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Jurassic Park, Psuedo-events, and Prisons

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  • Jurassic Park, Psuedo-events, and Prisons urassic_park5.shtml
    >From the Wilderness
    Sept 23 2004

    Jurassic Park, Psuedo-events, and Prisons:
    The fallout from US Torture at Abu Ghraib in Baghdad;
    Basra; Mosul; Bagram AFB in Afghanistan; Ad Nauseam

    Stan Goff

    (Part V)

    [If the "war on terror" were real, it would involve the cessation of
    American terrorism against everybody else. It would also require a
    serious examination of anti-American motives, since nobody on Planet
    Grownup can possibly imagine young people blowing themselves up for
    some abstract hatred of American "freedom." The Israel-Palestine
    war-of-attrition would have to be examined (preferably while We the
    People are wearing our thinking caps, having taken off those
    super-cool hats that hold two beer cans each). Only a carefully
    historical reappraisal of thwarted Arab nationalism can return "our
    enemies" to the one interpretive category in which they can possibly
    be disarmed: human beings with grievances.

    Here Stan Goff encapsulates that enormous story of betrayal,
    disgrace, and disaster. The metaphor of hubristic monster-building
    applies just as cogently as it has in previous installations of this
    long-running FTW series: Jurassic Park. With the failure of
    multi-polar geostrategic tension, every ancient hatred is astir,
    goaded by water-scarcity, Peak Oil, an Israeli policy of brutality
    and a century's diplomacy of lies. Today all the demons are awake,
    and among the noises which woke them, the riot of American sadism
    (lately manifest in the torture at Abu Ghraib, Basra, Mosul, Bagram
    AFB, et cetera) has been the loudest.

    Thus Stan Goff: "The key to the whole strategy was establishment of
    permanent forward staging bases for the projection of US military
    power into Southwest Asia - the heart that pumps the black blood to
    the rest of the world. What was awakened by this plan was the Israeli
    itch to expand." -JAH]

    SEPTEMBER 22, 2004: 1200 PDT (FTW) -- In the film Jurassic Park,
    there are four consultants who are brought to the island to write
    testimonials for investors: a paleontologist, a paleo-botanist, a
    lawyer, and a chaos theorist. When they have only just arrived, their
    tour jeeps pull onto a grassy hill and stop. One at a time, their
    startled heads turn to see a living brontosaur.

    The chaotician and the lawyer are sitting together, and the
    chaotician exclaims, "You crazy son-of-a-bitch, you did it." The
    lawyer, who until now had been skeptical and preoccupied with issues
    of liability, gasps sotto voce, "We're gonna make a fortune on this

    Perhaps he worked for Halliburton.

    * * *

    The Zionist invasion of Palestine began with the help of wealthy
    Palestinians: absentee landlords, to be precise. While this can be
    (and has been) overstated as a way to justify Zionist settlement in
    Palestine, it was a pragmatic mechanism by which the Zionists gained
    a geographical foothold.

    Palestinian society was organized and stable, in a semi-feudal
    structure with the effendi (big landowners) owning most of the
    agricultural land, which was worked by peasant tenants. In the cities
    there was a vigorous comprador trade, particularly with the Ottoman
    Empire. Palestinian Jews dwelt in this society without any
    overwhelming friction between Jew and Arab. As modernity began to
    encroach, more and more landlords used their fortunes to transform
    themselves into compradors, and some went abroad. It was this element
    that began to sell parcels of land, where they no longer lived but to
    which they held title, to Zionists - many of whom were giving support
    to the Turks in their genocide against the Armenians to curry their

    >From this foothold on land purchased from absentee landlords, the
    Zionists aggressively pursued expansion. According to Ralph

    In 1917, there were 56,000 Jews in Palestine and 644,000 Palestinian
    Arabs. In 1922, there were 83,794 Jews and 663,000 Arabs. In 1931,
    there were 174,616 Jews and 750,000 Arabs...

