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School In New Founded Village

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  • School In New Founded Village


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    8 Sept 04

    As in all the other regions, in Nor Shahoumian also the program of
    resettlement is implemented. Here, near historical Handaberd a new
    village was founded a year and a half ago and was named Knaravan after
    the deceased mother of the family Harutyunian who fund the construction
    of the village. Building works in the village are supervised by
    the union of public organizations "Yerkir". Narek Harutyunian told
    that two years ago he had met in Karabakh with the chairman of the
    union "Yerkir" Sevak Artsrouni and decided to choose an area for
    the village. They approved of the area for several reasons. First,
    its strategic importance. Besides the scenery is very beautiful and
    surrounded with historical monuments. He says they could build a
    village anywhere, and also in the Republic of Armenia, which would
    be much easier, but choosing the liberated areas, building a village,
    sowing seeds there is already a brave step. The implementation of the
    program started in May 2003. By now the construction of 11 houses has
    already been completed, and the building of four houses still goes on.
    Presently the village is inhabited by 4 families, and this year it is
    planned to settle all the other houses as well. A school has been built
    in the village as well, which was opened on September 3 this year. At
    the ceremony of opening were present the husband of Knar Harutyunian
    and their two sons Narek and Komitas who had arrived from America. The
    joint Armenia-Lebanon chamber choir "Komitas" was invited as well. It
    should be mentioned that not a single member of the government was
    present at this memorable event. After the opening the participants
    of the ceremony visited the church (its name is not known) located
    on the adjacent hill to see the historical monument. By the way, the
    chairman of the organization "Avetyats Yerkir" Vahram Gevorgian said
    that the Institute of Archaeology of Armenia has recently explored the
    ruined church. They found a khachkar with an inscription dating to the
    13th century but the building inscription of the church has not been
    discovered yet. According to Vahram Gevorgian, after the exploration
    the church will be restored (again on the funding of the family). The
    program implemented on the funds of the family Harutyunian is not
    limited to 15 houses and the school building. This year in Knaravan the
    building of the municipality, the surgery and a cattle-shed for each
    family will be built. By the way, the sponsors also aim at implementing
    a program of developing cattle-breeding and providing the inhabitants
    with livestock. This is the first stage of the program. In the second
    stage it is planned to continue the construction of houses along the
    other side of the river, which will extend up to the village Chapni,
    and the two villages will join under the name Knaravan.
