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U.S.-Russian Security Cooperation After Beslan

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  • U.S.-Russian Security Cooperation After Beslan, DC
    25 Oct. 2004

    U.S.-Russian Security Cooperation After Beslan
    by Ariel Cohen, Ph.D.

    On September 1, 2004, the first day of school, a multiethnic group of
    over 30 radical Islamist terror­ists, including two female suicide
    bombers and some Chechens, took more than 1,000 children, teachers, and
    parents hostage in Beslan, North Ossetia. The ter­rorists deployed
    explosives around the school, hang­ing them from basketball hoops in
    the gym, where most of the children were held. This was the fifth
    mas­sive hostage-taking event in Russia since 1995, and it ended in
    tragedy. Shamil Basaev, leader of the radical Islamist wing of the
    Chechen separatist movement, has taken responsibility for the

    In the aftermath of Beslan, the U.S. should empha­size to the Russian
    people, President Vladimir Putin, and the Russian government that the
    two countries are facing the same enemy. The U.S. should increase
    outreach in the battle for Russia's hearts and minds, paying particular
    attention to the younger genera­tions of Russian citizens.

    In addition to these public diplomacy efforts, Pres­idents Putin and
    George W. Bush should hold an anti-terrorism summit in the near future
    to hammer out a joint anti-terrorism action plan. The two coun­tries
    should expand security cooperation in anti-ter­rorist force structure;
    command, control, and communications; and on techniques for dealing
    with hostage situations. The U.S. and Russia should expand the range of
    joint programs designed to pre­vent the proliferation of weapons of
    mass destruction (WMD) to terrorist organizations, going beyond the
    current Nunn-Lugar funding.

    However, even though the two countries face a common threat, the U.S.
    does not have to agree to Russia's policies toward its neighbors. The
    U.S. should support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all
    post-Soviet states, and it should not remain silent if democracy in
    Russia is rolled back. Instead, Washington should develop programs that
    support growth of the nonprofit/nongovern­ment sector, promote the rule
    of law, and help to advance transparent, participatory, and democratic
    governance in Russia. The U.S. should also expand support of the
    independent media in all forms, including print, broadcasting, and

    Beslan: Russia's 9/11

    The Beslan tragedy shook Russia on a scale comparable to how September
    11 affected the United States. Terrorists subjected the children and
    other hostages to unspeakable abuses, deny­ing them water and food,
    killing some at random, and forcing many children to drink urine.[2]
    Europe has not seen such cruelty since the Nazi atrocities during World
    War II and Stalin's genocidal exile of nations to Siberia and Central

    After two days, the terrorists triggered an explo­sion in the gym, and
    many children ran from the building. The terrorists opened fire,
    shooting and killing hostages. Russian special forces and the armed
    local population attempted a rescue, but the death and destruction of
    that day speaks clearly of a monumental security failure.

    Heart-wrenching scenes of small bodies in tiny coffins and parents
    breaking down in grief at their children's graves shocked the world.
    Many Rus­sians watched the crisis on television, tears pour­ing down
    their cheeks.

    Security Failures

    The systemic failures of the policy and security apparatus that failed
    to stop the atrocities in Beslan were immediately obvious to Russian
    and Western observers. The Russian intelligence networks--run by the
    military, internal security forces, and the Ministry of Interior police
    in the North Caucasus-- failed to identify preparations for the attack
    or pro­vide timely intelligence that would have allowed the terrorists
    to be intercepted en route to the school.

    Nor was Beslan an isolated incident: A few days prior to Beslan, two
    female suicide bombers destroyed two Russian airliners in flight, and a
    Moscow metro station and a bus stop were bombed.

    The failure of the rescue operation was also obvious. The top military
    commander indicated that "there was no planning to rescue hostages" and
    disclosed that 48 hours after the school was seized, the main special
    forces were training 30 kilometers away.[3] Even if negotiations were
    under­way, a rescue force should have been on location and ready to
    respond at any moment. Further­more, the rescuers had only two or three
    armored personnel carriers to use as shields in approaching the
    building. As a result, the special forces were pinned down by the
    terrorists' heavy fire.

