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Tehran: Khatami leaves for CIS countries tomorrow

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  • Tehran: Khatami leaves for CIS countries tomorrow

    Khatami leaves for CIS countries tomorrow

    IRNA, Iran
    Sept 7 2004

    Tehran, Sept 7, IRNA -- President Mohammad Khatami is scheduled to
    visit the Republics of Armenia, Belarus and Tajikistan from September

    8-14, the Presidential Office announced on Tuesday.

    Heading a high-ranking delegation, Khatami will visit the countries
    at the official invitation of his counterparts Robert Kocharian,
    Aleksandr Lukashenko and Emamali Rahmonov of Armenia, Belarus and
    Tajikistan respectively.

    During his visit to Armenia, Khatami and senior Armenian officials
    will discuss bilateral relations, regional issues, promoting mutual
    cooperation in all areas, energy and transportation in particular.
    Implementing Tehran-Minsk bilateral agreements, regional and
    international issues will top the agenda of Khatami`s talks in Belarus.

    A number of new agreements in the fields of customs, economy and
    agriculture will be signed between Iran and Belarus. Khatami will
    deliver a speech at the Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

    On his second visit to Tajikistan, Khatami and Tajik officials will
    discuss ways of consolidating trade, economic and cultural relations
    between the two countries.

    On last day of his visit, Khatami will take part in the summit of the
    member states of the Economic cooperation Organization (ECO). Khatami,
    on his visits, will be accompanied by Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi,
    Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, Minister of Economic Affairs and
    Finance Safdar Hosseini and Commerce Minister Mohammad Shariatmadari.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress