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Putin makes televised address to people of Russia

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  • Putin makes televised address to people of Russia

    Putin makes televised address to people of Russia

    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    Sept 4 2004

    MOSCOW, September 4 (Itar-Tass) - President Vladimir Putin has
    addressed the people of Russia on major radio and television channels
    in the aftermath of the brutal hostage-taking in Beslan, North
    Ossetia, that ended in the deaths of about 350 people.

    Following is the full text of the address.

    "A horrendous tragedy has befallen our country. We all of us deeply
    suffered in the past few days, letting through our hearts all the
    developments in the town of Beslan.

    "It was not mere murderers whom we had to face; we encountered the
    ones who had taken up arms against defenseless children.

    "First and foremost, I would like to give the words of support to the
    people who lost the dearest of all the treasures one can have -
    children, family members, close friends. I share their grief with

    "I would like to ask you to recall all those who fell at the hands of
    terrorists in the past few days.

    "Russian history has had many tragic pages and has seen many tragic
    events. We are living in a situation that took shape after the
    disintegration of a giant state that turned out unviable in the
    conditions of a rapidly changing world. But in spite of all the
    difficulties, we managed to keep up the kernel of that giant and
    called it the Russian Federation.

    "We expected a change - a change for the better, but we found
    ourselves unprepared for many of the things that came upon us. Why
    did it happen?

    "We are living in a transitional economy, which does not meet the
    requirements or the level of development of society and its political
    system. Internal conflicts and ethnic contradictions, so toughly
    suppressed by the dominating ideology in the previous epoch, are
    mounting now.

    "Our attention to the issues of defense and security started
    flagging, and we let corruption mute our judiciary and law
    enforcement systems. Our country used to have a most potent system of
    border defenses, and yet it became defenseless both in the West and
    in the East virtually overnight.

    "Creation of tangible border defenses will take years and billions of
    rubles, but even there our performance could be more efficient if we
    reacted timely and professionally.

    "I must admit that we did not give a close look to the processes
    unfolding in our own country and abroad, or anyway we failed to react
    to them properly.

    "We winked at our own weakness, and it is the weak who are always
    beaten up. Some want to tear away saucy piece of our wealth, while
    others help these aspirants in so doing. They still believe that
    Russia poses a threat to them as a nuclear power. That is why this
    threat must be eliminated, and terrorism is just another instrument
    in implementing their designs.

    "As I said, we encountered crises, revolts, and terrorist acts on
    many occasions, but what happened this time is a terrorist crime, the
    cruelty of which stands beyond precedence. This is not a challenge to
    the President, Parliament, or cabinet of ministers; this is a
    challenge to the entire Russian state and its people. This is
    aggression against us.

    "The terrorists believe they are stronger than ourselves, that their
    cruelty will intimidate us, paralyze our will and degenerate our
    society. Here we have a seeming alternative - to rebuff them or to
    begin obeying their orders. The second means to give in and to let
    them partition Russia in a hope that they will somehow let us alone.

    "As President of the Russian state, a person who gave an oath to
    defend the nation and its territorial integrity, and last but not
    least, as a Russian citizen, I am confident that we have no such

    "The moment we give in to their blackmail and succumb to panic, we
    will plunge millions of people into an endless chain of bloodletting
    conflicts, like Karabakh [an enclave of Azerbaijan predominantly
    populated by Armenians - Itar-Tass] or the Dniester region [a part of
    Moldova that proclaimed itself independent in the early 1990's -
    Itar-Tass] or other tragedies of the kind. One cannot but see that
    this is obvious.

    "What we have on our hands is not the scattered acts of intimidation
    or odd terrorist sorties. This is direct intervention on the part of
    international terrorism in Russia. It is a total and full-blown war
    that keeps claiming the lives of our compatriots.

    "But world experience proves that such wars do not end quickly. Given
    this situation, we cannot afford complacent treatment of it anymore.

    "We must set up a much more efficient system of security and make
    demands to our law enforcement system that its actions become
    proportionate to the size of new threats.

    "The main thing, however, is to mobilize the consciousness of the
    nation in the face of a common threat. Events in other countries show
    that terrorists get the most adequate responses in the places where
    they run into the power of the state, on the one hand, and organized
    and united civic society, on the other.

    "Dear fellow countrymen,

    The people who sent the terrorists to commit that utterly heinous
    crime harbored a hope to set on our peoples to fight with one another
    and unleash a bloody feud in Northern Caucasus.

    "I would like to tell you the following in that connection.

    "First, an expansive set of measures aimed at strengthening the
    country's unity will be prepared shortly.

    "Second, I believe it is vital that we set up a new system of
    interaction between the forces controlling situations in Northern

    "Third, we need a new efficient system of crisis management, based on
    completely novel approaches to the activity of law enforcement

    "I would like make special stress on the intention to implement those
    measures in strict conformity with the Constitution".

    "My dear friends, all of us are living through mournful and painful
    hours now, and I would like to thank all of you for your
    self-restraint and civic responsibility.

    "We have always been stronger than them and will remain so. I mean
    our morals, courage, and human solidarity. I saw it again this early

    "Beslan is literally imbued with grief and pain, but people there
    were so much caring for one another, so much cooperative.

    "They were not afraid to risk their lives for the sake of others.
    They remained real people even in the most inhumane conditions.

    "It is hard to reconcile oneself with bitter losses, but the ordeal
    has made us closer to one another and compelled us to reassess many
    things. We must be together nowadays, because that is the only way to
    defeat the enemy".