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Will elections make a difference for Armenia?

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  • Will elections make a difference for Armenia?

    "Hye" Marks: Bush or Kerry. Will elections make a difference for Armenia?
    By Aris Ghazinyan and John Hughes, ArmeniaNow reporters

    Armenia Now
    29 Oct 2004

    When Americans go to the polls on Tuesday, Armenians will be watching,
    with more than passive interest.

    Armenia's regional neighborhood has been disturbed by a United
    States-initiated war that shows no sign of ending. Diaspora in Iraq
    has suffered, and Armenia itself is poised to enter the fight, with
    50 Armenian troops scheduled for an undetermined deployment perhaps
    by the end of the year.

    Whether the man elected the next President of the United States is
    the one who started the war (President George W. Bush), or the one
    who promises to end it (Senator John Kerry) Tuesday's outcome could,
    of course, have an impact on Armenia's future and, even, security
    (especially if relations worsen between the U.S. and Iran).

    At home and in Diaspora, however, the one who is seen as best for
    Armenia's future is widely considered the one who would take a strong
    stand regarding her past. In truth, it is doubtful either candidate
    would. Needing to keep cozy relations with the U.S. powerhouse partner
    in the region, Turkey, the next Chief of State isn't likely to push
    Genocide recognition any farther than predecessors have safely left it.

    Still, it appears that the Armenian-American community has pinned
    its hopes on Kerry - if not for Kerry, himself, then to express the
    anti-Bushism that may be the strongest plank of Kerry's political

    Before Kerry had even been officially nominated by his party, more
    than 20 influential American-Armenian organizations had endorsed him.

    "One should realize that for Armenians the party affiliation of a
    candidate has absolutely no significance," says Tigran Gevorgyan, a
    political scientist. "For several decades, the only guideline for the
    'Armenian voters' in the U.S. is the candidates' position related to
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    "Armenians supported Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger by the same
    principle in 2003. Earlier, American Armenians have many times voted
    for Republican candidates. Particularly, they have twice voted for
    Ronald Reagan who, moreover, had promised the Armenians 'independence
    and riddance of the Russian oppression.' So, the statement of the
    Armenian organizations in the U.S. concerning their support of John
    Kerry should be perceived in the same context."

    Support for the Massachusetts senator grew from an ill-informed
    notion that Kerry would include Genocide recognition as part of his
    presidential mandate. It subsequently become clear that hopes pinned
    to Kerry for that reason, were misplaced. (He recently inferred that
    any attention the subject might get from his administration would be
    in the context of assuring continued good U.S. relations with Turkey.)

    The American-Armenian community is left, then, to judge the candidates
    on other potential merits. And in this line of reasoning, for many,
    Bush comes up short as an Armenia-friendly president, if only for
    fear of how this part of the world might turn under the influence
    of a world leader whose foreign policy centers around "smoking out"
    Muslim-world "evil-doers".

    Kiro Manoyan, head of Hay Dat committee of Armenian traditional party
    ARF Dashnaktsutiun, holds a somewhat a different viewpoint about
    reasons his world-wide political action organization is for Kerry.

    "As early as July 26, the Armenian National Committee of America
    (ANCA) expressed its support of John Kerry's candidature," says
    Manoyan. "Many people in Armenia think that our discontent with
    Bush is basically conditioned by his policy regarding the Armenian
    Genocide. Bush's distorted promises are, in fact, one of the 14
    points of our Statement. The rest of the issues are related to the
    Armenian-American relations:

    "It was during Bush's presidency that the direct military assistance to
    Azerbaijan made its way, and Article 907 of the Freedom Act was then
    interpreted differently - as a charity action. The incumbent head of
    the White House never invited Armenia's president to Washington. He
    is the only one of the latest U.S. presidents who never received the
    delegation of the Armenian Diaspora in the U.S.

    "The activities of the Bush administration regarding the Nagorno
    Karabakh issue are also unsatisfying, the failure mostly because of
    Heidar Aliyev but Bush continues keeping close relations with the
    Aliyev clan. Bush also increased the amount of military assistance
    to Turkey which he called 'a country with a 150 year old tradition of
    democracy.' There are also many other issues connected with corporate
    interests in the fuel companies within the area of the South Caucasus."

    Political scientist Ruben Margaryan also maintains that there are
    non-Genocide related reasons why Bush is bad for Armenia.

    "When Bush came to power, radical ways of resolving regional
    controversies were abruptly activated, and the South Caucasus also
    proved sensitive to that turnaround. In the course of his presidency
    the aggressive statements became more frequent, which forebodes nothing
    good. Peace grew more fragile and vulnerable in that period. Today
    nobody is able to forecast the further course of events, should the
    global and regional radicalism tend to go on for several years. Perhaps
    Bush himself is not to blame - there was the tragedy of 9/11. However,
    the total tension all over the world today is connected with nobody's
    name but his. In this case, it is difficult to make a clear statement
    which of the factors - the negative attitude of Armenians to Bush or
    Kerry's promises to recognize the fact of the Armenian Genocide in
    case of winning - underlies the Armenian vote."

    Will the U.S. policy change in respect to the countries of the South
    Caucasus if Kerry wins?

    "John Kerry has been keeping in touch with the Armenian Diaspora for
    over 20 years," says Manoyan. "A member of the Congress and the Senate,
    Kerry was handling the issues of the Genocide, the blockade of Armenia
    and the U.S.-Armenian trade-economic relations. In the long run,
    it should be mentioned that if Bush is reelected the possibility of
    changes in Washington's policy regarding the South Caucasus will be
    lost. Whereas we can expect tighter relations between the American
    Armenians and the White House if John Kerry becomes president. This
    is the least that could change."

    Armenians are fond of saying that "hope is the last to die". But while
    the political scientists speculate on potential shifts of policy,
    historians remind that campaign optimism has always wilted in the
    reality of politics, once a U.S. president is in office.

    Concerning Genocide Recognition: "At the very beginning of the
    1920s, Woodrow Wilson made similar statements but in other historic
    conditions. He personally signed the well-known map of 'Independent
    Armenia.' But not a single Armenian promise has ever been kept in
    the U.S.," says historian Armen Hakobyan. "To hope that John Kerry
    will be the 'first violator' of that tradition is not serious. And
    the matter is not the candidate himself but the regional policy of
    Washington where Turkey and Israel have absolutely a special place."

    Genocide recognition aside, analyst Manoyan says Kerry is Armenia's
    best choice, if only because his election would introduce a new Vice
    President (John Edwards).

    "It is important that the Turks at the moment haven't settled any
    relations with the circles of John Kerry, unlike (VP Dick) Cheney
    who acts like a lobbyist of Turkish interests," Manoyan says. "So,
    there will surely be positive changes if John Kerry wins."