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Torossian Disapproves Davis' Report

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  • Torossian Disapproves Davis' Report


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    24 Sept 04

    Last week the problem of Karabakh conflict was discussed not only in
    Astana but also in Paris. Here during the September 13-15 session of
    the PACE Political Commission British parliamentarian David Atkinson
    was appointed reporter on Nagorni Karabakh. His predecessor Terry
    Davis was elected general secretaryof the Council of Europe in summer
    and during the session last week Terry Davis presented his
    document. The discussion of the document was postponed because of the
    election of Davis. The delegation of Armenia headed by the vice
    speaker of the RA National Assembly Tigran Torossian has already
    returned to Yerevan. meeting with journalists Mr. Torossian resented
    the details of the report of the former PACE reporter on Nagorni
    Karabakh Terry Davis, which, according to him, contains unfavourable
    statements for the Armenian party. `If there is something bad about
    the report than for Armenia and Azerbaijan, such as thepoint about
    ethnic cleansing', which is, according to Tigran Torossian,
    unacceptable for the Karabakh conflict. There are no unfavourable
    statements for Armenia only, according to Tigran Torossian, `but there
    is a positive pointfor Armenia and Nagorni Karabakh' in which the PACE
    calls the Azerbaijani authorities to establish relationships with the
    political forces of Karabakh and discuss the future status of Nagorni
    Karabakh, which caused discontentment in Azerbaijan. According to the
    head of the Armenian delegation in Paris, even if there are
    unfavourable points in Davis' report, these will not produce any
    consequences because the report does not have a legal force. By the
    way, the author of the report mentioned that he was presenting the
    report of a parliamentarian appointed a reporter, therefore it should
    not be perceived as an opinion ofthe general secretary. The report has
    no legal force and after being presented to the commission it was sent
    to the archives. `Perhaps the document has ahistorical and cognitive
    value and is valuable in the sense that we must plan our later works
    with the consideration that similar opinions may be formed,' said
    Tigran Torossian during the press conference. According to him, `it
    was not discussed and did not become a document of the commission,
    that is to say it is the opinion of a member of parliament.' And in
    order to avoid similar incorrect opinions and achieve a reflection of
    the real picture in the new report, inhis address in Paris Tigran
    Torossian suggested the new reporter visiting the region before
    preparing the report, getting acquainted with the situation, as wellas
    meeting with the cochairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group, organizing a
    round table on the settlement of the Karabakh problem with the
    participation of Nagorni Karabakh by all means. `At the same time, in
    my address I suggestedorganizing meetings of the reporter with the
    representatives of Nagorni Karabakh, the representatives of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, the cochairmen of the Minsk Group.' The latter is
    very important because, unfortunately, in the suggestions of Mr.
    Davis certain problems occurred in reference to the Minsk
    Group. According to Torossian, his suggestion was endorsed by Terry
    Davis and newly appointed reporter Atkinson. By the way, the latter
    will present his document at the January session of the PACE. The
    British delegate will obviously not manage to get a complete idea of
    Nagorni Karabakh and the conflict without assistance. Tigran Torossian
    said that hopefully through active collaboration with the British
    delegate it will be possible to achieve a document which will reflect
    the reality and will differ from the former, including the positive
    ideas of Davis and excluding mistakes.
