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Kurdish Lessons For Kashmiris

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  • Kurdish Lessons For Kashmiris, United Stated
    28 Oct. 2004

    Kurdish Lessons For Kashmiris

    By K. Gajendra Singh

    Al-Jazeerah, October 28, 2004

    Earlier this year, perhaps echoing views of many Kashmiri leaders,
    Sajjad Lone, leader of the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) People's Conference
    said, "I don't have to be a genius to realise that the Americans will
    not allow any violent movement or Islamic militancy to succeed. That
    applies to Kashmir as well." Pervez Imroz of the Coalition of Civil
    Society in Srinagar said that there was "a lot of suspicion about the
    US " in the minds of Kashmiris. "People are wondering if they have not
    defended the rights of the Kurdish people in Iraq, why would they
    defend our rights? " "After 9/11, the American perception of Kashmir
    has changed. They are the ones who are defining what terrorism is."
    Syed Ali Shah Geelani of the Jamaat-e-Islami said." The Americans have
    their own interest (to protect). They are prejudiced and do not want to
    see just demands being met. If they did, then the situation in
    Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan would not exist."

    Even the Kurds in North Iraq are now complaining, although they enjoyed
    US protection from Saddam Hussein since 1991 Gulf war till the US
    invasion of Iraq and almost total autonomy, but their status remains
    ambiguous in 'new Iraq'. When the farce of handing over the
    'sovereignty ' to Iraqi exile Prime Minister Iyad Allawi was carried
    out in end June, it included no guarantee of their autonomy in the UN
    resolution, which was promised earlier. A press release from the
    Patriotic Union of Kurdistan said that "the current situation in Iraq
    and the new-found attitude of the US, UK and UN has led to a serious
    re-think for the Kurds. The prop! osed plans do not seem to promise the
    expected Kurdish role in the future of a new Iraq. The Kurds feel
    betrayed once again." Underlining that the Kurds have been the only
    true friends and allies of the coalition, it added that "if the plight
    of the Kurds is ignored yet again and we are left with no say in the
    future of a new Iraq, the will of the Kurdish people will be too great
    for the Kurdish political parties to ignore--. This will certainly not
    serve the unity of Iraq."

    But Turkey's Kurds make progress

    After receiving the Sakharov Prize, European Union (EU)'s top human
    rights award, Leyla Zana, former Turkish deputy of Kurdish origin told
    the European Assembly in Brussels on 14 October that "Violence has
    outlived its time. The language and method of solution of our age is
    dialogue, compromise and peace. It is not 'die and kill,' but 'live and
    let live'." "Everything that is not given a name and not defined is
    without identity. It is only the Kurds who do not have a name," added
    Zana. She said that her aim was to underline the brotherhood of
    people's languages and cultures. "The Kurds are determined for a
    peaceful solution within the territorial integrity of Turkey." She!
    spoke partly in Kurdish and partly in Turkish.

    Europe's Parliament with its 732-members , which repeatedly called for
    Zana's release over the last decade, gave her a standing ovation after
    her 30-minute speech. Zana was awarded the prize in 1995 when as a
    member of Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP), she was jailed to serve a
    15-year sentence by Turkey's State Security Court along with three
    other DEP deputies -- Orhan Dogan, Hatip Dicle and Selim Sadak -- on
    charges of separatism and alleged links to the outlawed Kurdistan
    Workers' Party (PKK). The other prominent winners of the award to honor
    the late Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov were South African President
    Nelson Mandela; Alexander Dubcek, father of the Praha Spring and
    Burmese Nobel Peace Prize-winner, Aung San Suu Kyi.

    In the wake of recent revolutionary changes in Turkey to make its
    Constitution conform to the Copenhagen criteria and enable it join the
    EU, Zana and others were temporarily freed in June and now face
    re-trial on charges that she had sported a hair band in the traditional
    Kurdish colors of yellow, green and red used by Kurdish militants. She
    had also defied the ban on speaking in Kurdish in Turkey's Parliament
    .The four MPs were stripped of their parliamentary immunity in 1995 and
    their pro-Kurdish DEP party banned. The EU entry aspired new human
    rights laws made the court consider them as political prisoners,
    released them, and called for a retrial.

    Zana wants to launch a new "movement" for advancing the rights of
    Turkey's Kurds and invited writers, artists and other intellectuals to
    join. She said "Our vision and basic goal is to advance the Kurdish
    democratic movement in the areas of freedom, democracy and
    participation and pluralistic politics ... and to bring the people to
    power." Zana has repeatedly called for peaceful tactics to advance
    cultural rights for Kurds, which have been conceded to a large extent.

    While the activities of Zana and other Turkish leaders of Kurdish
    origin provided the political thrust in the struggle for cultural and
    other rights, Abdullah Ocalan leader of PKK represented the violent
    face, which since millennia have resisted forced assimilation by
    majority ethnic, linguistic and religious groups or nations. Ocalan
    made his peace with the Turkish state, after his capture in 1999. He
    was tried and condemned to death (later commuted to life term in 2002)
    and imprisoned. He asked his followers to give up the gun, but since
    June, when a unilateral ceasefire by his followers was not renewed,
    violence has again re-surfaced.

    But the Turkish state also paid a heavy price. Since 1984, Ocalan led
    PKK rebellion for a Kurdish state in South and East cost over 37,000
    lives, mostly Kurds but included over five thousand soldiers. Thousands
    of Kurdish villages were bombed, destroyed, abandoned or relocated.
    Millions of Kurds were moved or migrated. A third of Turkish army was
    tied up in South East costing $6 to $8 billion per year .The region's
    economy was shattered. It brought charges of police and military
    brutality and human rights violations in the West to which Turkey is
    linked through NATO, OECD and EU.

    Pakistani media team in Srinagar

    In early part of October, a team of 16 Pakistani journalists during
    their first-ever historic and path-breaking visit to Srinagar, capital
    of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), met with among others, Yasin Malik, leader
    of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), who was released some
    years ago after many years in Indian jails. A member of the Pakistani
    team reported back that Malik made them "squirm with his accusations.
    He thinks our visit is an example of wily "Punjabi (Pakistan's)
    statecraft", that India and Pakistan are two pipsqueaks with "tiny"
    bombs. And then the knockout blow: we are here with a 'brief' from
    Pakistan and are completely 'confused' about the situation here." The
    encounters and exchanges during the visit exposed many wrong
    perceptions about each other.

    Shabir Shah, berated the Pakistani scribes for coming to Kashmir on
    Indian visas. When released from Indian Jail in 1994 he first visited
    refugee camps in miserable conditions of the Kashmiri Pandits, who were
    forced to leave Kashmir by terrorists and declared himself against any
    solution that involved a further partition of Jammu and Kashmir
    "because it will repeat the mistake of Partition and put the lives of
    Indian Muslims in great danger"; and who, till two years ago, had
    declared himself willing to fight the state assembly elections .His
    virulent attack during the visit of Pakistanis reflects the depth of
    disillusionment with New Delhi's policies too.

    A group of students perhaps egged on by hardliner Syed Ali Shah
    Geelani. forced their way into a dialogue between the journ! alists and
    students at Kashmir University and, after shouting Nizam-e-Mustapha and
    Nara-e-Tadbir, said that they welcomed the militants from Pakistan and
    regarded them as their saviours. But the Pakistan-based militants, have
    'liberated' more than 6,000 Kashmiris in the past six years by killing
    them, and systematically assassinate moderate Kashmiri leaders

    Asiya Andrabi of Kashmir's Dukhtaran-e-Millat militant group of women
    was criticized by Pakistani scribes back home because "A day before (we
    reached) Srinagar on Oct 6, she held a press conference (and)
    forewarned the people of Kashmir that journalists from Pakistan were
    visiting them 'on orders of General Musharraf, who wants to abandon
    Kashmiris for the pleasure of Americans'.

    "The day after, a deadly jehadi outfit, Jamiat-ul-Mujahideen, fully
    endorsed her suspicions. The doubts regarding our visit were not
    confined to 'extremist fringes'. "Cartoon after cartoon appeared in a
    section of the popular newspapers of Srinagar, where the journalists
    from Pakistan were mocked with utmost contempt for avariciously
    relishing the meaty Wazwun of Kashmir and appreciating the scenic
    beauty of it l! ike the dazed tourists on an exotic picnic." Kashmiris
    and the media castigated the team for accepting the J&K government's "
    5 Star hospitality".

    Another wrote that " The official Pakistani discourse still talks about
    the disputed issue of J&K's accession to India; the religious elements
    in Pakistan want the State's accession to Pakistan on the basis of
    religious affinity; the JKLF wants an independent State. The diversity
    of these discourses is matched in J&K and India. But it is also subdued
    for the time being because of the larger overhang of the single purpose
    of getting rid of India.

    "Yet, thi! s diversity cannot be avoided. At the negotiating table,
    whenever that stage comes, one of the most difficult issues to resolve
    would be defining aazadi (freedom, liberation, independence) because a
    resolution would demand, more than emotions, an acceptable mechanism
    for determining the Kashmiri aspirations.

    "One can broadly have two poles, the rest lying between the two. Syed
    Ali Geelani with his emphasis on accession to Pakistan being one; Omar
    Abdullah, the chief of National Conference with his emphasis on
    autonomy within the Indian Union being the other. The JKLF too is clear
    on its stand but as things stand there are not many takers for the
    independence option, at least in the way the group has formulated it or
    continues to do so. Geelani and Abdullah are closer to the ground
    realities because their solutions take into account the two major
    players: Pakistan and ! India. "

    Human rights activists also told them stories they had heard before:
    about missing persons or about individuals who had been tortured or
    held in jail without trial for a number of years under the draconian
    anti-terrorist laws. On this score too their perceptions were
    reinforced. But a cool and confident National Conference leader of the
    opposition, Omar Abdullah, grand son of legendry leader Sheikh Abdullah
    and a feisty and shrewd Mehbooba Mufti, daughter of the Chief Minister
    put across their points of view, which much impressed the visitors.