    Poet Ghassan Kanafani writes:

    Ownership by Jewish groups of urban and rural land rose from 300,000
    dunums in 1929 [67,000 acres] to 1,250,000 dunums in 1930 [280,000
    acres]. The purchased land was insignificant from the point of view
    of mass colonization and of the settlement of the "Jewish problem."
    But the expropriation of one million dunums - almost one third of the
    agricultural land - led to a severe impoverishment of Arab peasants
    and Bedouins.

    By 1931, 20,000 peasant families had been evicted by the Zionists.
    Furthermore, agricultural life in the underdeveloped world, and the
    Arab world in particular, is not merely a mode of production, but
    equally a way of social, religious and ritual life. Thus, in addition
    to the loss of land, Arab rural society was being destroyed by the
    process of colonization.1

    This kind of social uprooting will inevitably lead to strife, but
    whether that strife leads to reorganization and progress or
    demoralization and victimization depends on indigenous leadership.

    Palestine was controlled by the troops of the British Mandate, but
    they could not prevent a Palestinian revolt that lasted from
    1936-1939. When the revolt overwhelmed the resources of the British,
    they armed the Zionists.

    I want to include a somewhat lengthy excerpt from Schoenman here,
    because it lays out the class composition of the Palestinian struggle
    so clearly, and hints at the reasons for the fabled Arab "disunity"
    that western pundits so enjoy citing:

    A Royal Commission was established in 1937, under the direction of
    Lord Peel, to determine the causes of the 1936 revolt. The Peel
    Commission concluded that the two primary factors were Palestinian
    desire for national independence and Palestinian fear of the
    establishment of a Zionist colony on their land. The Peel Report
    analyzed a series of other factors with uncommon candor. These were:

    1. The spread of the Arab nationalist spirit outside Palestine;
    2. Increasing Jewish immigration after 1933;
    3. The ability of the Zionists to dominate public opinion in Britain
    because of the tacit support of the government;
    4. Lack of Arab confidence in the good intentions of the British
    5. Palestinian fear of continued land purchases by Jews from absentee
    feudal landowners who sold off their landholdings and evicted the
    Palestinian peasants who had worked the land;
    6. The evasiveness of the Mandatory government about its intentions
    regarding Palestinian sovereignty.

    The national movement consisted of the urban bourgeoisie, feudal
    landowners, religious leaders and representatives of peasants and

    Its demands were:

    1. An immediate stop to Zionist immigration;
    2. Cessation and prohibition of the transfer of the ownership of Arab
    lands to Zionist colonists;
    3. The establishment of a democratic government in which Palestinians
    would have the controlling voice...

    ...Ghassan Kanafani described the uprising:

    "The real cause of the revolt was the fact that the acute conflict
    involved in the transformation of Palestinian society from an Arab
    agricultural-feudal-clerical one into a Jewish (Western) industrial
    bourgeois one, had reached its climax ... The process of establishing
    the roots of colonialism and transforming it from a British mandate
    into Zionist settler colonialism ... reached its climax in the
    mid-thirties, and in fact the leadership of the Palestinian
    nationalist movement was obliged to adopt a certain form of armed
    struggle because it was no longer able to exercise its leadership at
    a time when the conflict had reached decisive proportions.

    "The failure of the Mufti and other religious leaders, of feudal land
    owners and the nascent bourgeoisie to support the peasants and
    workers to the end, enabled the colonial regime and the Zionists to
    crush the rebellion after three years of heroic struggle. In this the
    British were aided decisively by the treachery of the traditional
    Arab regimes, who were dependent upon their colonial sponsors."

    The "disunity" of Arabs has become a western academic and media
    legend because it fits so comfortably with western racial
    stereotypes, both of the crafty and clannish Jews and the backbiting,
    venal Arabs.

    It is important to note in this regard that these racial-religious
    explanations serve to conceal the very real economic and
    politico-strategic agendas that are behind them. The British, and
    then the Americans who helped destroy British imperialism then moved
    to replace it, were concerned first and foremost with the threat of
    independence (Arab nationalism) in the region. And Palestinian
    resistance to Jewish immigration was not based on those immigrants'
    being Jewish, but on the expropriation of land.

    That does not preclude the use of anti-Semitism (i.e., hatred against
    Jews in particular) by enemies of Zionism. It is this wrinkle that
    makes the Zionist demagogy equating anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism
    even more effective. One can point to instances of Arabs and others
    using blatantly anti-Jewish language. As Maxime Rodinson pointed out
    in his comprehensive study of Zionism:

    Arab propaganda against Zionism also frequently utilizes arguments
    and images borrowed from European anti-Semitism. That is deeply
    disagreeable, but it does not justify one in identifying the two
    phenomena. European anti-Semitism, in the sense of hatred of the Jews
    in their very essence, considering them as possessed of a
    fundamentally maleficent nature, was not born of any actions or
    initiatives on the part of Jews. Whatever its real motives, the
    reproaches it leveled against the Jews were purely mythical or, if
    they referred to anything concrete, it was to phenomena and
    activities connected with the humiliating situation imposed on the
    Jews for more than a thousand years by European society. The prime
    responsibility lay with the latter. Arab anti-Zionism, on the
    contrary, even if it sometimes led to a comprehensive hatred of the
    Jews, originated in a concrete initiative taken by some Jews, to the
    detriment of the Arabs, namely, the plan to transform an Arab land
    into a Jewish state.

    The class contradictions inherent in a struggle of this type were not
    limited to the Palestinians, but were characteristic of every
    national liberation struggle against imperial domination. These same
    class contradictions are evident even in the struggles of internal
    oppressed nationalities in the United States, from Garveyism to the
    American Indian Movement.

    It is not possible to put Zionism and its relation to US foreign
    policy into any perspective without relating it to the US struggle
    against Arab nationalism and the consequences of the destruction of
    Arab nationalism. Any meaningful sovereignty in the region explicitly
    threatens US control over more than half the world's energy.

    That is precisely why the word "sovereignty" is being so exquisitely
    mangled by the Bush administration and the hack press right now to
    describe as "sovereign" a US-appointed government, protected by a US
    military occupation force.

    Israel has been used as a weapon against Arab nationalism, while
    paradoxically Zionist incursions were one of the catalysts of this
    nationalism. Islamist political movements were supported by both the
    US and Israel as a counterbalance to secular nationalist currents.

    Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya, or the Islamic Resistance Movement
    (Hamas), is a case in point. This year, an Israeli Apache helicopter
    was used to assassinate Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the wheelchair-bound,
    paraplegic, spiritual leader of Hamas. But Hamas was registered in
    Israel by Yassin himself as a legal organization in 1978. That was
    feasible because Israelis and Americans saw Hamas as a clerical
    antagonist to the secular nationalism of the Palestine Liberation

    This same strategy led to the Taliban.

    But things sometimes turn into their opposites. History has
    transformed imperialist tools into anti-imperialists. How did
    Islamism do this? What has been its trajectory?

    At the same time that Hamas was first being organized, in the late
    70s, there was a revolution forming in Iran against the US puppet
    regime of Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi in the face of an economic
    crisis created in large part by Pahlavi's grandiose schemes at a time
    of terrible inflation and massive in-migration to the urban centers.
    Because of the Shah's devastating policies and the extreme repression
    he used to quell social unrest, and because he was identified with
    his American sponsors, the Iranian revolution took on an
    understandably bitter anti-American character. This animosity toward
    the US was shared by both secular and clerical sectors within the
    anti-Pahlavi movement. The exiled Shia cleric, Ayatollah Khomeni, who
    was well regarded in Iran as a personality who could bridge these
    sectors, was nurtured by the French to derail the Iranian communists
    who had been extremely instrumental in the resistance to Pahlavi.
    When we consolidated his power, he had 6,000 communist activists
    killed and transformed the Iranian state into a theocracy.

