turkey to become a member of the
    European Union while it does not recognize a member of the Union. This is
    legally impossible."
    MacShane was in Northern Cyprus for a fact-finding visit that included
    meetings with a number of Turkish Cypriot politicians.
    MacShane also stressed there is no justification for Turkey to retain
    thousands of troops on the soil of an EU member state.
    In a strongly-worded message to Ankara, MacShane also called on the Turkish
    government to withdraw its troops from the divided island of Cyprus.
    "This money could be spent on social projects that would benefit both
    communities," he said.
    He added his belief that once normal relations between Nicosia and Ankara had
    begun, negotiations over the demilitarization of the island would begin under
    the auspices of the UN.
    MacShane called on the Cypriots of both sides of the Green Line to put the
    "problems of the last century" behind them and work together to face new
    But while pushing for Turkey's recognition of Cyprus, the minister asked that
    a date to begin the Turkish accession talks be set. He added that it would be
    wrong to insist that Turkey removes all its troops from the island as a
    precondition for a starting date.

    3) Presidents Discuss Economic and Political Cooperation; Weapons Scare at
    Local Music Hall

    TBILISI (Combined Sources)On Sunday, President Robert Kocharian ended a
    three-day official visit to Georgia, which he and his Georgian counterpart
    Mikhail Saakashvili said will help the two neighboring nations strengthen
    The two leaders held a series of talks that focused on bilateral trade,
    transport, and other economic issues.
    The economic focus of the visit was underscored by an Armenian-Georgian
    economic forum that began its work in Tbilisi during the weekend. Saakashvili
    and Kocharian presided over its opening session. Twenty-nine businessmen
    accompanied Kocharian to the forum, and discussed the privatization of the
    Port and the energy sector.
    The situation in the Armenian-populated Javakhk region in southern Georgia
    also on the agenda of the talks. The Armenian and Georgian leaders discussed
    economic development programs for the impoverished region, with Kocharian
    indicating that Armenia is ready to assist in rebuilding local roads
    leading to
    the Armenian border. Kocharian also held a separate meeting with leaders of
    Armenian community in Tbilisi.
    At a joint briefing to journalists, Kocharian stressed the need to
    the railway through Abkhazia that would link Armenia with Russia. The Armenian
    president went on to say, however, that this issue could be resolved only by
    "More frequent railway movement is better for all of us. The absence of
    railway communications is neither favorable to Armenians or Georgians. I think
    that a pragmatic approach to this issue would be very useful, although I
    understand that it is a very difficult issue, and Georgia has to decide
    what to
    do," the Armenian president said.
    Saakashvili chose not to comment on the issue, speaking instead of regional
    "The Baltic countries could push for this idea to take shape as part of the
    [EU] new neighbors policy. We are ready to cooperate with them," said
    On Saturday, Kocharian met with Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania, who praised the
    Armenian president, saying, "I want to say that Kocharian always pays great
    attention to eliminate even small defects in relations with Georgia," Zhvania
    told reporters, and said the talks addressed Georgia's import of electricity
    from Armenia.
    Kocharian also met with Speaker of Parliament Nino Burjanadze, and said
    afterwards that close cooperation between the parliaments is one of the main
    components of bilateral relations.
    "We agreed to strengthen the relations between our parliaments, and, I will
    also invite the Speaker of the Armenian parliament to Georgia. We have
    cooperated in the past, and now we only need to refresh it," he told
    journalists in the parliament after the meeting.
    Burjanadze welcomed the idea of bilateral cooperation between the two
    parliaments, saying that "this is in the interests of both countries and the
    region as a whole."
    Kocharian also met with Georgian Patriarch Ilia II, and visited the Heroes
    Square where he laid a wreath on the memorial to soldiers who died fighting to
    preserve Georgia's territorial integrity.
    Later, Saakashvili and Kocharian expressed their condolence to former
    president Eduard Shevardnadze in connection with his wife's death. They paid
    their respects by going to the presidential Krtsanisi residence late at
    Afterwards, Kocharian and Saakashvili visited the Adjaria Music Hall, where a
    show in honor of the Armenian president was being held. The joyous atmosphere
    of the evening was marred when weapons were discovered in the building.
    Investigators have not yet determined if the weapons were linked to a possible
    dual assassination attempt.
    The two presidents spent that night at the presidential residence in Likani,
    near Borjomi.
    On the third and last day of the official visit, Kocharian met with the
    Armenian diaspora of Georgia, during which complaints about unemployment were
    the focus of talks.
    Also on Sunday, Minister of Internal Affairs of Armenia Haik Harutunian, and
    Georgia's Minister of Internal Affairs Irakli Okruashvili signed an agreement
    to create a joint board that will work to eradicate the trafficking of drugs
    and stolen cars. Their first session will be held on December 20.
    "This board will have to meet once every two-three months in order to develop
    this idea," stated Okruashvili at the briefing, after the signing of the

