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Putin warns of security backlash

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  • Putin warns of security backlash

    Guardian, UK
    Sept 6 2004

    Putin warns of security backlash

    Pressure for action rises

    Jonathan Steele in Moscow
    Monday September 6, 2004
    The Guardian

    Vladimir Putin's solemn weekend broadcast to the Russian people struck
    many popular chords and will have satisfied most of his compatriots,
    but it left unclear what concrete changes in policy will come in the
    wake of the catastrophe of Beslan.

    The president appealed to nostalgic Soviet patriots and Russia's
    ancient sense of encirclement when he said the collapse of the USSR
    left the country "without defences either to the east or west". He
    criticised the mistakes of the security forces, saying: "We could
    have been more effective if we had acted professionally and at the
    right moment."

    He conjured up a frightening external threat, indirectly accusing
    the US of supporting terrorists and trying to disarm Russia as a
    nuclear power and pull territory away from it. "Some would like to
    cut a juicy piece of our pie. Others help them," he said. "Terrorism
    is just one instrument they use."

    He called for unity as the best form of strength because in the past
    "we showed ourselves to be weak and the weak get beaten".

    Mr Putin signalled that he intends to re-establish control over
    security across Russia. But how can he do it? He faces enormous
    challenges in all areas of domestic, military and foreign policies.


    In putting all the blame on international terrorism, the president
    avoided using the word "Chechnya" at all. The measures he talked
    about in broad terms - to strengthen Russia's unity, create a new
    system of control over the northern Caucasus and set up an effective
    anti-crisis management system - need to be fleshed out.

    The speech also left the suspicion that Mr Putin was exploiting the
    shock of Beslan to accelerate efforts to create a more authoritarian
    and centralised form of rule, and using the notion of a terrorist war
    on Russia to divert attention from rising social and economic tensions.

    All the indicators show an increase in the gap between rich and poor,
    as well as stubbornly high rates of joblessness, particularly in
    parts of the northern Caucasus. The high world price for oil has given
    the government a cushion at least to pay wages and pensions on time,
    unlike a few years ago, but Mr Putin's neo-liberal economic strategy
    caused the biggest street protests of his presidency this summer.

    Other shocks are in store, including a rise in the domestic price of
    oil and gas, which will hit people's utility bills. Medicine is being
    privatised, leaving thousands defenceless. The closure of kindergartens
    and even schools is hitting families hard in smaller towns, many in
    the northern Caucasus - precisely the areas where tension can turn
    to violence.

    In central Russia discontent often turns to apathy. In Muslim regions
    it can lead people to Islamism. The oddest line in the president's
    speech was his suggestion that Russians cannot "live in as carefree a
    manner as before" - as though his compatriots have not endured some
    of the harshest ordeals in Eu rope in the last century, including
    civil war, dictatorship, foreign invasion, and the recent collapse
    in living standards and security which he himself mentioned.


    Mr Putin has few options militarily. The war in Chechnya is going
    badly, and Russian deaths continue at a rate of 15 a week. The
    resistance fighters are not as strong as they were during the first
    Chechen war but the struggle is essentially at a stalemate.

    The president has gradually been restoring the power of the KGB,
    now renamed the FSB. It was weakened under President Yeltsin, but Mr
    Putin recently put the border guards back under FSB control. Handling
    terrorism is in the hands of a dozen different ministries and he may
    create a Russian version of the US department of home land security,
    essentially a strengthened FSB.

    Other ideas which were already under discussion before the Beslan
    atrocity were to raise the profile of Russia's security council.
    Under Igor Ivanov it has little clout and the key discussions on
    security take place weekly in what is sometimes called "the little
    Politburo". It is chaired by Mr Putin and includes all the "power"
    ministers: defence, interior, foreign affairs, as well as the
    prosecutor general.

    Sergei Ivanov, the defence minister and a friend of the president,
    who is tipped as his successor, might be appointed to chair the
    security council. Other suggestions are that the job of vice-president
    be re-established.

    Mr Putin's call for strengthening the unity of the country might
    mean a further boost for the restoration of "vertical" rule. He has
    already changed parliament's upper house, the federation council, so
    that regional governors and legislative leaders no longer sit in it.
    Now there is talk of the president appointing governors, rather than
    them being elected. This would bring Russia back towards the Soviet
    system of hierarchical one-party rule from Moscow.

    Foreign policy

    The president's emphasis on a powerful external threat will cut into
    his foreign policy options. In the Caucasus, Russia's bargaining
    position has weakened over the last year. The new nationalist
    government in Georgia is unlikely to help seal its frontier with Russia
    when it is trying to remove the Russian troops from the disputed
    territory of South Ossetia, which was within Georgia's borders in
    Soviet times.

    Azerbaijan may be unwilling to help clamp down on its Chechen diaspora
    while Russia has failed to get Armenian troops out of the large areas
    of Azerbaijan which they occupy.

    The US and Russia are struggling for influence in the southern
    Caucasus, and Mr Putin will not want any American interference in
    the northern Caucasus, including Chechnya, as well. His claim that
    Washington is exploiting the disruption caused by terrorism is a
    warning that, even though both sides claim to be allies against an
    invisible international enemy, the rules of the game have strict