    The terrorists were permitted to dictate the oper­ational tempo. They
    imposed the rescue timing by setting off the explosives and put up a
    stiff resis­tance that lasted for 10 hours, from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m.,
    when most of them were finally killed. Spo­radic fire continued until 4
    a.m. of the next day.[4]

    Because the building was rigged with explo­sives, the only chance to
    save the children if nego­tiations failed would have been to overwhelm
    the terrorists in a massive, precise surprise attack, which would take
    out most of the perpetrators in the first few minutes. Such an
    operation could have used advanced technology, such as night vision
    goggles, stun grenades, body armor, and incapacitating gas. Nothing of
    the kind happened.

    Roaming Locals. Appallingly, the security forces failed to remove
    hundreds of armed locals from the scene. This failure to establish and
    enforce a police perimeter allowed civilians to interfere with the
    rescue attempt. It placed both the hostages and rescuers in their
    crossfire and exposed civilians to terrorists' weapons fire, lead­ing
    to entirely avoidable civilian casualties. Fur­thermore, some
    terrorists were allowed to break out of the building, and they engaged
    in firefights until the next morning.

    The Russian anti-terrorist forces were woefully unprepared. Beslan was
    Russia's fifth massive hos­tage situation, with over 1,000 hostages;
    yet Rus­sian security forces demonstrated that they had learned little
    from the debacles of Budennovsk, Pervomaysk, and Kizlyar in the 1990s
    and from Dubrovka in 2002. They did not wear modern Kevlar helmets or
    even bulletproof vests in some cases, and the elite Alfa and Vityaz
    units lost 10 men--their largest losses in post-Soviet history.

    Failures of Policy and Leadership

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, both the Yeltsin and Putin
    administrations have failed to reform the Soviet-era security services
    and the Ministry of Interior police forces, which in turn failed to
    prevent or adequately respond to the Beslan hostage situation. These
    are still quasi-total­itarian political control and crime fighting
    organi­zations, rife with corruption, as has been acknowledged by
    President Putin as well as other senior Russian officials.[5] They are
    simply inade­quate to the task of confronting modern local and global

    Despite the recent terrorist attacks on Russia, President Putin is
    ambiguous about Russian coop­eration with the West in fighting
    terrorism. After the tragedy, Putin repeatedly bemoaned the pass­ing of
    the Soviet "great power," but he also recog­nized that Soviet ideology
    suppressed numerous real ethnic conflicts.

    Putin accuses Western intelligence services of maintaining contact with
    the Chechen rebels. Clearly, he believes that the U.S. and other
    West­ern powers support anti-Russian Chechen forces in an effort to
    keep Russia pinned down and "involved in its own problems."[6] After
    all, Great Britain and the U.S. have granted political asylum to some
    Chechen leaders.

    Putin could have also mentioned the fundrais­ing activities conducted
    in the West by radical Muslim groups to aid the "jihad" in
    "Chechni­stan."[7] Such activities have been going on in Great Britain
    and the U.S. for years but now seem to be coming to an end (although
    fundraising for Chechnya is continuing in the Middle East and
    throughout the Muslim world without interference). In this regard,
    Putin's criticism may be legitimate in view of the Beslan atrocities
    and Basaev's own admission that he received money from abroad and, if
    offered, would have taken money from Osama bin Laden.[8]

    As an intelligence professional, Putin should appreciate the difference
    between information gathering and operational support. Instead, he is
    apparently convinced that the West is preoccupied with creating an
    irritant for Russia. In an earlier speech to the nation, Putin went
    even further, say­ing that foreign powers are interested in
    dismem­bering Russia and neutralizing it as a nuclear power;[9] he
    ignored, however, the much greater issue of the global Islamist
    networks supporting the Chechen extremists.