    Another journalist wrote that "It may not constitute the unfinished
    agenda of Partition, as Pakistan holds, but even from a discerning
    Indian perspective the state certainly comes across as the unfinished
    agenda of integration into the Indian Union."

    For the Pakistani team it came as a shocking revelation that almost the
    entire Kashmiri intelligentsia conveyed to them (Pakistan) and to New
    Delhi too -"A plague on both your houses. We want azadi." It exploded
    the belief in Pakistan that, being Muslims, Kashmiris want to join
    Pakistan. For the last half-century Pakistanis believed and propounded
    that Kashmir's future be decided by a plebiscite giving Kashmiris only
    two options, Pakistan or India. It became clear that Kashmiri militant
    leaders whom Islamabad supports didn't speak for the people of Kashmir
    but a small minority. Of course Azadi (freedom) is interpreted in many
    ways by Kashmiris but an Independent Kashmir is not on Pakistani mind.

    The message to Pakistanis was that the Kashmiris want a place at the
    negotiating table .The Pakistani journalists were unable to engage in
    the long, painstaking discussions needed to get Kashmiri leaders to
    drop their public postures and start defining azadi more precisely.
    Whether azadi was for the pre-partition princely state of Kashmir, the
    Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, the Valley and 'Azad Kashmir', or
    only the Valley. Were the Kashmiris prepared for another partition if
    some parts did not want to secede from India. How much sovereignty
    would satisfy the thirst for azadi--who would look after Kashmiri
    defence and security needs, and how much! of the present free access to
    the Indian market, to Indian educational institutions and the Indian
    fiscal support they wanted to retain. A Mori poll two years ago said
    that 61 per cent of J& K people preferred to stay with India.

    Many in Pakistan naively believe that after years of militant attacks
    in J&K and India, getting a concession from India would be push over.
    Indians firmly believe that no Indian government can survive any major
    concessions. Some say that the unfinished agenda of Partition, could
    engulf Pakistan, which has as yet to establish itself on the basis of
    territorial loyalty. Pakistan would come around only if it felt that
    its policy of confrontation has become counter prod! uctive and there
    is some profit in a solution. While meeting Kashmiri aspirations as the
    best way toward an agreement, it is for New Delhi and Islamabad to
    balance the quantum of independence keeping in view Indian and
    Pakistani vital interests

    As for economic packages for J&K by governments of India." These have
    remained far from being realised," said a senior official recently, who
    feels that announcements of packages only make official files heavier
    and burdensome without any concrete results on the ground. Most of
    money leaks out, even invested in India.

    Those in J&K who favour independence have not been happy about the
    progress of talks, how ever tortuous, between India and Pakistan, done
    mostly under US prodding. The two countries have moved to discussing
    "solutions" for J&K with India committing itself to a "peaceful
    negotiated settlement" in a formal acceptance of its "disputed" nature,
    while Pakistan has accepted the "bilateral" nature of the dialogue and
    dropped the insistence on a plebiscite and third-party mediation.
    Pakistan kept the i! ssue alive except for a decade and a half after
    1972, when it lost Bangladesh, with help from UK, USA and China, whose
    attitudes have changed depending on their own strategic objectives and

    The Kashmiris and even the Pakistanis might as well study the long
    drawn out Kurdish struggle and learn something from it.

    The Kurdish Problem

    The Kurds are an Iranian-related people totaling over 25 million who
    occupy mostly the adjoining mountainous regions of Turkey (14 million),
    Iran (8 million) and Iraq (4 million) with nearly half a million each
    in Syria, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

    They have been caught up in ethnic upheavals and the intermingling of
    Aryan, Turkic and Semitic races for many millennia. Descending from
    Medes, they were first mentioned as the Kurduchoi, who harassed
    Xenephon and his Ten Thousand during the epic retreat from Mesopotamia
    to the Black Sea in 401 BC.

    The Turks started moving into Anatolia only after the Byzantines were
    defeated at Manzikert in 1071 AD. But barring petty dynasties and some
    principalities in the region, the Kurds, most ! now Sunni Muslims,
    failed to establish a lasting kingdom. Salahaddin remains their
    greatest medieval hero. They have been kept divided and exploited as
    pawns by the ruling Persian, Turkish and Arab empires, and later by
    colonial powers, enjoying autonomy only when the empires were week.
    Sunni Ottomans used them to guard the frontiers against the Shi'ite
    Safavids of Iran. Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria might have adversary
    relations with each other, but when it comes to Kurds, they close
    ranks. But throughout history, whenever suppressed, the Kurds become
    outlaws and take to the mountains.

    Belonging to the Iranian-language! family, Kurdish is spoken in five
    dialects and many sub-dialects, but the divisions among Kurds are
    reflected not on! ly in the dialects or the countries they inhabit.
    Differences among them have persisted throughout history. In north
    Iraq, the Kurds are split among the Kurdish Democratic Movement (KDM)
    of Masud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) of Jalal
    Talabani, who have been warring with each other for decades.

    But, even when divided, they have enjoyed some semblance of autonomy,
    first under the British mandate, then the leftist regime of Brig
    Kassem, and even under the kid gloves and poisoned sword treatment of
    Saddam Hussein, with an almost free run during the Iran-Iraq war of the
    1980s. And then under US-led protection after the 1991 Gulf War. The
    idea of a Kurdish identity and autonomy, which was vigorously
    suppressed in the unitary Turkish state, was kept alive across in Iraq.

    The Irania! ns have manipulated Iraqi Kurds as did the Russians the
    Iranian Kurds during World War II, encouraging them to declare the
    Mahabad Republic, which after the Russian withdrawal in 1946 was
    annihilated. Iran gave shelter and arms to Iraqi Kurds and the PKK. In
    return, after the 1979 Khomeini revolution, the Iraqis supported
    Iranian Kurds. But unlike Iraq, Iran and elsewhere, the Kurds in Turkey
    are the most well integrated with other citizens. But they were
    subjected to harassment and discrimination when the Kurdish insurgency
    began, although they enjoy equal legal rights. Ataturk's right hand
    man, ! Ismet Pasha, later president, had Kurdish blood, as did former
    president Turgut Ozal. The former foreign minister and the parliament
    speaker, Hikmet Cetin, a full-blooded Kurd, is another of many such
    examples of prominent Kurds in Turkey.

    Ocalan and the PKK

    Nicknamed Apo (uncle in Kurdish), Ocalan was born in 1949 at Omerli, a
    small town on the Euphrates in Urfa in Turkey who claims a Turkish
    grandmother, and some Arab blood too. His family took the surname of
    Ocalan (avenger) for having rebelled against Ataturk's republic in the
    1920s. With a mixed population in south Turkey, many people speak
    Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic.

    More fluent in Turkish than Kurdish, Ocalan was a bright student and
    after the usual religious education in the village Mekteb, at which he
    excelled, he won a scholarship to the prestigious political science
    faculty at Ankara, a breeding ground for Turkey's intellectuals, civil
    servants and even politicians. In the heady days of the early 1970s
    after the Paris student uprising, the Ankara university had become a
    center of leftist thought and activities.

    To begin with, Ocalan was an admirer of Ataturk, and even wanted to be
    a military officer. But the total suppression of ethnic or cultural
    pluralism, as if Kurdish history and identity did not exist, and a
    spell in prison after a crackdown on radical students in 1971, where he
    met other Kurdish students, transformed him into a hardened leftist
    Kurdish nationalist. After the first tentative steps in 1974 to
    initiate a Kurdish liberation movement at Ankara, the PKK (in Kurdish -
    Partia Karkaran-e Kurdish) - an alliance of workers, peasants and
    intellectuals for a democratic and independent Kurdistan based on
    Marxist-Leninist principles - was founded by Ocalan with 12 others in
    the village of Lice in Diyarbakir on November 27, 1978.

    The circumstances of its origins; tribalism, feudalism, the grinding
    povert! y of the region compared to the growing prosperity in western
    Turkey made Marxism an abiding ideology that attracted poorer but
    educated youth of both sexes. After some unsuccessful attacks in 1979,
    the really violent incidents, which brought recognition to the PKK as a
    terror outfit, were carried out in 1984 in Sirit and Hakkari near the
    Iraq-Iran border.

    >>From a few hundred in 1984, the number of PKK cadres then rose to the
    thousands and peaked in the first half of the 1990s when the PKK was
    churning out 300 fighters every quarter. As the state used all the
    brutal power at its command, the PKK fought back savagely by killing
    government village headmen, guards, teachers and doctors, apart from
    innocents and the military and police soldiers. Brutal reprisals and
    killings by security forces brought in thousands of fresh volunteers to
    the PKK.

    Ocalan left Turkey for Lebanon just before the 1980 military
    intervention. Afraid that Islamic revivalism and Kurdish nationalism
    were undermining the state, the military junta banned major political
    parties and debarred politicians, came down heavily on the media,
    politicians, students and radicals, especially those of Kurdish origin.
    But the prisons only proved to be academies for new recruits to the PKK

    Ocalan first contacted PLO leftists, but was soon adopted by the
    Syrians, who provided him a residence in Damascus and gave him the
    Bekaa Valley for training his cadres. He spent some time in East
    Germany, but mostly operated from Syria and Lebanon. A ruthless and
    cruel leader, with a charismatic hold over his followers and in spite
    of never returning to Turkey, Ocalan was revered by his dedicated
    followers and feared and obeyed by most.

