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Azg Armenian Daily - 09/08/2004

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  • Azg Armenian Daily - 09/08/2004

    Azg Armenian Daily
    Sept 8 2004






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    Turkish Secret Agent Claims

    The heinous terrorist act of Beslan shook the world whereas the inept
    actions of the Russian military forces for releasing the hostages
    aroused peoples' indignation with president Vladimir Putin not only
    in the North Ossetia but also in Russia as a whole.

    Any terrorist act with such a number of victims usually appears in
    the international spotlight. And the response of different states
    depends on the motivations they pursue.

    The same was true for the Beslan terrorist act. Vladimir Putin
    responded to the American condemnation as regards the number of
    killed hostages saying: "No one has the right to tell us to go on
    talks with filicides. Why don't you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him
    to Brussels or White House and don't ask him what he wants and meet
    his wishes." Putin also blamed the USA for holding Russia back from
    the fight against Chechen terrorists.

    In the last issue of Azg Daily we wrote that Turkey assumes that
    coming US elections, the Great Middle East Project and the troubles
    that Putin's visit of Turkey could have caused America could be
    enough for the USA to take that step.

    The Turkish responses are supplemented with those of the Arabian. The
    Jordan Dustur newspaper published an article in its September 6 issue
    entitled "Don't the Jewish bandits stand behind Beslan slaughter?"
    George Haddad, author of the article writes that no organization
    fighting for high ideas ever held children as a hostage. He reminds
    of the Jewish groups that are furious over Putin's administration and
    support the Chechen rebels. He says that those people gained central
    positions in Russia during former president Boris Yeltsin's reign and
    were taking key decisions in the government.

    Then the author adds: "Those Jewish bandits that gathered wealth on
    the Russian money couldn't avoid taxes anymore with Putin coming to
    power. Their Khodorkovsky is in prison at present. The Jewish
    Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky are the members of the same gang."
    The former is a citizen of Israel and England, the latter of Israel
    and the USA. Both of them are thieves who fled Russia. It's
    interesting that after Putin's clash with the Jewish gang the
    Zionistic mass media of the West began blaming the Russian president
    of dictatorship and stalinism. It shows that the primary goal of the
    Jewish gang is to defile Putin and make the impression that he is
    unable to rule the country and to secure the Russian nation. The
    Israeli PM Sharon's statement that "Israel is ready to support Russia
    in its war against terror" is nothing but a cunning step to disorient
    president Putin".

    In other words, the Jordan newspaper ascribes the Beslan terrorist
    act to Jews with their attempt to besmirch Putin. The Turkish
    Terdjuman newspaper's September 6 issue writes about the response of
    Byulent Orakoghlu, former deputy director of the Security
    Administration of Turkey.

    According to this Turkish publication Orakoghlu traces the terrorist
    act back to the Middle East policy of USA, Israel and the UK. In this
    case the Chechen terrorists appear as tools in the hands of world
    powers. Orakoghlu continues: "The claims that the world is monopolar
    proved false by the terrorist act. The 9/11 occurred in the USA.
    Beslan terrorist act was Russia's 9/11. The Chechens could scarcely
    be able to carry out such an attack by themselves. Things like
    relations between rival states and national interests play important
    role in such acts. The international terrorism is used by one state
    to influence the other. That was the case with Beslan."

    Orakoghlu closes up saying: "We must be well aware that Turkey is
    risking to stir up the USA's and England's confrontation in case it
    draws closer to Russia. But good ties with America and Israel will
    make it a target for the international terrorism".

    By Hakob Chakrian

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    The Ruined Shushi

    The distance form Stepanakert, capital of Karabakh, to Shushi is only
    11 km but the towns are very different. After the lively Stepanakert
    Shushi leaves a painful impression. It has been already 12 years that
    the war ended but the town still lies in ruins. The gardens and the
    forest that covers the town as a web are the only delight. The cool
    air and mountains are perfect for health resorts. Before the war
    there were 10 resorts in the town but today there is no sign of them.
    The bombed out, demolished buildings are everywhere. Some
    semi-destroyed buildings are inhabited.

    The population of Shushi today reaches 4 thousand. Those are people
    of Karabakh that lost their homes during the war, refugees from
    Sumgait or Armenians from Armenia. "Those who have nothing they come
    to Shushi. If the buildings are rebuilt more people will come", a
    citizen said.

    John Tevosian who lost his wife in Sumgait is leading a life of a
    vagrant living on his pension. There are many people like him in the
    town. John tells that those who came from Azerbaijan are the poorest
    here. They are the ones most frequently met at the churchyards
    begging and ransacking the litter-bins. The old man was complaining
    of the officials who are good at promising but do nothing after being

    Besides the refugees Shushi gives shelter to many outlaws. A teenager
    confessed that they hide in Shushi from police. Once famous ancient
    Armenian town of Arshakavan was also inhabited with outlaws such as
    slaves and debtees by the order of Arshak II. Then Arshakavan became
    a big town.

    But Shushi is still a dead town. Many of Shushi citizens think that
    the town will flourish only if it becomes the capital. The mayor of
    Stepanakert Eduard Aghabekian agrees with them. "That would be a
    right decision from political point of view. I think that the
    parliament or at least one of the ministries must be moved here", he

    The Armenian Evangelic Church and the Union of Armenian Dentists of
    Ottawa are the ones that undertake reconstruction programs. The party
    of Dashnaktsutyun is looking forward to building a hotel in Shushi.
    The Pan-Armenian Congress declared Shushi reconstruction a primary
    issue but there were no concrete suggestions, projects or business

    Sevak Artsruni, head of the Shushi Fund, was the only optimistic
    person. He said that investments for Shushi reconstruction are just
    starting. A project for Shushi reconstruction should be made to draw
    investors' attention.

