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BAKU: Official visit of Chairman of Az. parliament to Ukraine ended

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  • BAKU: Official visit of Chairman of Az. parliament to Ukraine ended

    [September 28, 2004, 22:07:41]

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
    Sept 28 2004

    On September 27, in the House of the Government of Ukraine, the Prime
    Minister of the country Victor Yanukovich has received parliamentary
    delegation of Azerbaijan led by Chairman of Milli Majlis (Azerbaijan
    Parliament) Murtuz Alaskarov, the Kiev-based correspondent of AzerTAj

    Warmly having welcomed our delegation, Prime Minister V. Yanukovich has
    informed on economic situation in Ukraine, the course of pre-election
    struggle for the main state post in the country.

    In turn, the head of the Azerbaijan parliament has told about the
    stable political situation in our country, deep economic reforms,
    and consecutive rate of President Ilham Aliyev on construction in
    Azerbaijan a democratic, prospering society.

    M. Alaskarov has touched also the main problem of Azerbaijan - the
    Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, occupation by the Republic
    of Armenia of the Azerbaijan territory - the Nagorny Karabakh and
    7 adjoining regions, and also on the presence in Azerbaijan over
    one million of refugees and internally displaced people. He has
    expressed profound gratitude to the Ukrainian side for understanding
    in this question and support of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    by official Kiev.

    Speaker of Milli Majlis has noted the historical event - adoption
    in Kiev on September 23 of the Declaration on creation of the
    Parliamentary assembly of GUUAM opening prospects before this
    international association.

    The meeting has passed in warm, friendly atmosphere. Talat Aliyev,
    ambassador of Azerbaijan Republic to Ukraine, Elbrus Abdullayev,
    the deputy of the Rovno oblast Rada, Ogtay Efendiyev, chairman of
    the Congress of Azerbaijanis of Ukraine have taken part in it.

    In his interview to AzerTAj correspondent, the chairman of Milli Majlis
    Murtuz Alaskarov has expressed deep satisfaction with the results of
    official visit of the Azerbaijan parliamentary delegation to Ukraine.

    The same day, the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan led by M.
    Alaskarov has left from Kiev with official visit for Bulgaria.