    4) Heads of Oriental Orthodox Churches Sign Common Declaration in Cairo

    ANTELIAS--The seventh meeting of the heads of the Oriental Orthodox
    Churches of
    the Middle EastCoptic, Syrian, and Armeniantook place in Cairo, Egypt on
    October 21, following the meeting between the standing committees of the three
    In their Common Declaration, which thanked God for the centuries' long unity
    that has existed between the churches, His Holiness Pope Shnouda III, His
    Holiness Mar Ignatius Zakka I, and His Holiness Aram I emphasized the
    importance of bilateral theological dialogue, and the need to resume such
    dialogue between the Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox churches.
    Within the declaration, the three church heads expressed their deep concern
    for the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate's use of the word "Catholicosate" in
    describing itself, and noted that if Roman Catholic Church fails to solve the
    matter, "our churches will not participate in the official theological
    with the Catholic church."
    Referring to dialogue with the Anglican World communion that was suspended by
    these churches after the ordination of an Anglican gay bishop in the United
    States, the heads of the churches reiterated their concern and the position of
    their churches that "all practice and behavior related to marriage and sexual
    orientation must be in accord with the biblical and moral teachings of our
    Churches. We hope that in the near future the Anglican Communion will solve
    this matter which will enable us to resume our theological dialogue with the
    Anglican Communion."
    The Church heads renewed "the commitment of their churches to peace with
    justice," and condemned "all forms and expression of violence and urged all to
    engage in processes and actions aimed at conflict resolution through mutual
    love, respect and trust." In referring to the current situation in the Middle
    East, the declaration stated: "The escalation of violence and confusion in
    worries us. Due to this situation, the country is losing its people either
    through deaths or immigration. We urge all Iraqi citizens, regardless of their
    religious and cultural backgrounds, to work for the wellbeing of their country
    and their fellow citizens. We call on all nations to assist the people of Iraq
    in helping to restore independence and sovereignty with the full participation
    of all Muslim and Christian communities in Iraq. We renew our call for a
    renewed peace process that will focus on the establishment of a Palestinian
    state and the right to return for the Palestinians. True and lasting peace
    only be realized when justice and dignity is upheld and maintained, and when
    Israel, according to UN Security Council Resolutions, withdraws from Arab and
    Palestinian territories."

    5) Zoo Cries Foul after Armenia Bound Elephant Dies

    (BBC)--The seven-year-old elephant calf Komala, due to have flown to
    Armenia as
    a gift from Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam, died in agony after what
    officials at the Msyore zoo in southern India are calling a conspiracy by
    Komala--the darling of one of India's oldest zoos, was described as
    and playful, and had been hand-picked for Armenia because of her pleasing
    features, officials say.
    Doctors battled for hours to save her on Friday, but in vain.
    "It is really unfortunate. The elephant was to fly out on October 14, but we
    could not get a confirmed cargo booking," said the zoo's director Manoj
    The next date fixed was October 30, but destiny had other plans."
    Officials suspect she could be the latest victim of poisoning by disgruntled
    employees, and, perhaps, a persistent campaign to discredit the zoo for
    Two elephants and an endangered lion-tailed macaque died in similar
    circumstances in August. An official inquiry began on Monday.
    It is suspected that all the deaths could be due to poisoning.
    Komala had died despite tight security arrangements following the deaths of
    the two other elephants, Ganesha and Roopa, and the lion-tailed macaque in
    Ganesha and Roopa had acute hemorrhage enteritis and respiratory distress
    caused by zinc phosphide, normally used as poison for rodents.
    This is not the first time animals have died mysteriously in captivity in
    Measure, leading some to believe there is a plot to damage the state-run zoo's
    reputation--although it is not clear why anyone would want to do so.
    Last year, a chimp, and two EMU's from Australia also died under suspicious

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