    Shushi with its natural inaccessibility was a fortress for ancient
    Varanda region people and today also it should be viewed a strategic
    town for Artsakh's security.

    By Karine Danielian

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    David Hutson, American Architect from Minneapolis, Minnesota, is
    chosen the architect for the edifice of "Gerard Gafeschian" Modern
    Art Museum that is to be built in Cascade. He is the author of UN
    Office in New York, Museum of African Art in Manhattan, the dwelling
    place of the famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. By the
    initial plan of the museum the main framed sights of the museum will
    be the monument Mother Armenia and Ararat. The symbol of the museum a
    glass tower will hover over the general view. Gerard Gafeschian's
    glass collection will be exhibited in this tower.

    John Waters, Deputy Director of Gafeschian foundation, introduced
    David Hutson to the Armenian journalists at one of the halls of
    Cascade on September 7. The architect represented the plan of the
    building in details. The project will cost $25 million, the
    construction works will last about two years. Afterwards, a unique
    art museum will open in Yerevan. The museum will include the glass
    collection of Gerard Gafeschian, the glass pieces by Stanislav
    Libensky and Yaroslav Brikhtova, as well as the pieces by the most
    prominent artists of the XX century.

    "When being a student I was greatly impressed by Armenian
    architecture, by its clear and strong lines. I noticed how carefully
    and skillfully the Armenian architects used Armenian tuff. The basis
    of the museum will be built of Armenian tuff, while the architectural
    forms will resemble the ones of the Armenian architecture," David
    Hutson said.

    It's worth reminding that no Armenian architect participate in the
    competition announced by "Gafeschian" museum foundation, as they
    don't master the contemporary technologies applied in the world's

    John Waters said that their main goal was to bring the best of the
    world to Armenia and to represent the best of Armenia to the world.

    By Ruzan Poghosian

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    Alley dedicated to 131 Armenian Catholicoses in the yard of the
    Cathedral of St. Grigor the Illuminator's does not exist any more.
    All the 131 trees disappeared in ten days.

    The idea of planting an alley in the memory of the Catholicoses
    initially occurred to Ara Gevorgian, composer. "I wanted to plant a
    park dedicated to our Catholicoses. Karekin II approved my suggestion
    and he gave his consent. We chose the territory near St. Gregory
    Illuminator's Cathedral. I began arranging the matter with the
    community's administration, deciding what kind of trees should be
    planted and who will take care of them afterwards. The settlement of
    all these issues a bit delayed the planting. Then a company decided
    to carry out the plan. I have planted a tree myself," Ara Gevorgian

    "Noyan Arg" benevolence ecology company implemented the planting. On
    April 17 131 blue spruces were planted on the both sides of the
    church's entrance. The church representatives blessed the spruces and
    planted them together with the people. Then all the participants
    received references, which pointed out their names, and the names of
    the Catholicos the planted tree bore. The mass media shot especially
    our Ecology Minister when planting a tree.

    "Planting was implemented together with RA Ecology Ministry with
    direct assistance of the minister. By they decision we were given
    blue spruces and we planted the alley dedicated to the memory of 131
    Armenian Catholicoses," Ghazar Mirzoyan, Chairman of "Noyan Arg"
    ecology benevolence company. It is not clear who was to take care of
    the trees after planting. According to Ghazar Mirzoyan, in 10-15 days
    the alley disappeared as the 80 % of the expensive trees were stolen,
    while the rest just got dried. "We didn't think that one can stole
    something from the church's yard. If we fancied that we would arrange
    the issue of preserving the trees," Mirzoyan says.

    In reply to the comments of Mirzoyan, Father Sahak Shakarian, priest
    at the Cathedral, insisted: "Not a single tree was stolen. We have a
    guard service. The spruces got dried. The company that implemented
    the planting of the alley wasn't responsible enough. We had warned
    preliminarily that we have problems with water supply and 131 trees
    can't be easily watered. They said that they will solve the issue, so
    the trees were planted. I participated in the planting myself and I
    feel shame that no tree survived. Very soon we will have our water
    supply network and we will by all means plant the alley again."

    Usually, when organizing a planting, one should get arranged all the
    issues with the company that is responsible for planting activities
    in the given community. "Noyan Arg" company had no arrangements both
    with "Planting" CJSC at Yerevan City Administration or with "Kentron
    Planting" CJSC. Mirzoyan pointed out that initially they were ready
    to take care of the trees until they arrange everything with the
    community's administration. The alley disappeared in that very
    initial period. While the chairman of the company merely regrets
    about the fact. "We feel so sorry that the alley doesn't exist any
    longer but we will certainly plant new trees and make a new alley."

    By Aghavni Eghiazarian,

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    "Armenia is not the only country where the bodyguards of the state
    officials yield in number and qualification to the ones protecting
    the private sectors," Dmitri Fonarov, head the Union of Russian Body
    Guards and the International League of Body Guards, said in the
    interview to Azg Daily. This happens mainly because of money. "If a
    budget is set up for a state official, each citizen can hire as many
    body guards as he wishes," he said.

    Robert Nazarian, head of Armenian National League of Body Guards and
    Caucasian representative of the International League of Body Guards,
    said that 200-300 bodyguards are working in Armenia at present. Mr.
    Nazarian said that he doesn't want to call the amateur bodyguards.
    The bodyguards don't differ from a common citizen in how they look.
    The most important thing is that they should be professionally

    Robert Nazarian evaluated satisfactory the results of the body guard
    competition held in Yerevan on September 4-7. Dmitri Fonarov
    evaluated less than satisfactory. This was the first competition
    organized in Armenia and there were some organizational drawbacks.

    By Tamar Minasian

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