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Oil rivalry, strife afflict the Caucasus

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  • Oil rivalry, strife afflict the Caucasus

    Oil rivalry, strife afflict the Caucasus

    People Before Profits

    People's Weekly World Newspaper

    By David Eisenhower

    Breakaway autonomous regions in the former Soviet republics of Georgia
    and Azerbaijan are creating a headache for the Bush administration's
    geopolitical planners. The instability of this region - the Southern
    Caucasus - was thrown into bold relief last week by the hostage-taking
    of schoolchildren in the nearby North Ossetia town of Beslan, where
    Russian troops stormed the school and where at least 338 people were
    killed, more than half of them children.

    Should the smoldering ethnic conflicts in the Caucasus be handled with
    similar imperial, strong-arm tactics, the whole region could be engulfed
    in a violent cataclysm.

    Azerbaijan is rich in oil and natural gas, particularly around its
    capital, Baku, on the Caspian Sea. The country's estimated oil reserves
    range from 3.7 billion to 40 billion barrels. Western oil companies, led
    by British Petroleum, have launched an ambitious pipeline project to
    transport this oil westward, through Azerbaijan and Georgia, to the
    Turkish town of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea. Its ultimate
    destination is Europe. A parallel natural gas pipeline will send Caspian
    gas through Turkey to the "new" and old Europe, breaking what Western
    energy interests refer to as Europe's "strategic dependence on Russian gas."

    But ethnic strife may jeopardize the pipeline's security. In Georgia,
    the breakaway territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia seek affiliation
    with Russia. In Azerbaijan, the Armenian enclave of Nogorno-Karabakh
    seeks to affiliate with nearby Armenia. Ethnic tensions are acute.
    Russia has military bases in both South Ossetia and Armenia.

    The Toronto Star, under the headline "Russia, Georgia face war over
    separatist provinces," reports that the new Georgian leader,
    U.S.-trained Mikheil Saakashvili, wants to "reunite" the two separatist
    territories with Georgia. Vitaly Naumkin, director of the Center for
    Strategic and International Studies in Moscow, warns of a drift toward
    "full scale war" between Georgia and the two autonomous provinces.

    The Aug. 8 Moscow News quotes Saakashvili: "If war begins it will be a
    war between Georgia and Russia, not between the Georgians and Ossetians.
    "We are very close to a war [with Russia], the population must be
    prepared." Such a large-scale conflict would be catastrophic. Recent
    skirmishes between Georgian and South Ossetian troops have already taken
    the lives of 17 people.

    A similar military conflict hovers over Azerbaijan, as authorities there
    try to regain control over the autonomous territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.
    This enclave, composed of ethnic Armenians and surrounded by Azerbaijani
    territory, gained independence in 1994 and developed strong ties with
    Armenia. Coping with the strong Armenian nationalism of the territory
    has proved to be no easy task for the Azerbaijani government, which has
    looked to the U.S. for help. A hastily arranged visit to Azerbaijan by
    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld apparently resulted in the U.S.
    gaining a military presence there. But it is doubtful that U.S. troops
    will contribute to peace in the region, as their mission will likely
    include anti-Iran actions as well as suppressing Armenian nationalism.

    The oil pipeline, dubbed the Baku-Tiblisi (Georgia's capital)-Ceyhan
    (BTC) project, is a key part of a broader U.S. strategy. In a recent
    article at Asia Times Online, John Helmer refers to it as an effort "to
    redraw the geography of the Caucasus on an anti-Russian map,"
    undercutting Russia's clout in Europe and elsewhere.

    Despite "sincere assurances" to Russia that the U.S. means no harm -
    neither in the form of the planned realignment of Washington's NATO and
    South Korean-based forces to positions around Russia, nor the new U.S.
    bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Central Asia on Russia's southern flank,
    nor this "anti-Russian map" in the Caucasus - Russia is unlikely to buy
    it. Instead, Russia will seek to strengthen its own position in the
    Caucasus and in Central Asia, chiefly by strengthening the Shanghai
    Cooperation Organization (Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) and the Collective Treaty Organization,
    which recently conducted military exercises involving five Central Asian
    nations, including Russia.

    Russia is also expected to push for its own interests by teaming up with
    Iran, and opening what Helmer calls "the shortest, cheapest and most
    lucrative oil route of all, southward out of the Caspian to Iran."

    The stage is set for more strife and bloodshed as the U.S. and Russia
    jockey for strategic advantage. In an echo of the "Great Game" between
    Victorian England and czarist Russia over control of Central Asia in the
    19th century, the pursuit of oil may once again create havoc and misery
    for the peoples of the region.

    The author can be reached at [email protected]