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Armenia: Blood and Bile

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  • Armenia: Blood and Bile

    Armenia: Blood and Bile
    by Emil Danielyan

    Transitions Online
    27 October 2004

    Five years on, the slaughter of Armenia's prime minister and seven
    other politicians is still a mystery. And so the political bloodletting

    YEREVAN, Armenia -- When a crime is committed in front of television
    cameras and dozens of eyewitnesses, and its perpetrators are arrested
    less than 24 hours later, few would expect it not to be solved. And
    few Armenians did so when five gunmen turned themselves in after
    seizing their parliament and spraying it with bullets exactly five
    years ago. It seemed that there was so much factual evidence that even
    the most incompetent law-enforcement official would quickly establish
    the truth about a shocking attack that killed eight senior officials,
    including Armenia's then-prime minister, Vazgen Sarkisian and the
    speaker of parliament, Karen Demirchian.

    Yet precisely what happened inside and outside the parliament building
    in Yerevan on 27 October 1999 is still a mystery and may never be
    known. Increasingly, the case resembles the 1963 assassination of
    U.S. President John Kennedy, many circumstances of which remain
    unknown to this day. The most important unanswered question in both
    high-profile killings is who masterminded them. That mystery is
    particularly acute in Armenia, where President Robert Kocharian is
    still dogged by allegations that he was personally involved in the
    shootings despite the absence of compelling evidence against him.


    The perceived high-level cover-up of the crime has been a key rallying
    point for Kocharian's most bitter political opponents. Incidentally,
    two of them are Sarkisian's brother Aram and Demirchian's son
    Stepan. These men lead Armenia's biggest opposition alliance,
    Artarutyun (Justice). The younger Demirchian was Kocharian's main
    challenger in last year's presidential election, which international
    monitors heavily criticized for widespread fraud. Artarutyun insists
    that he was the rightful winner of a vote that was officially won by
    the incumbent.

    The relatives of the two assassinated leaders are convinced that
    ringleader Nairi Hunanian and his four henchmen were acting on
    somebody's orders when they burst into the National Assembly during
    its regular question-and-answer session with cabinet members. The
    gunmen, among them Hunanian's brother Karen and uncle Vram Galstian,
    had no trouble smuggling Kalashnikov rifles into the chamber, where
    they shot Prime Minister Sarkisian and speaker Demirchian and his two
    deputies from almost point-blank range. Four other parliamentarians and
    government ministers also died in a hail of automatic gunfire. Dozens
    of their colleagues were held hostage until the assailants surrendered
    to police the next morning.

    Hunanian declared immediately after the bloodbath that he wanted to
    rid Armenia of a corrupt government that had for years been "sucking
    the people's blood." He specifically blamed Sarkisian, seen at the
    time as Armenia's most powerful man, for the country's post-Soviet
    economic woes, rigged elections, and abuse of power. All five gunmen
    were sentenced to life imprisonment in December 2003 after a nearly
    three-year trial.

    Some of Hunanian's accusations were not unfounded. Indeed, Sarkisian,
    formerly a defense minister and one of the founders of the Armenian
    army, did play a pivotal role in presidential elections held in 1996
    and 1998, both of which were reportedly falsified. It was a role that
    led many Armenians to loathe him. However, the public mood seems to
    have changed dramatically in early 1999 when Sarkisian decided to team
    up with Karen Demirchian, Armenia's hugely popular Soviet-era ruler.

    The two men were murdered almost five months after a parliamentary
    election in which an alliance co-headed by them swept to a landslide
    victory. The May 1999 vote is still seen by many experts as the sole
    relatively clean Armenian election held since independence. The
    Sarkisian-Demirchian duo formed a new cabinet as a result and was
    gradually weakening the grip on power that Kocharian had enjoyed
    since becoming president in 1998.

    That is why fingers were immediately pointed at Kocharian. Powerful
    government factions and army generals loyal to the former defense chief
    were close to forcing him into resignation later in 1999. Kocharian
    eventually prevailed in the bitter power struggle, reinforcing his
    reputation as a canny and shrewd politician. But his skills have so
    far failed to put an end to the nagging suspicion about his possible
    involvement in the shootings.


