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Vatican Mentions Of Armenian Genocide In "Catholic's Handbook"

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  • Vatican Mentions Of Armenian Genocide In "Catholic's Handbook"

    Vatican Mentions Of Armenian Genocide In "Catholic's Handbook"

    28 Oct 04

    The Armenian Genocide's international acknowledgment became the
    first priority of the Armenian state after the power shift in
    1998. Pres. Kocharian affirmed this state policy to UN in 1998 and
    2000 and to OSCE in 1999.

    European community responded to the Armenia's claims, and France
    and Vatican soon after recognized the Genocide. These days when the
    Turkey's EU accession is on the agenda and when the Armenian Genocide
    issue comes up to the surface, Vatican City issued its "Fundamentals
    of Church's Social Doctrine" official communiqué on October 25.

    The Turkish Hyuriet touches on the communiqué in October 26 issue only
    because the "genocide" section of the communiqué mentions Armenians in
    a row of eliminated nations. Hyuriet notes that Vatican's communiqué
    aiming at involving Christian believers in the social and political
    life has become a "Catholic's handbook".

    "The Armenian genocide, which began the century, was a prologue
    to horrors that would follow. Two world wars, countless regional
    conflicts and deliberately organized campaigns of extermination took
    the lives of millions of faithful", the communiqué reads.

    The Hyuriet closes up saying that the communiqué was prepared by
    Renato Martino, president of Vatican Cityâ~@~Ys Commission on Justice
    and Reconciliation, and presented to the mass media.

    Recent discussions over Armenian Genocideâ~@~Ys in Europe bring the
    acknowledgment of this historic tragedy closer to the international
    community. The fact that the Turkish press keeps the issue in its
    spotlight means that political circles of Turkey are also concerned
    with the issue.

    By Hakob Chakrian