    Roots of the Kurdish problem

    The roots of the Kurdish problem lie deep in the Turkish psyche. The
    seeds were sown during the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the birth
    of the Turkish Republic after World War I. Under the Ottomans, its
    Christian, Armenian and other millets (religious communities) enjoyed
    religious freedom with autonomy in their personal laws and education.
    The Turks complain that the Christian West used the stick of religion
    and nationalism in Eastern Europe to b reak up the empire during the
    19th and early 20th century. The first to leave were the Balkan
    Christians, and in the late 19th century it was feared that even the
    Kurds might desert, like the Egyptians. But the last s! traw was the
    revolt by Muslim Arabs, for the Ottoman caliphs were always Muslims
    first and then Turks. In fact the word "Turk", until Ataturk endowed it
    with dignity, was used as a term of contempt by the Ottoman elite.

    Hence, Turks manifested a pervasive distrust of any cultural or
    autonomous movement that might lead to fragmentation of the unitary
    republic. It revives memories of Western conspiracies against Turkey
    and the non-ratified 1920 Treaty of Sevres forced on the Ottoman Sultan
    by the World War I victors. It would have divided Anatolia with
    outright independence to the Armenians and given autonomy to Kurds,
    leading to their independence and granted zones of influence to France,
    Italy and Greece. The successful war of independence led by Ataturk,
    though, undid the Sevres Treaty. In the new treaty of Lausanne in 1923,
    there was no mention of Armenia or Kurds - not even the latter's
    language Kurdish, although it permitted Greeks, Armenians and others to
    speak in their tongues.

    To begin with, Ataturk himself had talked of Turks, Kurds, Lazes and
    others, but a dramatic change came over him during 1923 -24 and he
    opted for a unitary state. Perhaps it was because of the British
    detachment of the Mosul and Kirkuk region, the ambivalent attitude of
    many Kurds and minor revolts after the Treaty of Sevres. In 1924, he
    abolished the Caliphate and Kurds were just turned into non-persons;
    their language, music, dress and culture, even the use of Kurdish first
    name! s, were made illegal. Conservative Kurds led by Sheikh Said, a
    follower of the Nakshbandi sect (as are many current Islamic leaders),
    rebelled against the ungodly state in 1925. The fledgling republic,
    under pressure from radicals, ruthlessly suppressed Kurdish rebellions,
    some of which lingered on into the 1930s. Influential Kurdish families
    were relocated to extreme western Turkey near the border with Bulgaria.
    They were allowed to come back and rehabilitated only after the
    introduction of multiparty democracy and slackening of the unitary
    state's heavy hand in the 1950s.

    Turkey's constitution describes itself as a Laic state, which,
    according to many, is more Jacobin than genuinely secular. It is based
    on the nationalist philosophy of Zia Gokalp, him! self perhaps a Kurd,
    who unfortunately used for laic/secular, the title la din i.e.,
    anti-religion. After the founding of the republic, its Christian
    minorities were exchanged with Turks from Greece and the remaining
    squeezed out later. A few left in the southeast left too, faced with
    the Kurdish rebellion against the state. So the concept of secularism
    in Turkey became one of anti-religion, and it tends to become anti this
    or anti that, which leads to intolerance. The Sunni-dominated police
    establishment has regularly harassed the Shi'ite Alevis, ironically
    perhaps, the original Turcoman, who helped conquer Anatolia and then
    the Kurds. But Turkey claims to be the protectors of Turcomans in north
    Iraq and warned USA recently on it.

    The establishment, a curious macho amalgam of the military-led secular
    elite and the Sunni-dominated interior ministry tried to resolve
    problems by force as a compromise might be seen as a sign of weakness.
    It considered Islamic revivalism and Kurdish rebellion as two major
    threats to the security, stability and integrity of the state, although
    the left of center Social Democrat Party (SHP), in coalition
    governments in 1991-95, had come to the conclusion in 1990, based on a
    study that neither Kurdish nationalism nor Islamic fundamentalism posed
    a threat to the republican order. Many other subsequent reports have
    confirmed the same conclusions, underlining that most Kurds wanted
    respect for their identity, the use of the Kurdish language for
    education and television and cultural freedom.

    Kurds after the 1991 Gulf W! ar

    The 1990-91 Gulf War proved to be a watershed in the violent explosion
    of the Kurdish problem. A nebulous and ambiguous situation emerged in
    north Iraq when, at the end of the war, US president George W Bush Sr
    encouraged the Kurds (and the hapless Shi'ites in the south) to revolt
    against Saddam Hussein's Sunni Arab regime.

    Turkey was dead against it, as a Kurdish state in the north would have
    given ideas to its own to Kurds. Saudi Arabia and other Arab states in
    the Gulf were opposed to a Shi'ite state in south Iraq. The hapless
    Iraqi Kurds and Shi'ites paid a heavy price. In March 1991, protec! ted
    zone in north Iraq, patrolled by US and British war planes was created
    for the Iraqi Kurds, who even elected a parliament, which, of course,
    never functioned properly. Barzani and Talabani, though, mostly run
    almost autonomous administrations in their areas. This state of affairs
    allowed the PKK a free run. Earlier, it had used the eight-year
    Iran-Iraq war to stockpile arms.

    It was Turkish President Turgut Ozal, who softened the rigors against
    his own Kurds, when he publicly proclaimed in 1991 that there were 12
    million Kurds in Turkey and allowed them to use Kurdish in speech and
    music. Earlier, in 1989, he had acknowledged his Kurdish ancestry and
    had thus ended the legal taboo on the use of word "Kurd" since 1924.
    The Kurds were till 1989 called mountain Turks.

    On this writer's first visit! in 1969 to Diyarbakir, the biggest
    Kurdish city, after checking into a hotel, as soon as he emerged he was
    accosted by urchins singing Kurdish songs and muttering defiantly
    "Kurdum Kurdum" (I am Kurd! I am Kurd! - but in Turkish). As late as
    1979, when a former minister for public housing said that there were
    Kurds in Turkey and that he himself was one, he was sentenced to two
    years in prison. As the Kurds were barred from adopting Kurdish names,
    many took on Arabic ones. Therefore, they found Turkish protests
    hypocritical when Bulgaria forced its citizens of Turkish origin to
    take on Bulgarian names in the late 1980s.

    But not only Ozal but also many Turks remain fascinated with the dream
    of "getting back" the Ottoman provinces of Mosul with Kirkuk now in
    Iraq. They were originally included within the sacred borders of the
    republic proclaimed in the National Pact of 1919 by Kemal Ataturk and
    his comrades, who had started organizing resistance to fight for
    Turkey's independence from the occupying World War I victors. The
    oil-rich part of the Mosul region was occupied by the British forces
    illegally after the armistice and then annexed to Iraq, then under
    British mandate, in 1925, much to Turkish chagrin.

    Iraq was created by joining Ottoman Baghdad and Basra vilayats
    (provinces). Kuwait 's kayamakan (sub-governor) came under Basra rule.
    Later, two British agents, Sir Percy Cox for Iraq and Major John More
    for Kuwait, drew the frontiers between them in 1923, which remains a
    cause of perennial claims, tension and wars in the region. Kuwait was
    known to have oil and Mosul had potential. Thus, control of oil
    resources remains a perma! nent factor in the region. At the same time,
    Turks remain equally apprehensive of an independent Kurdish state
    evolving in north Iraq, which would act as a magnet for its own Kurds.
    They would then intervene, they have said.

    The Kurdish problem after the 1991 Gulf War

    Attempts to even look at the Kurdish problem dispassionately mostly
    came to naught. Unfortunately, Ozal, who had helped bring the problem
    out into the open and might have found a solution, died in April 1993.
    Soon after his death, the unilateral ceasefire by the PKK, tacitly
    observed by the government, broke down when, in May 1993 and the
    PKK-state violence increased. Of course there were many vested
    interests, with considerable leakage of billions of dollars spent in
    security operations against the Kurds. Scandals cropped up from time to
    time. Like rebel movements elsewhere, the PKK was accused of funding
    itself from the drug trade (also from donations, extortion and taxes in
    Turkey and in Western Europe).

    Because of Turkey's continued importance for NATO, and the PKK's
    Marxist ideology and Soviet support, it remained anathema to many in
    the US, but Europeans, especially with Kurdish populations, have been
    more sympathetic to their plight. Europe also provided safe havens to
    expelled and persecuted Kurdish MPs and others. Many Europeans,
    parliamentarians and others extended vocal support to the Kurdish
    cause, raising Turkish heckles.

    Forming nearly 20 percent of the population, about 100 Kurds get
    elected to the parliament, but their cause was not taken up by their
    parties. They were not able to form a Kurdish party to politically
    ventilate their grievances. Such attempts led to harassment of
    parliament deputies, removal of their immunities, jailing and even
    killings. Kurdish parties such as the HEP (Kurdish Labor Party), DEP
    (Democracy Party) and HADEP (People's Democracy Party) were obstructed
    and suppressed. Their members harassed, jailed and even killed, with
    radicals across the board setting the agenda discouraging any peaceful
    and meaningful discussion in parliament or outside.