    "I accuse the authorities of doing nothing to prevent the 27 October
    crime from happening and doing everything to prevent it from being
    solved," Aram Sarkisian, the late premier's brother, has said. But
    both Stepan Demirchian and he are careful not to accuse Kocharian
    explicitly of masterminding the conspiracy. They instead point to the
    many apparent flaws in the more-than-yearlong criminal investigation
    into the parliament shootings and particularly to the authorities'
    handling of the ensuing trial of the gunmen.

    Throughout the marathon trial Hunanian insisted that he had made the
    decision to storm the National Assembly without anybody's orders. But
    his concluding remarks in the court in November 2003 were more
    ambiguous. He stated bluntly that he "restored the constitutional
    order" by helping Kocharian become "the sole power center" in the
    country. "The president began exercising his authority in full only
    after that," he said.

    The 38-year-old former student activist and journalist was not allowed
    to finish his speech three days later just as he was about to reveal
    "new circumstances" of the case. The presiding judge, Samvel Uzunian,
    interrupted him to end the proceedings, arguing that the question of
    who had engineered the massacre is the subject of a separate inquiry
    conducted by prosecutors.

    Uzunian had already sparked controversy in August 2003 when he cut
    short the trial by not hearing testimony from more than a hundred
    witnesses. The judge accepted prosecutors' argument that 29 other
    witnesses cross-examined during the hearings had already provided
    sufficient information about the crime. The Sarkisian and Demirchian
    families portrayed that as another proof of a cover-up.

    The trial was effectively suspended for six months in the first half
    of last year ostensibly due to health problems suffered by Uzunian
    and Galstian, who was also a defendant. The hiatus coincided with
    presidential elections in February and March 2003 and parliamentary
    elections in May. Relatives and supporters of the assassinated leaders
    say Kocharian and his allies wanted to avoid negative publicity
    associated with the politically sensitive case.

    When the court hearings resumed in June 2003, Galstian, Hunanian's
    uncle, denied that he had been suffering from ill health (adding
    that prison guards had forcibly injected him with unidentified
    drugs). This April, he was found dead in his prison cell under
    still-murky circumstances. The authorities said he was suffering from
    a mental illness and committed suicide a few days after being placed
    in solitary confinement at his own request.

    But according to Avetik Ishkhanian of the Armenian Helsinki Committee,
    a prison psychologist visited Galstian shortly before his death and
    found no signs of "agitation." Ishkhanian and two other human rights
    activists were allowed to see Galstian's body hanging from a bed sheet
    at Yerevan's maximum-security Nubarashen jail. "They did not let us
    see if there are any traces of violence, saying that an investigation
    is underway," he said afterward.

    The official investigation into the 27 October case was also marred
    by a scandal over the alleged editing of the harrowing video of
    the shootings. The Russian attorney for the Sarkisian family, Oleg
    Yunoshev, has repeatedly charged that it was doctored by the state-run
    Armenian Public Television before being broadcast worldwide. Even
    Hunanian has backed the claim, which has been strongly denied by
    the authorities.

    "I myself ordered [a state television] cameraman to shoot everything
    and never understood why just over eight minutes of the film was left
    from a shooting that lasted between 15 and 20 minutes," the ringleader
    of the killings told the court.

    Yunoshev has linked the scandal to the murder, in December 2002,
    of the state television chief, Tigran Naghdalian, suggesting that
    the authorities eliminated a key witness to the alleged editing of
    the tape. But according to the official version of the crime, the
    first murder of a journalist in Armenia was commissioned by the late
    Sarkisian's second brother, Armen, because he felt that Naghdalian
    was also involved in the parliament attack.

    Armen Sarkisian was sentenced to 15 years in prison early this year
    after pleading not guilty to the charges. His family denounced the
    imprisonment as politically motivated.

    Five years later, the killings in parliament thus continue to shape
    Armenia's political life, raising the stakes for Kocharian in his
    bitter standoff with the two opposition leaders. Finding out the
    truth about the massacre is a key motivation for Stepan Demirchian
    and Aram Sarkisian in their fight for regime change.

    Some, especially supporters of the Armenian president, see a penchant
    for revenge. Sarkisian, a firebrand speaker increasingly resembling his
    assassinated brother, does not deny that. "Yes, I do have a personal
    feud toward Robert Kocharian," he said. "Who wouldn't in my place?"


    Emil Danielyan is a journalist based in Yerevan and a longtime
    contributor to TOL and its print predecessor, Transitions.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress