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A.Grigorian: Stepanakert To Continue Construction Of Democratic Stat

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  • A.Grigorian: Stepanakert To Continue Construction Of Democratic Stat

    ARKA News Agency
    28 Oct. 2004


    Exclusive interview of Alexander GRIGORIAN, the Head of Chief
    Information Department at NKR President, to ARKA News Agency.

    ARKA- Mr. Grigorian, recently administration of Azerbaijan more often
    uses militarist rhetoric in the issue of Karabakh settlement. How can
    you comment these statements, and how do they contribute to search of
    necessary compromises in conflict settlement?

    A.Grigorian- Azeri party does not want any compromises. Official Baku
    hopes that Western community and Russia sooner or later put pressure
    upon Yerevan and Stepanakert and help Azerbaijan to return Nagorno
    Karabakh in constitutional field of Azerbaijan. This is the explanation
    of militarist rhetoric of Baku authorities. This rhetoric has a
    character of blackmail and basically addressed to Western community,
    which is interested in stable South Caucasus: it means, if you don't
    help to return Karabakh, we will ruin all your plans in the region. The
    problem cannot be solved like that. The one can only aggravate the
    situation. If Azerbaijan wants this, it is hopeless policy. I don't
    think that even allies of Azerbaijan are happy with this policy.

    ARKA- After coming to power, Aliev Junior stated on the necessity to
    start negotiations on Karabakh settlement from "zero level". How strong
    is administration of Azerbaijan attached to this principle?

    A.Grigorian- If by word of mouth there are some small changes, in
    practice everything testifies to unwillingness of Azeri powers to deal
    with Karabakh problem themselves. Logic of their behavior is something
    as following: if international community recognizes territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan, then why bother looking for some compromises,
    which more or less disturb the situation de jure. What about de-facto,
    i.e. Nagorno Karabakh as independent, though unrecognized state, then
    Baku thinks that similar situation is temporary. It is necessary, Baku
    thinks, just to continue the policy on military-political and economic
    isolation of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh and wait for creation of
    totally new, more favorable for Azerbaijan situation in the region. In
    other words, "zero level" is nothing but the unwillingness of Baku to
    deal itself with Karabakh problem and its attempt to put it on the
    shoulders of mediators.

    ARKA- Therefore, negotiations on Karabakh conflict settlement are in
    dead end? If yes, then does the situation suit Karabakh party? And
    generally speaking: would it be possible in the future the joining of
    Karabakh party to Yerevan-Baku dialogue?

    A.Grigorian- I will agree with you considering dead-end situation of
    negotiating process. Does this situation suit Karabakh? Certainly not.
    It is necessary to struggle for juridical distinctness, not only
    factual. And we cannot wait for ever, until Azerbaijan decides to talk
    to Karabakh. Talk on the base of constructivism. We will continue
    construction of our state in correspondence to basic principles of
    democracy, but with consideration of threat of recommencement of
    military actions. Besides, Nagorno Karabakh already passed ahead of
    Azerbaijan in the sphere of democratization of public-political life.
    And it is not only my opinion. I suppose that this fact is even
    realized in Azerbaijan. It is for this reason they always state against
    conduction of elections in NKR and visit of Nagorno Karabakh by
    representatives of Western structures.

    ARKA- Armenian parties have more than once stated that Karabakh
    conflict can be settled only be means of negotiations, on the base of
    compromises. What compromises are possible from Karabakh party?

    A.Grigorian- Karabakh party is ready to discuss with Azerbaijan all
    issues considering thief future relations. Only in the process of
    similar dialogue some acceptable compromises can appear.

    ARKA- After amnesty of Samvel Babayan, there were no any official
    comments considering given fact. Could you mention political motives of
    the amnesty and how was this decision to NKR president, considering
    organization of murderous assault?

    A.Grigorian- The President showed mercy. All other interpretations of
    this fact are groundless.

    ARKA- Recently the visits of NKR administration abroad became more
    often. How can you explain similar activation of Nagorno Karabakh

    A.Grigorian - Nagorno Karabakh is developing, NKR contacts with the
    world are expanding. I want to specially note that the factor of NKR
    unacknowledgement for many countries is not a negative irritant in the
    view of establishment of cooperation with it. In many respects it is
    explained with our achievements in state construction, reforms' level,
    conducted almost in all spheres of life of our republic. We created
    favorable tax base for investment in NKR economy. External investors
    every day become more confident that they deal with reliable partner.
    First of all it considers our compatriots from abroad. Along with that
    we expect their more active cooperation with Nagorno Karabakh. We
    understand, that many are alarmed with the factor of unsettled conflict
    and that investments in the economy of NKR have to deal with risk.
    However, the one should not forget that nothing can happen without
    certain risk in our region. L.D. --0--