    Since the early 1990s, attempts to explain the Kurdish viewpoint
    through the media by newspapers like Ozgur Gundem (Free Agenda) Ozgur
    Ulke (Free Country) and! others were stopped through harassment and
    even murder of journalists and distributors, with connivance and help
    from the establishment. Even the mainline media was punished for
    writing about Kurds, their problems and even about mishandling of the
    rebellion. When Urfa-born popular Kurdish singer Ibrahim Tatlisiz
    complained that he could not sing in his mother tongue, he had hell to
    pay. Kurds and even Turks, including famous writers like Yassar Kemal,
    were harassed and imprisoned for writing about Kurds and their

    Turkey goes for PKK's jugular

    Turkey's determination to deal a hammer blow to the Kurdish rebellion
    was brought to a head in late 1998 when it threatened war on Syria
    unless it expelled Ocalan and the PKK who were given shelter by Syria
    as a lever against Turkey for denial of its fair share of Euphrates
    waters and irredentist claims over Hatay province.

    After the collapse of the USSR, Syria's patron and supplier of arms, a
    weakened and isolated Syria expelled Ocalan, who first went to the
    Russian Federation and then to Rome in sea! rch of asylum. Eventually
    he was apprehended after leaving the Greek embassy in Nairobi on
    February 16, 1999 by Turkish agents assisted by other countries,
    including, perhaps, the US and Israel. His capture was followed by
    violence and demonstrations in Turkey and European cities with Kurdish

    Ocalan was tried and given the death verdict. At his trial, Ocalan,
    instead of being defiant, promised peace and to bring down the PKK
    fighters from the mountains. Awaiting a certain death sentence in a
    glass cage, Ocalan's performance was sober, dignified and consistent in
    his defense. Apart from the 1993 conditional ceasefire, he had offered
    the olive branch many times, including in 1994 and 1995. A court
    commuted his death sentence to life imprisonment in October 2002.


    Mountainous Kurdish lands with headwaters of Euphrates and Tigris and
    birthplace of civilizations in the region became strategic locations
    and disputed by Sunni Turkish Ottomans, Shia Persians Safavids and
    Arabs and their predecessors and successors. Kashmir, next to the
    underbelly of former Soviet Union, still adjoins China's strategic
    Xingjian and Tibet provinces. China also occupies Kashmir territory in
    Ladakh. J&K also controls river waters of Punjabs (five waters) in
    Pakistan and India. Other such strategic places nearby are Tajikistan,
    Kyrgyzstan and Ferghana valley. This is what made Kashmir so important
    for USA from 1950s to 1970s in West vs. USSR Cold War. But Henry
    Kissinger's visit to Beijing changed the situation some what. After
    fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and movement of India towards USA,
    Kashmir further lost its importance to USA. Of course USA, UK will use
    it to squeeze whatever concessions they can from India. After 119 USA
    has now established bases in Central Asia adjoining China and Russia,
    so Kashmir is not that much valuable.

    In the words of the greatest of the Sanskrit poets Kalidas, Kashmir is
    "more beautiful than the heaven and is the benefactor of supreme bliss
    and happiness." The 19th century British historian Sir Walter Lawrence
    said: "The valley is an emerald set in pearls; a land of lakes, clear
    streams, green turf, magnificent trees and mighty mountains where the
    air is cool, and the water sweet, where men are strong, and women vie
    with the soil in fruitfulness."

    In ancient times, it was called "Kashyapamar" (after saint Kashyapa)
    that later became Kashmir. The ancient Greeks called it "Kasperia," and
    the Chinese pilgrim Hiun-Tsang who visited the valley in the 7th
    century AD, called it "Kashimilo." The earliest recorded history of
    Kashmir by its historian Kalhan begins at the time of the Mahabharata
    war. In the 3rd century BC, emperor Ashoka introduced Buddhism in the
    valley. Kashmir became a major hub of Hindu culture by the 9th century
    AD. It was the birthplace of the Hindu sect called Kashmiri 'Shaivism',
    Islam came in 14th century, when Hindu shrines were destroyed, and
    Hindus were forced to embrace Islam. But major conversions were done by
    Sufis, which remains i! ts core strength. The Mughals ruled Kashmir
    from 1587 to 1752, followed by a dark period (1752-1819), of rule by
    Afghan despots.

    The Muslim period, which lasted for about 500 years, came to an end
    with the annexation of Kashmir to the Sikh kingdom of Punjab in 1819.
    At the end of the First Sikh War in 1846, by the treaties of Lahore and
    Amritsar, the Hindu Dogra ruler of Jammu, was made the ruler of
    Kashmir. Its boundaries were delimited by the British after
    negotiations with Afghanistan and Russia. The crisis in Kashmir began
    immediately after the British rule ended in 1947! , when a Pakistan led
    and directed force of tribals invaded Kashmir. In accordance with the
    Indian Independence act, which created Pakistan too, the Kashmiri ruler
    acceded to India. India took the complaint to United Nations. But with
    Pakistan joining the western side in the Cold War, Kashmir became a
    pawn in the Cold War strategies and polemics.

    The UN a resolution calling for a free and impartial plebiscite could
    not be implemented because Pakistan did not comply with the resolution
    calling on it to withdraw its forces from the state. In 1949, with the
    intervention of the United Nations, India and Pakistan defined a
    ceasefire line ("Line of Control") that divided the two countries. In
    September 1951, elections were held in J& K and the National Conference
    under the leadership of Sheikh Abdullah came to power, with the
    inauguration of the Constituent Assembly, which re-affirmed the
    accession of the State to India.

    After the Pakistan attack in 1965, war broke out between India and
    Pakistan. A cease-fire was established, and the two countries signed an
    agreement at Tashkent in 1966, pledging to end the dispute by peaceful
    means. After the 1971 war and the creation of Bangladesh, Shimla
    Agreement was signed in 1972 between the two countries. Both sides
    agreed to resolve the problem bilaterally and peacefully. But after the
    with drawl of USSR from! Afghanistan in end 1980s, the militants and
    Jihadis fighting there were redirected by Pakistan into Kashmir.
    Pakistan continues to stir up violence in India and in occupied Kashmir
    trains and funds "Islamic guerrillas" that have waged a war of
    separatism war since 1989, killing tens of thousands of people.
    Pakistan always denied the charges, calling it an indigenous "freedom
    struggle." But even US Congress reports confirm Pakistani hand.

    In 1999, intense fighting ensued between the infiltrators and the
    Indian army in the Kargil area of J&K which lasted for more than two
    months. Pakistan withdrew troops after intervention by US President
    Bill Clinton. In end 2001, Pakistan-backed terrorists waged violent
    attacks on the Kashmir Assembly and the Indian Parliament in New Delhi
    leading to a serious war like situation. The situation stabilized after
    President Gen Musharraf promised in a telecast in January 2002 that
    Pakistan would not support jihadis on Pakistani controlled territory
    .USA wants Pakistan which joined in its war on terror after 119 to
    concentrate on catching Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaida! and Taleban
    leaders, for which it needs peace on its eastern borders. India has
    more or less acquiesced in.

    A few months ago media exposed Israeli interference in north Iraq, with
    the former providing training to Kurdish peshmarga militias and running
    covert operations in neighboring countries like Syria and Iran, which
    upset Turkey no end, hurting their close military relations. Israel
    would prefer a weak and decentralized Iraq, if not a divided one. North
    Iraqi Kurdish leaders still have a tribal, narrow short-term outlook.
    Help from neighbours like Israel could backfire.

    While the future of the Kurds in North Iraq remains uncertain, not much
    is written about the problems of those in Iran, Syria (where,
    instigated by the Israelis, they rebelled recently), in Caucasus and
    beyond. Turkey's Kurds have reached the stage of getting back their
    identity, language and culture ,accepted after a bloody struggle since
    almost the inception of the Turkish Republic. It was helped by Turkey's
    determination to join EU which brought about revolutionary changes in
    its polity. But it needs watching.

    Unlike the Kurds, who are a distinct people, Kashmiris are like the
    rest of the people of India or Pakistan, mixed. Kashmiris have no
    problems regarding their identity, language and culture in India's
    multicultural polity. Yes, the regimes in Delhi have not allowed the
    young generation of Kashmiris to come up in politics from the grass
    roots and join the mainstream like Yadavas and Lals of Hindi belt.
    While efforts have been made to bring minorities (Christians) in North
    East of India into mainstream, by encouraging political leaders! hip at
    grass roots and reservations in civil services and education, such
    steps have not been taken for Muslims of Kashmir in particular and
    India in general.

    There are some similarities between the career of Ocalan and Hizbul
    Mujahaddin Commander Syed Salahddin aka Syed Yusuf Shah. The latter
    took to rebellion when he was denied a legitimate role in political
    life of the Valley. Frustrated, like others he became a rebel. Delhi
    has tended to rely on a few Muslim families of Kashmir. A similar
    tendency can be seen by many political parties in relying on a few
    reliable Muslim individuals in India's polity, who are recycled
    regularly. Even after reservations for Other Backward Classes, similar
    facility was not extended to the Muslims .In the Sub-Continent,
    converts to Islam or Christianity maintain their caste hierarchy, so it
    is ! not difficult to classify them.

    Another important thing to remember is that the Kurds in Turkey and for
    that matter Palestinians in Occupied Territories, while accepting
    assistance from outsiders, have generally fought their own battles,
    while the Kashmiris have allowed the outsiders to fight their battle
    i.e. Pakistanis, Arabs and other Muslims and have become victims of the
    latter's agenda and interests. And finally without open and full
    support from western nations, China and Muslim countries like Saudi
    Arabia, apart from Pakistan; the Kashmir struggle would have been a
    non-starter. But the outsiders then demand their pound of flesh.

    (K Gajendra Singh, served as Indian Ambassador to Turkey and Azerbaijan
    in 1992-96. Prior to that, he served as ambassador to Jordan (during
    the 1990-91 Gulf war), Romania and Senegal. He is currently chairman
    of the Foundation for Indo-Turkic Studies. The views expressed here
    are his own.- [email protected])

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