    It is easy to lose the forest for the trees here by focusing overmuch
    on personalities, but bear in mind that this is the same period when
    the Carter Administration's CIA had begun to draw the Soviets into
    the Afghan trap, where the CIA was supporting the anti-communist
    theocratic militias of the future Taliban, just as they had recently
    supported Hamas as a counterweight to secular nationalism in

    Suddenly, Islamists were at the center of a revolution in a key oil
    state, Iran, and they had captured the US embassy on November 4,
    1979, and taken 66 Americans hostage. Thirteen were released, but the
    other 53 were kept captive until dear departed Ronald Reagan was
    inaugurated on January 20, 1981.

    This precipitated a political crisis for the Carter administration,
    and Jimmy Carter's fate was sealed with the failure of Operation Rice
    Bowl in April, 1980, the spectacular failure of Delta Force at its
    first real mission. Partisans of the future Reagan administration,
    veterans of the Bay of Pigs and others, were already in motion before
    the election cutting deals with the Iranians that eventually leaked
    as the Iran-Contra scandal. The Reagan administration veterans that
    followed have been largely put back into play today by Bush II, with
    Reagan's death-squad supporting Ambassador to Honduras, John
    Negroponte, now taking over as the "ambassador" (read: Viceroy) in

    The Islamists of the Iranian government moved to endorse Islamist
    Hamas in Palestine as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon, and there was a
    tectonic shift in regional forces. Friends were to be declared
    enemies, and enemies, friends.

    Hamas was drawn into an anti-American orbit against their old
    supporters in the CIA as formerly anti-communist forces were
    transformed by events into anti-Americans.

    Ronald Reagan's emissary, Donald Rumsfeld, was then sent to make
    friends with an Arab nationalist in order to cajole him into a war
    with Iran. That nationalist was Saddam Hussein. By 1990, with the
    Soviet Union crumbling, we would glimpse the new realignment of
    forces in the world, a world where something would have to replace
    imperial multilateralism just as imperial multilateralism had
    replaced colonialism. Then Saddam - not because of his considerable
    crimes, but precisely because of the Ba'ath Party accomplishments in
    developing Iraq into a "modern" nation - would be transformed back
    into our enemy. In fact, during the Iran-Contra hearings, it became
    apparent, that the US betrayal of friend-Saddam was already being
    planned by 1985.

    Hamas became effective first through the provision of badly needed
    social services in Gaza. This service provision has been the key to
    expansion of Hamas influence and prestige among Palestinians. The
    other event that contributed to their expansion was the decision by
    the PLO, under extreme pressure, to displace its headquarters from
    Palestine to Lebanon in the 80s, effectively ceding geographic
    Palestine to Hamas.

    There is one factor, however, that has contributed more than any
    other to the increased standing of Hamas in recent years. That has
    been the consistent perfidy and betrayal of the Israeli government in
    every negotiation with the PLO and the Palestinian Authority. With
    the launching of the Intifada in the 90s, the ranks of Hamas swelled
    with new fighters, attracted by the unequivocal language of Hamas
    about an independent Palestinian state and the necessity to wage a
    protracted armed struggle against Israel.

    Said Larry Johnson, a former State Department counter-terrorism
    advisor, "The Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to
    fighting terrorism. They are like a guy who sets fire to his hair,
    then tries to put it out with a hammer."

    But the facts are more subtle than that. The Israelis had already
    heavily infiltrated Hamas when they were supporting it against
    Arafat. While many of the collaborators inside Hamas have been
    identified and eliminated, some remain, and this accounts for the
    brutal efficacy of many Israeli operations against Hamas. Moreover,
    the right-wing within the Israeli government prefers a strong Hamas
    vis-à-vis the PLO, because they have no genuine intention of signing
    treaties worth any more than the treaties signed between the US
    government and the Indians. Hamas provides a better pretext for the
    creeping holocaust that will depopulate expanding Israel of those
    troublesome Arabs.