    Still, Putin left enough common ground to infer that continuing
    cooperation with the West in the war on terrorism is possible. He sent
    a clear mes­sage that entrenched bureaucracies on both sides of the
    Atlantic hamper U.S.-Russian security coopera­tion. He also said that
    President Bush is a "good, decent man," "a reliable and predictable
    partner," and someone he can "feel as a human being."[10] He also
    stated that terrorist attacks in Iraq are aimed at achieving President
    Bush's electoral defeat.[11]

    Thus, despite his vocal reservations concerning the West, Putin sent a
    message to the Western leadership. Putin presented himself as open to
    anti-terrorism cooperation, indicating that security "professionals" on
    both sides are in contact and recognizing that Cold War sentiments
    still exces­sively influence the bureaucracies on both sides of the
    Atlantic.[12] Putin is no doubt aware of shared risks of terrorists
    gaining access to weapons of mass destruction.[13]

    New Challenges

    While President Putin appears to understand the threat of global
    terrorism, Russia's security apparatus does not seem to grasp
    sufficiently the challenge of the jihadi menace. This is an enemy
    different from the Cold War threats of "Western imperialism" and
    internal political opposition. Externally, Soviet foreign intelligence
    fought the Cold War against the U.S. and its European allies while,
    domestically, the secret police were posi­tioned to ruthlessly suppress
    any political dissent among the unarmed population through
    intimida­tion and incarceration.

    Ethnic and religious unrest, however, is endemic to the territory of
    the Russian empire and the Soviet Union, as prolonged guerrilla warfare
    during the 18th-20th centuries in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western
    Ukraine, and Baltic states demonstrates. In particular, ethnic-based
    warfare and insurgency have hardly been new to the Caucasus--north and
    south--for the past two centuries.

    A Missed Chance. President Putin has admit­ted that the first Chechen
    war, unleashed by the Yeltsin administration in the fall of 1994, in
    which 80,000-100,000 people were killed and over 100,000 became
    internally displaced, was an error.[14] After the Russian army's defeat
    in Chech­nya, Moscow granted the rebel region quasi-inde­pendence in

    Sadly, however, "independent" Chechnya turned into a disaster for its
    own people. Armed gangs and clans ran wild. Radical Sunni (called
    Wahhabi or Salafi) clerics imported from Saudi Arabia have established
    Islamic religious courts in the society, which had previously practiced
    a rather lax version of Sufi Islam.[15] Public hangings have become
    commonplace. Thousands have been kidnapped for ransom. Slave markets
    have appeared. Oil has been stolen from pipelines, pipelines sabotaged,
    transit trains from Russia shot at, and passengers robbed. Trafficking
    in drugs, arms, and other contraband is rampant.

    The Wahhabi presence, including ties with al-Qaeda terrorists, has
    increased, strengthening the leadership of radical Islamists such as
    Shamil Basaev. Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's second in
    command, spent six months in Chech­nya setting up training camps and
    preparing for jihad. The Russian security services even arrested
    al-Zawahiri, but unaware of his identity eventually let him go.

    The Second Chechen War. The second Chechen war began in 1999 when a
    radical Chechen faction commanded by Shamil Basaev invaded the
    neighboring republic of Daghestan. Bombings of apartment buildings in
    Moscow and Volgodonsk, in which over 300 people died, greatly escalated
    matters. Basaev and the radical faction he leads do not hide their
    geopolitical ambitions of establishing a caliphate from the Black Sea
    to the Caspian. Russia responded with a World War II- style invasion of
    Chechnya, which resulted in mas­sive destruction and heavy civilian

    The second Chechen war bolstered Putin's pop­ularity and facilitated
    his election to his first term in office in March 2000, but it also
    left lingering problems. Tens of thousands of Chechen civilians were
    displaced, killed, or wounded. After Beslan, however, Putin refused to
    discuss the problems. Further, he asserted that the Chechen war had
    nothing to do with the hostage taking in Beslan. The Russian president
    offered no criticism of com­mand, control, and leadership failures or
    of doctri­nal and organizational lapses in fighting the terrorist war
    in the Caucasus and Russia.

    Today, political, economic, social, cultural, reli­gious, and
    "hearts-and-minds" issues desperately need attention throughout the
    Northern Caucasus. President Putin understands this, at least to some
    degree. However, it remains to be seen whether the newly installed
    nationalities minister Vladimir Yakovlev, former mayor of St.
    Petersburg and a political enemy of Putin,[16] and the newly appointed
    Governor-General of the Northern Cau­casus Dmitry Kozak, a Putin can-do
    confidante and former Cabinet secretary, are up to the demanding tasks

    To address today's threats, Russia needs to rethink and revamp its
    anti-terrorism approach, learn lessons from other countries and
    conflicts, and establish new security structures that are capa­ble of
    dealing with 21st century terrorism. In such a predicament, one would
    think that Russia would not look for adventures in the "near abroad"
    (the other former Soviet republics) and would leave recent democratic
    achievements intact.

    Prisoner of the Caucasus

    However, in the days before and after Beslan, Putin and his inner
    circle overtly questioned the sovereignty of Georgia and her
    post-Soviet bor­ders. Putin said, "When the Soviet Union col­lapsed, no
    one asked the Ossetians and the Abkhaz whether they want to stay in
    Georgia."[18] Russia is also staunchly opposing the Organization for
    Security and Co-operation in Europe's plan for a peaceful settlement of
    the crisis in Transdniester, a secessionist region in Moldova.

    The message is loud and clear: Post-Soviet bor­ders are no longer
    sacrosanct. Furthermore, in 2001, the Duma quietly adopted a
    constitutional mechanism for incorporating foreign lands and countries
    into the Russian Federation.

    In Georgia, Russian arms, Transdniester and Cossack volunteers, and
    Russian peacekeepers under the umbrella of the Commonwealth of
    Inde­pendent States have been deployed in South Osse­tia and Abkhazia.
    Russian gunboats have entered Georgian territorial waters without
    authorization. One even had ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky on
    board. Zhirinovsky was delivering the gunboat as a gift to the Abkhaz
    separatist lead­ership.[19] Such events do not happen without the
    permission of Putin's administration.

    Russian citizenship and passports, freely distrib­uted to the
    secessionist populations of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, undermine the
    national iden­tity of the Abkhaz and Ossetians as citizens of Georgia,
    while these separatist elites benefit from contraband trafficking and
    are supported with secret Moscow-based funds.[20] Plans have even been
    laid to reopen a railroad line from Sochi to Abkhazia without Tbilisi's

    The Russian leadership seems to have a blind spot. By trying to pull
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia into Moscow's orbit, the Kremlin may be
    inadvert­ently strengthening the case of Chechen separatism.

    Border Revisions? Since 1992, Moscow has supported sundry
    separatists--from Transdniester to Abkhazia and South Ossetia to
    Nagorno-Kara­bakh--for a reason. These moves open the door to revising
    other borders, especially in areas heavily populated with Russian
    speakers, such as northern Kazakhstan, Transdniester, and eastern

    Russia may also support border revisions in such areas as
    Nagorno-Karabakh, which could have unpredictable consequences for the
    10-year- old Armenian-Azerbaijani cease-fire. Border revi­sions can be
    held over the heads of uncooperative neighbors like the sword of
    Damocles. Interna­tionally, this can become a powder keg. Under­mining
    the territorial integrity of Russia's neighbors is unacceptable to the
    U.S. and the European Union, and it is dangerous to Russia itself.

    The Kremlin Response After Beslan

    Crying over the phantom pains of empire will not protect Russia from
    terrorism. Instead of revamping, retraining, and reorganizing Russia's
    anti-terrorist and security services, Putin has opted for a massive
    re-centralization of power--despite an outcry from the Russian liberal
    elites.[22] In doing so, he is taking the country on a path
    remi­niscent of the Soviet and czarist eras.

