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Independent Institutions... Needed To Tackle Corruption In Armenia,S

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  • Independent Institutions... Needed To Tackle Corruption In Armenia,S



    Media Contact:
    Sarah Tyler (Berlin, Germany)
    Transparency International
    Tel: +49-30-3438 2019
    Fax: +49-30-3470 3912
    [email protected]

    Nara Arzumanyan
    Center for Regional Development/ Transparency International Armenia
    Tel/Fax: +374 1 585 578
    [email protected]


    Yerevan/Berlin, 29 October 2004 --- A new report The National Integrity
    Systems TI Country Study Report - Armenia 2003 has been published today
    by Transparency International (TI) and TI's national chapter in Armenia,
    the Center for Regional Development (CRD)/TI Armenia. TI is the leading
    global non-governmental organisation devoted to combating corruption.

    The TI study assessed the effectiveness of the Armenian National
    Integrity System (NIS), which is comprised of key institutions that
    contribute to the fight against corruption. None of the institutions
    evaluated are functioning effectively in Armenia, according to the
    report. Among the key systemic factors influencing the NIS in Armenia
    are the absence of political will, the lack of independence and autonomy
    of institutions, the weak legal framework and poor law enforcement, the
    lack of administrative and human capacity, the low level of public
    participation in the policy-making, etc.

    "It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of Government
    anti-corruption activities in Armenia", said report co-author and CRD/TI
    Armenia chairwoman Amalia Kostanyan, "though in the last year certain
    steps (such as adoption of the Anti-Corruption Strategy Program,
    establishment of the Anti-Corruption Council and Monitoring Commission,
    joining GRECO, etc.) have been taken by state authorities". Political
    will to combat corruption implies not only the adoption of the National
    Anti-Corruption Program... but also evident intolerance towards
    everyone's illegal and immoral behaviour irrespective of position and
    income, Kostanyan continued.

    Most Armenians are still sceptical about commitment of the Government to
    fight corruption. Only 22% of respondents of the phone survey conducted
    by the CRD/TI Armenia in February 2004 believed that the adoption of the
    Anti-Corruption Strategy demonstrated political will to combat
    corruption. The view of experts is similar: Armenia received a score of
    3.1 against a clean score of 10 in the TI Corruption Perceptions Index
    2004, published on 20 October. According to the index, which is based on
    the views of business people and country analysts, corruption is a
    serious problem in Armenia.

    "Ongoing reforms appear to be of declarative nature only and are
    perceived as driven by donors", as the report stated, "to turn this
    around local ownership of anti-corruption reforms must be combined with
    more effective donor assistance".

    The report calls for the promotion of law enforcement, along with the
    improvement of existing legislation. Armenia also needs greater checks
    and balances to curb the power of the President compared with the
    legislature, and greater independence of the judiciary, prosecutors, and
    police, as well as more transparency in the decision-making process.

    The report emphasises the need to promote free and fair elections, by
    strengthening the party system, making electoral commissions more
    accountable to the public, and giving more rights to proxies and
    observers. Improving institutional capacity is another priority. "The
    success of the reform process is largely determined by the broad support
    of the country's population, which can be promoted by enhancing public
    awareness and education", according to the report. The role of
    professional and independent media and, specifically, investigative
    journalism, is also crucial for success in the fight against corruption.

    A revised National Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Action Plan should
    include the reforms cited above. Best practices of anti-corruption
    measures all over the world should be reviewed to identify those most
    applicable to Armenia.

    The National Integrity Systems TI Country Study Report - Armenia 2003
    was authored by Amalia Kostanyan, Chairwoman at CRD/TI Armenia, and
    Varuzhan Hoktanyan, Public Policy Expert at CRD/TI Armenia. The report
    was prepared under the auspices of a programme developed by the TI
    Secretariat together with Professor Alan Doig and Stephanie McIvor of
    the Teesside Business School in the United Kingdom. It is the latest in
    a series of TI country study reports on national integrity systems.

    The National Integrity Systems TI Country Study Report - Armenia 2003
    and other country study reports in English can be downloaded at:

    The National Integrity Systems TI Country Study Report - Armenia 2003
    publications in English and Armenian can be downloaded at:

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