    With Arab nationalism now apparently in tatters, with the Soviet
    counterbalance consigned to history, a new vision was conceived by
    the likes of Douglas Feith and Richard Perle and Dick Cheney. The
    "New American Century" of unbridled American power in which a Pax
    Americana presides over the shrinking world in which, like the
    Titanic, there are too few lifeboats and hard choices must be made.

    The key to the whole strategy was establishment of permanent forward
    staging bases for the projection of US military power into Southwest
    Asia - the heart that pumps the black blood to the rest of the world.
    What was awakened by this plan was the Israeli itch to expand.

    In October, 2003, as Ariel Sharon accelerated the slaughter of
    Palestinians and the destruction of ever more Palestinian homes,
    Lieutenant General "Jerry" Boykin, with whom I served in Delta in the
    early 80s, a quietly crazed evangelical religious fanatic, as a token
    of his deep appreciation of the necessity to win the hearts and minds
    of the region, was publicly declaring that Muslims did not worship a
    "real" God.

    In the cases of both Sharon and Boykin, wrists were lightly slapped,
    and business went on as usual - damn the consequences. Some might say
    that this attests to the intractable stupidity of the Bush
    administration, which it very well might, but I want to post an
    alternative hypothesis.

    There is seldom a singular cause for political policy. Most decisions
    are "over-determined," that is, made in the face of a relationship of
    forces originating in more than one phenomenon. It is very common
    knowledge that the Republican Party is lashed to a frighteningly
    large constituency of millenarian theocrats that believes with all
    its heart that the End Time is nigh, and that for Jesus to come and
    take them all home with him, Israel has to reclaim all the territory
    under the crown of David, bulldoze the Dome of the Rock, and rebuild
    the Temple that the Romans destroyed. This "mainstream" religion,
    which claims Bishop Boykin as one of its own, is far larger than the
    much-ballyhooed (even by proto-fascists like Buchanan) "Jewish

    This does not, however, take into account that Democrats are just as
    rabid in their support for Zionism as Republicans. When Congresswoman
    Cynthia McKinney dared to criticize unqualified US support for
    Israel, it was her own party that torpedoed her seat by running an
    AIPAC-financed Primary smear campaign that was unparalleled in its
    audacious mendacity and unbridled nastiness.

    To coin a phrase, it's the region, it's the region, it's the region.
    Translated, that means, it's the oil, it's the oil, it's the oil.

    The US government does not see Israel primarily as a political asset
    (or liability, for that matter). It sees it for what it is: a force
    multiplier. For a few billion a year, Uncle Sam can maintain a lethal
    modern surrogate military on the very border of the world's biggest
    oil patch; one that is hostile in its very essence to the brown
    people who have the audacity to have encamped for these few centuries
    upon all that gasoline and fertilizer and plastic.

    It should surprise no one that US troops have been trained by the
    Israelis for the occupation of Iraq, including in the fine arts of...
    ahem... interrogation.

    It is not "Muslim paranoia" that invariably associates the occupation
    of Palestine with the occupation of Iraq. In a very real sense, if
    you just back up enough to get the whole perspective, this is
    absolutely accurate. That the Israelis want lebensraum and the water
    to live on it, and that the Americans want to control the oil to hang
    onto their doddering empire, does not negate the fact that these
    agendas are absolutely symbiotic.

    US dependency on the Israelis as a mercenary force has only deepened
    as the grand strategy of Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, and Rumsfeld has
    sunk into the quagmire of an increasingly generalized Iraqi, and
    regional, resistance.

    The resistance is fueled by anti-Zionism, and so the Bush
    administration now finds itself locked inside its own burning
    automobile, with what might be a lake or might be a mirage in the
    distance, and their only choice is to stamp down on the accelerator
    to try and get there in time to prevent their own immolation.

    Perhaps the UN can rescue them. It is standing alongside the road.
    But standing there with it are a billion pissed-off human beings.