    Specifically, on September 13, 2004, Putin announced the following
    measures ostensibly to ensure that Russia is effectively governed:

    Regional leaders will no longer be elected by a popular vote. Instead,
    regional legislatures will approve nominees submitted by the president.

    All Duma deputies will be elected through party lists in single-seat

    A "public chamber" will be established to pro­vide public oversight of
    the government, par­ticularly of law enforcement and security agencies.

    Voluntary people's patrols, ubiquitous in the Soviet era, will be
    established and will work in tandem with police to ensure that public
    order is re-established.

    A special federal commission will be set up to oversee the North
    Caucasus issues.

    The government will re-establish a new Minis­try for Regional Policy
    and Nationalities.

    The government will elaborate a system of responses to thwart terrorist

    Putin is essentially rebuilding the Soviet state security apparatus and
    applying the 19th century Russian imperial model to a 21st century
    state that is riddled with terrorism and corruption. For example, there
    are also plans to the reintroduce police-issued residence permits,
    similar to the Soviet-era propiska, to control internal movement of the

    These measures are unlikely to provide an effec­tive antidote to
    expanding terrorism in the North Caucasus and Russia, and they reverse
    democratic achievements of the 1990s. Nostalgia for the Soviet past may
    beget new authoritarianism, as former Presidents Boris Yeltsin and
    Mikhail Gorbachev warned in interviews on September 16, 2004.[25]

    Reverting to the Past? Putin's decision to nom­inate governors, doing
    away with their election, will not only dilute Russia's developing
    democracy. It will effectively end administrative ethnic auton­omy,
    which was adopted by the Bolsheviks after the 1917 coup.

    The number of regions--"federation subjects" as they are called in
    Russia--is likely to be reduced through constitutional changes from 89
    to about 30. However, in the 21st century, it is extremely dif­ficult
    to govern a country that spans 11 time zones from one political center.
    The information overload and corruption may become severe enough to
    slow the pace of economic growth. Putin may have to abandon his
    proclaimed goal of doubling Russia's gross domestic product by

    It is also counterproductive to undermine the connection of voters and
    their elected representa­tives by abandoning the single-district system
    and shifting to elections by party lists.

    Establishing an unelected and disempowered "public chamber" to
    supervise the security services will not solve Russia's flagging
    anti-terrorism conundrum. There is no substitute for effective civilian
    control by the legislative and civilian exec­utive branches. Nor are
    additional bureaucratic offices, such as the new Ministry for Regional
    Pol­icy and Nationalities, likely to resolve the systemic problems of
    the Northern Caucasus.

    What Should Be Done

    In pursuing the global war on terrorism, the U.S. should attempt to
    accomplish a number of policy objectives with regard to Russia:

    Keeping Russia as a friendly partner in the anti-terrorism coalition;

    Cooperating with Moscow to prevent the pro­liferation of weapons of
    mass destruction, especially preventing terrorists from acquiring such

    Shoring up Russia as a reliable supplier of oil and gas to the world
    market, in addition to the Persian Gulf states, and keeping the
    Rus­sian energy sector open to U.S. and Western investment;

    Supporting the territorial integrity and inde­pendence of the
    post-Soviet states of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia;

    Developing the forces of democracy in Russia, especially supporting
    civil society and free media.

    To advance these policy objectives, the Bush Administration should:

    Emphasize to the Russian people, President Putin, and the Russian
    government that Russia and the U.S. are facing the same enemy, which
    threatens their national survival, their peoples, and their most
    cherished values. Presidents Bush and Putin should hold an
    anti-terrorism summit in the near future to hammer out a joint
    anti-terrorism action plan. In view of Beslan, President Bush should
    order a review of U.S. policies on asylum for Chechen lead­ers, Chechen
    fundraising in the U.S., and the U.S. intelligence community's contacts
    with Chechen rebels.

