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Interview With Vahram Mouradian

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  • Interview With Vahram Mouradian


    By Ruben Grdzelyan,
    ARMINFO, 2004

    LEDA Design, Inc., engaged in design and development of IP blocks for
    digital, analog and mixed-signal Integrated Circuits, was established
    in USA in 1995, and the Armenian Branch was founded in 2000. Late in
    2003 a decision was made to transfer the main activities of the
    company into Armenia. What are the reasons for that rather risky
    decision and what is the result of its application, we managed to
    clarify directly from the company's President Dr. Vahram Mouradian.

    - Dr. Mouradian, please describe the transition period and
    difficulties connected with it.

    - In November 2003 we decided to relocate our key engineering segment
    into Armenia, and at the present moment it has been implemented -
    engineering, marketing and production departments are located in
    Armenia right now. In the beginning of 2004 we entered a risky stage
    of operations, as this is the very first experience when a company
    like ours expands its activity in Armenia only. In January 2004, with
    the beginning of the transition period, LEDA Design's shareholders
    evaluated the task to be achieved and determined the deadline for
    successful completion of the transition to Armenia based operations
    using the existing manpower and engineering resources. In the first
    three months of the year the company experienced losses, but in the
    second quarter we succeeded in attracting engineering orders, and
    their performance brought profitability. Forecasts for the third
    quarter anticipate equal, if not better results compared to the second
    quarter. Taking into consideration these positive development trends,
    the company's shareholders have made decisions to effect additional
    investments. These investments will not only improve efficiency, but
    will provide the basis for further development of our business. In the
    near future we are planning to introduce new products on the world
    chip design market with new types of interfaces, memory blocks for ICs
    and EDA tools. Also, we are going to add IC testing in Armenia, a
    function which previously was performed in the US.

    On a related subject, LEDA has a taken a very strong stance in the
    Armenian HR market against the practice of enticing employees from
    other companies to "steal" technologies. From this point of view
    Armenia has not yet spoiled its reputation, but the practice is
    becoming a problem. The practice has spread into Armenia among
    competing companies and it contradicts the principles of good business
    practices and healthy competition, especially in the context of such a
    narrow engineering market as the Armenian one. This kind of
    dishonorable behavior shown by some, both foreign and local companies,
    increases the cost of doing business in Armenia, making it less
    attractive for potential investors. LEDA is actively working to
    improve the situation, and we expect positive results.

    In summary, however, I can confirm to you that Armenia is acknowledged
    as a reliable partner in the international IC design market. Regarding
    our plans for the future, our next task will be to firmly establish
    our reputation, which requires positive dynamics of production growth,
    development of new products, and expansion of supporting services.

    - Actually, we can now consider the second stage in LEDA's development

    - The initial stage was raising the company itself, capable of develop
    products and meeting demand. The next stage was opening of the
    Armenian branch, and the transfer of the corporate operations into

    - Well, about the third one, what will be the next stage, to your

    - Our next step will be acquisition of strong brand recognition that
    will allow us to start trading the company's stock on international
    stock exchanges. For an American-Armenian enterprise, it will be a
    solid achievement.

    - In the beginning of this year several employees of LEDA have been
    dismissed. Taking into consideration the recent positive changes, do
    you plan to restore the previous number of employees?

    - Since the middle of July the number of LEDA employees has grown,
    first of all, due to hiring the graduates of our educational
    center. Moreover, we have increased salaries of many of our
    engineers. In the near future we expect to announce new job openings,
    as we continue to develop new products.

    - Vast majority of the Armenia located IT-companies are branches of
    the foreign firms. How can you explain your not traditional decision
    to turn your branch into the Headquarters?

    - First of all this decision is caused by my Armenian origin, next by
    my sincere belief in the potential of my team and the bright future of
    my home country. But the decision is still a risky one. Due to the
    absence of a local market, the most challenging task in Armenia is
    effective outbound sales. Another major obstacle for the conversion of
    the foreign branches into Armenian companies is the lack of qualified
    specialists. And it applies not only to marketing. The Armenian IT
    labor market is very limited. For example, you can count on your
    fingers the number of talented chip design engineers in Armenia. In
    order to expand existing businesses and to create new businesses there
    is no other way but to increase the number of engineers. The loss of
    just a couple of experienced professionals by any Armenian IT company
    or branch may lead to collapse. This problem will remain until
    efficient models of labor market improvements are implemented. We are
    working on it right now.

    - Do you think it may be possible to smooth this problem by attracting
    specialists of the Armenian origin from abroad?

    - In order to do it, it is necessary to enhance the living standards
    in Armenia, because salary is not the only decision factor for those
    specialists - people desire high living standards. Besides that, let's
    not forget about the competition - the salary levels of the Armenian
    specialists are getting close to the critical point, and compared to
    some countries already exceed the limit, which means any further
    increase will not allow the Armenian products to compete on the world
    markets because of high net cost. The only way out is to make up for
    the brain drain by training new specialists - and to educate two
    specialists to replace each one lost, until Armenia becomes a location
    of choice for highly qualified professionals. Otherwise stagnation is

    - Some time ago LEDA Design had got plans to place orders with two
    Armenian plants: Scientific-Production Enterprise "Transistor" and
    "MARS" plant. Do you have any news related to these plans?

    - We could not engage with "Transistor", as it was not possible to
    bridge the gap between our technologies and the manufacturing
    capacities of "Transistor", but we still maintain certain hopes with
    "Mars" in the field of placing manufacturing orders for some simple
    printed circuits boards. But these are plans for the future.