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Tempers flare over issue of NK "souvenir" currency

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  • Tempers flare over issue of NK "souvenir" currency

    Elizabeth Owen 9/07/04

    Eurasianet Organization
    Sept 7 2004

    Over the past month and a half, two souvenir currency notes from
    Nagorno-Karabakh have unleashed a storm of accusations and
    counter-accusations between Azerbaijani officials and representatives
    of the Armenian-controlled, self-styled republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Nagorno-Karabakh "souvinir" 10-dram note

    On the surface, the red and green notes, which have no monetary
    value, seem harmless enough. One diplomat even compared the notes to
    money used for the board game Monopoly. But for those directly
    involved in trying to achieve a Karabakh peace settlement -- in
    particular the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan, along with
    Karabakh Armenian leaders -- there is nothing about that is taken
    lightly about the 1988-94 conflict.

    At present, the Karabakh peace talks are deadlocked. Azerbaijan is
    adamantly opposed to any political arrangement that leaves Karabakh
    outside its jurisdiction. Armenia, meanwhile, will not accept a
    settlement that restores any level of Azerbaijani control over the
    enclave. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    For Baku, the two-dram and 10-dram notes represent an attempt by the
    enclave to burnish its image as an independent entity. "Despite the
    fact that this is not real money, we cannot accept this and we
    strongly oppose any attempt at creating this currency," said Fikret
    Pashayev, economic counselor at the Azerbaijani embassy in
    Washington, DC. "It could create further tension in the region."

    For Armenian leaders in the Karabakh capital of Stepanakert, the bank
    notes are seen as an attempt to reinforce their republic's right to
    exist. "Of course, my government is involved in this," said Vardan
    Barseghian, the US representative of the self-declared
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. "We see this as a promotion for

    The bills are meant not only to reinforce a sense of national
    identity, said Barseghian, but, also, to encourage outside investors
    and even tourists to venture into the remote, mountainous region.
    Among the attractions touted for potential visitors are the 13th
    century Gandzasar Monastery, once a residence of the head of the
    Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church.

    Still, for a publicity campaign, details have been scarce. Posing as
    currency collectors, correspondents from the Baku-based daily
    newspaper Echo found out that the notes had been printed by
    Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, the Austrian State Printing House, a
    200-year-old company now in private hands. The order was placed by
    the Educational Coin Company, a wholesale numismatic firm located in
    Highland, New York.

    Barseghian characterized the print run as "not very large," but could
    not give an estimate of overall sales. The project, he stressed, "is
    more of a souvenir type thing."

    That fact, however, apparently has yet to register with individuals
    selling the souvenir currency on the online auction site E-Bay.
    Prospective buyers have been told that the drams are already in use
    in Nagorno-Karabakh, described as "a breakaway region in Armenia." In
    late August, bidding reached a high of $6.50 for a pair of two-dram
    and 10-dram notes.

    Azerbaijani diplomats in Washington raised the matter with the US
    State Department, Pashayev said, and reportedly received assurances
    from US officials that the Educational Coin Company could face "very
    severe punishment" if it continued with its promotion and
    distribution plans for the Karabakh currency.

    Images of the Nagorno-Karabakh currency have been removed from the
    Educational Coin Company's website. David Laties, the company's
    secretary-treasurer, declined all comment on his firm's deal with
    Österreichische Staatsdruckerei. The State Department did not respond
    to a request for information on its own role in the affair.

    "They [the Educational Coin Co.] need to be careful when they get
    involved in something that has a political side," Pashayev said.
    "After all, if some Armenian company tried to print money for Texas,
    no one in the United States would support this, either."

    Meanwhile, representatives of Azerbaijan's embassy to Vienna filed a
    complaint with the Austrian government and met with Reinhart
    Gausterer, director general of Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, Echo
    reported. In a telephone interview from Vienna with EurasiaNet,
    Valentin Inzko, head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry's department
    for the South Caucasus, stated that Austria has subsequently allayed
    all of Azerbaijan's concerns.

    "Azerbaijan understands that we are not involved in this, and that
    our position on Nagorno-Karabakh is unchanged," Inzko said. "This is
    a discussion between two private companies."

    The Azerbaijani response to Nagorno-Karabakh's currency venture comes
    as no surprise, Barseghian stated. "Azerbaijan reacts to everything,"
    he said. "They don't like anything."

    "What's the big deal?" he went on to say. "The Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic has been developing for the last 15 years. Azerbaijan has no
    influence whatsoever on what¹s going on in Karabakh."

    Editor's Note: Elizabeth Owen is a is a freelance writer specializing
    in political issues in the Caucasus.