    Increase U.S. outreach in the battle for Russia's hearts and minds,
    paying particular attention to the younger generations of Russian
    citizens. Cold War paranoia still permeates the Russian elites. The
    U.S. Embassy in Moscow is already busy reaching out to Russia's media,
    think tanks, and government offices, but more needs to be done on the
    public diplomacy front.

    Expand security cooperation in anti-terrorist force structure, command,
    control, and com­munications and on techniques for dealing with hostage
    situations. The Trubinkov-Armit­age Group run by the U.S. Department of
    State and the Russian Foreign Ministry could coor­dinate cooperation. A
    joint project, such as neutralizing Shamil Basaev and his
    organiza­tion, could be undertaken cooperatively. On the U.S. side,
    participants might include the Departments of State, Defense, and
    Homeland Security and the CIA. On the Russian side, participating
    offices might include the Foreign Intelligence Service, Federal
    Security Service, Emergency Situations Ministry (Russian FEMA), and
    Alfa and Vityaz units.

    Cooperate with Russia, if it so desires, in strengthening transparency
    and civilian con­trol of the Russian security services. This can be
    accomplished through expanded contacts between the Duma, the Council of
    the Federa­tion, and the U.S. Congress. Congress and the Pentagon, as
    well as think tanks, could con­duct a series of seminars discussing the
    U.S. experience in this field in Moscow.

    Develop a range of joint programs that reduce WMD and terrorist threats
    to both countries, going beyond the current Nunn-Lugar fund­ing which
    focuses on storage, safety, and secu­rity. Such programs should
    actively prevent WMD proliferation to non-state actors. As both
    countries have an interest in strategic arms reduction and ballistic
    missile defense, such cooperation can help to transcend Cold War fears.
    The U.S. and Russia should inten­sify cooperation on joint ballistic
    missile defense and aggressive non-proliferation to help further reduce
    Cold War sentiments.[27]

    Support the sovereignty and territorial integ­rity of all post-Soviet
    states. Expand coopera­tion with these countries via NATO's Partnership
    for Peace and bilateral military-to-military ties, exchanges,
    train-and-equip pro­grams, and (where necessary) limited troop
    deployment. Maintain and expand dialogue with Moscow over contentious
    issues, such as South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as the U.S.
    presence in Central Asia.

    Develop programs that support freedoms of the press and of political
    organizations, feder­alism and local self-governance, growth of the
    nonprofit/nongovernment sector, and the rule of law and promote
    transparent, participatory, and democratic governance in Russia. This
    can be accomplished through joint activities involving political
    parties, their institutions, and other nongovernmental organizations,
    such as the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic
    Institute, and the National Endowment for Democracy in the U.S. and the
    Moscow Helsinki Group, Interna­tional Memorial Society, and Glasnost
    Defense Foundation in Russia. The U.S. should also expanding support of
    the independent media in Russia in all forms, including print,
    broad­casting, and Internet.


    The U.S. faces a delicate and difficult policy challenge after Beslan.
    President Putin is taking Russia in the direction of greater
    centralization, which he believes will make Russia more secure and make
    it into a greater power. An authoritarian Russia, lacking democratic
    checks and balances, is likely to pursue a regional and even global
    foreign policy that increases friction with the United States, its
    vital interests, and its allies.

    The U.S. should do its best to encourage democracy, political
    pluralism, and media free­doms and dissuade Moscow from becoming
    increasingly authoritarian or expansionist. It should support Russia's
    weaker neighbors, their independence, and their territorial integrity.
    At the same time, the U.S. should avoid an unnecessary confrontation
    with Russia while shoring up and expanding U.S.-Russian cooperation in
    the global war on terrorism.

    Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., is Research Fellow in Rus­sian and Eurasian Studies
    in the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International
    Studies at The Heritage Foundation.
