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Experts discuss prospects for peace in former Soviet republics

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  • Experts discuss prospects for peace in former Soviet republics

    The Michigan Daily, MI
    25 Oct. 2004

    Experts discuss prospects for peace in former Soviet republics

    Tofik Zulfugarov, Azerbaijani ambassador to the United States, speaks
    before an assembly of diplomats during a conference on foreign policy
    challenges in the southern Caucusus, held at the University's Alumni
    Center on Saturday. (PETER SCHOTTENFELS/Daily)

    By Leah Gutman, Daily Staff Reporter

    Too often, myths perpetuated about foreign conflict mediation have
    actually delayed swift resolutions, Wesleyan University government
    professor Arman Grigorian said.

    More than 35 professors and diplomats of the United States and other
    nations attended the four-day, University-hosted International Armenian
    Conference over the weekend. They examined the political history of the
    Southern Caucasus, as well as the current state of strife there, to
    discuss new approaches for peace in the area.

    The Southern Caucasus -- a part of the former Soviet Union north of the
    Middle East -- consists of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    On the conference's third day, during a panel on conflict resolution in
    the Southern Caucasus, Grigorian warned against resolutions to dilemmas
    that require many intermediary parties.

    An issue of much contention, Grigorian pointed toward American
    involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia as an example
    of third-party mediation that has been largely unsuccessful.

    The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict began in 1988 in a clash over Soviet
    territory between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. By the fall of the Soviet
    Union in 1991, full-blown war had erupted in the region. Bloodshed
    eventually ceased in 1994, yet analysts say its consequences are
    strongly felt between the two parties today and political settlements
    have yet to be reached.

    Some, like Grigorian, feel that U.S. mediation efforts in conflicts in
    the Caucasus have only made matters worse. He said the United States
    and Russia, two countries with different interests, have competed in
    the Caucasus instead of trying to help the region.

    "It's easy to see me as favoring Russian mediation -- perhaps because
    I'm Armenian and Armenians tend to be pro-Russia -- but I don't care
    which party (is given the upper hand) as long as they're seriously
    interested in finding a solution," Grigorian said.

    LSA senior Steve Jebinak, who attended the conference on Saturday and
    is researching the region, expressed his interest in Armenian foreign
    and state relations. "I'm investigating how regions that have broken
    away (from their original country) do function as states, though
    they're not recognized diplomatically." Armenia declared its
    independence from the collapsing Soviet Union in 1991.

    Tom de Waal, Caucasus editor and project coordinator of the Institute
    for War and Peace Reporting, closed the panel by suggesting that the
    weight of discontent among the people of the Southern Caucasus lies not
    so much in the conflict itself, but in the way the conflict is

    "What's in the mind is often the biggest obstacle to the resolution of
    these conflicts," Waal said. "The differences are not that great; it's
    the perceptions of conflicts which extenuates those differences."

    Waal said he hopes that in the coming years, Armenians, Azerbaijanis
    and Georgians will come to regard their shared past as a source of